--- File: DEP-11 Version: '0.12' Origin: ubuntu-disco-proposed-universe MediaBaseUrl: http://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/disco-proposed Priority: 30 Time: 20190202T154317 --- Type: desktop-application ID: ddnet.desktop Package: ddnet Name: C: DDNet Summary: C: A Teeworlds modification with a unique cooperative gameplay Description: C: >-

DDraceNetwork (DDNet) is an actively maintained version of DDRace, a Teeworlds modification with a unique cooperative gameplay. Help each other play through custom maps with up to 64 players, compete against the best in international tournaments, design your own maps, or run your own server.

This package contains the client binary for DDNet.

en: >-

DDraceNetwork (DDNet) is an actively maintained version of DDRace, a Teeworlds modification with a unique cooperative gameplay. Help each other play through custom maps with up to 64 players, compete against the best in international tournaments, design your own maps, or run your own server.

This package contains the client binary for DDNet.

Categories: - Game - ArcadeGame Keywords: C: - game - multiplayer Icon: cached: - name: ddnet_DDNet.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: ddnet_DDNet.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ddnet_DDNet.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: DDNet remote: - url: d/dd/ddnet.desktop/62C75C1D2941191EE1577375A6AD0855/icons/128x128/ddnet_DDNet.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - ddnet.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: lepton-attrib.desktop Package: lepton-eda Name: C: Lepton EDA Attribute Editor Summary: C: Manipulate component attributes with lepton-attrib Description: C: >-

The Lepton EDA suite provides schematic capture, netlisting, bill of materials generation, and many other features. It was forked from the gEDA/gaf suite in late 2016.

en: >-

The Lepton EDA suite provides schematic capture, netlisting, bill of materials generation, and many other features. It was forked from the gEDA/gaf suite in late 2016.

Categories: - Engineering - Electronics - Science Icon: cached: - name: lepton-eda_lepton-attrib.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: lepton-eda_lepton-attrib.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: lepton-eda_lepton-attrib.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: l/le/lepton-attrib.desktop/3185416172239CF79A283B21BD386F8D/icons/128x128/lepton-eda_lepton-attrib.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - lepton-attrib.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: lepton-schematic.desktop Package: lepton-eda Name: C: Lepton EDA Schematic Editor Summary: C: Create and edit electrical schematics and symbols with lepton-schematic Description: C: >-

The Lepton EDA suite provides schematic capture, netlisting, bill of materials generation, and many other features. It was forked from the gEDA/gaf suite in late 2016.

en: >-

The Lepton EDA suite provides schematic capture, netlisting, bill of materials generation, and many other features. It was forked from the gEDA/gaf suite in late 2016.

Categories: - Engineering - Electronics - Science Icon: cached: - name: lepton-eda_lepton-schematic.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: lepton-eda_lepton-schematic.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: lepton-eda_lepton-schematic.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: l/le/lepton-schematic.desktop/5DB116A52AD3288EE704D1A2C6361E17/icons/128x128/lepton-eda_lepton-schematic.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - lepton-schematic.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-lepton-schematic - application/x-lepton-symbol --- Type: desktop-application ID: lmms.desktop Package: lmms Name: C: LMMS Summary: C: easy music production for everyone! ca: Producció fàcil de música per a tothom! Description: de: >-

LMMS hat das Ziel, eine freie Alternative zu beliebten (jedoch kommerziell und closed-source) Programmen wie FruityLoops, Cubase und Logic zu sein. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, Musik mit Ihrem Computer zu produzieren. Sie können tolle Endlosschleifen, Synthesizer- und gemischte Geräusche und arrangierte Samples erstellen, haben mehr Spaß mit Ihrem MIDI-Keyboard und vieles mehr...

LMMS kombiniert die Fähigkeiten eines Tracker-/Sequencer-Programms (Pattern-/Kanal-/Sample-/Song-/Effekt-Management) und die eines mächtigen Synthesizers in einer modernen, benutzerfreundlichen und einfach zu bedienenden grafischen Benutzeroberfläche.

pt_BR: >-

O LMMS aponta a ser uma alternativa livre a programas populares (mas comerciais e de código fechado) como o FruityLoops, Cubase e Logic oferecendo-lhe a habilidade de produzir música com o computador ao criar ciclos, sintetizar e misturar sons, arrumar amostras, divertir-se com o seu teclado MIDI e muito mais...

O LMMS combina as funcionalidades de um programa batedor/sequênciador (padrão-/canal-/amostra-/canção-/gestão de efeitos) e aqueles dos poderosos sintetizadores numa interface de utilizador moderna, amiga do utilizador e fácil de usar.

sl: >-

LMMS poskuša biti prost nadomestek priljubljenim (a komercialnim in zaprtokodnim) programom kot so FruityLoops, Cubase in Logic in vam daje zmožnost proizvajanja glasbe z vašim računalnikom z ustvarjanjem zank, sintetizacije in mešanja zvokov, razporejanja vzorcev, zabavanjem z vašo tipkovnico MIDI in veliko več ....

LMMS združuje zmožnosti programa sledilnika/sekvenčnika (upravljanje vzorcev/kanalov/vzorcev/skladb/učinkov) in zmogljivih sintetizatorjev in vzročevalnikov v modernem, uporabniku prijaznem uporabniškem vmesniku, ki je enostaven za uporabo.

ja: >-

LMMS は FruityLoops、Cubase や Logic のような有名な (しかし商用かつクローズドソースな) プログラムのフリーな置き換えが目標であり、サウンドのクールなループの作成、 同期、そしてミキシング、サンプルのアレンジ、MIDI キーボードによる楽しみなどにより 音楽を作り上げる能力をユーザにもたらします。

LMMS はトラッカー/シーケンサプログラム (パターン/チャンネル/サンプル/楽曲/ エフェクト管理) 機能と現代的でユーザフレンドリー、そして使いやすい GUI による パワフルな同期およびサンプラー機能を統合しています。

uk: >-

Метою LMMS є створення вільної альтернативи популярним (але комерційним і закритим) програмам, таким як FruityLoops, Cubase та Logic та дає Вам можливість утворювати музику з допомогою комп’ютера шляхом створення крутих циклів, синтезу і змішання звуків, аранжування зразків, а також дозволить мати багато задоволення від використання MIDI-клавіатури та ще багато іншого…

LMMS поєднує в собі можливості трекера/секвенсора (керування шаблонами, каналами, зразками, композиціями і ефектами), а також потужних синтезаторів в сучасному, дружньому і простому у використанні графічному інтерфейсі користувача.

C: >-

LMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular (but commercial and closed- source) programs like FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic giving you the ability of producing music with your computer by creating cool loops, synthesizing and mixing sounds, arranging samples, having more fun with your MIDI-keyboard and much more...

LMMS combines the features of a tracker-/sequencer-program (pattern-/channel-/ sample-/song-/effect-management) and those of powerful synthesizers and samplers in a modern, user-friendly and easy to use graphical user-interface.

en: >-

LMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular (but commercial and closed- source) programs like FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic giving you the ability of producing music with your computer by creating cool loops, synthesizing and mixing sounds, arranging samples, having more fun with your MIDI-keyboard and much more...

LMMS combines the features of a tracker-/sequencer-program (pattern-/channel-/ sample-/song-/effect-management) and those of powerful synthesizers and samplers in a modern, user-friendly and easy to use graphical user-interface.

en_CA: >-

LMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular (but commercial and closed- source) programs like FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic giving you the ability of producing music with your computer by creating cool loops, synthesizing and mixing sounds, arranging samples, having more fun with your MIDI- keyboard and much more...

LMMS combines the features of a tracker-/sequencer-program (pattern-/channel-/ sample-/song-/effect-management) and those of powerful synthesizers and samplers in a modern, user-friendly and easy to use graphical user-interface.

ru: >-

LMMS позиционируется как свободная альтернатива популярным (коммерческим и собственническим) программам, как FruityLoops, Cubase и Logic, позволяющим создавать музыку на компьютере путём создания лупов, синтезирования и микширования звуков, аранжировок треков, экспериментов с MIDI-клавиатурой и многого другого...

LMMS вобрал возможности трекеров/секвенсоров (pattern-/channel-/ sample-/song-/effect-management) и некоторые из лучших синтезаторов и сэмплеров в современном, лёгком в использовании и удобном графическом пользовательском интерфейсе.

es: >-

LMMS busca ser una alternativa libre a los populares (pero comerciales y de código cerrado) programas como FruityLoops, Cubase y Logic, proporcionándole la habilidad de producir música con su ordenador creando atractivos bucles, sintetizando y mezclando sonidos, ordenando muestras, pasándolo bien con su teclado MIDI y mucho más...

LMS combina las características de un secuenciador o «tracker» (gestión de patrones/canales/muestras/canción/efectos) y aquello que se puede hacer en un sintetizador en una interfaz gráfica moderna, amigable y fácil de usar.

fr: >-

LMMS a pour but d'être une alternative libre aux programmes populaires (mais commerciaux et fermés) FruityLoops, Cubase et Logic, en permettant de produire de la musique depuis l'ordinateur, en créant des boucles sympa, en synthétisant et mixant les sons, en arrangeant des samples, en ayant du plaisir avec le clavier MIDI, etc.

LMMS combine les fonctionnalités d'un programme de séquenceur (gestion des motifs, canaux, samples, chansons et effet) et celui de synthétiseurs et de samplers puissants dans une interface moderne et facile d'utilisation.

pt: >-

O LMMS aponta a ser uma alternativa livre a programas populares (mas comerciais e de código fechado) como o FruityLoops, Cubase e Logic oferecendo-lhe a habilidade de produzir música com o computador ao criar ciclos, sintetizar e misturar sons, arrumar amostras, divertir-se com o seu teclado MIDI e muito mais...

O LMMS combina as funcionalidades de um programa batedor/sequênciador (padrão-/canal-/amostra-/canção-/gestão de efeitos) e aqueles dos poderosos sintetizadores numa interface de utilizador moderna, amiga do utilizador e fácil de usar.

gl: >-

O LMMS pretende ser unha alternativa libre a programas populares (mais comerciais e de código fechado) como FruityLoops, Cubase e Logic que permita producir música co computador creando bucles bos, sintentizando e misturando sons, arranxando mostras, divertíndose co teclado MIDI e moito máis...

O LMMS combina as funcionalidades dun programa de pistas / secuenciador (xestión de padróns/canles/mostras/cancións/efectos) e as de sintetizadores e sampleadores potentes cunha interface gráfica de usuario moderna, amigábel e doada de utilizar.

en_GB: >-

LMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular (but commercial and closed- source) programs like FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic giving you the ability of producing music with your computer by creating cool loops, synthesizing and mixing sounds, arranging samples, having more fun with your MIDI- keyboard and much more...

LMMS combines the features of a tracker-/sequencer-program (pattern-/channel-/ sample-/song-/effect-management) and those of powerful synthesizers and samplers in a modern, user-friendly and easy to use graphical user-interface.

ko: >-

LMMS는 멋진 루프 생성, 사운드 합성 및 믹싱, 샘플 배치, MIDI 키보드로 할 수 있는 많은 재미있는 것들 그리고 그외에 많은 것들을 통해서 사용자가 사용자 컴 퓨터로 직접 음악을 만들 수 있도록 하는 FruityLoops, Cubase 및 Loginc 같은 인기있는 (그러나 상업 및 비공개 소스) 프로그램에 대한 자유로운 대안 프로그 램이 되는 것을 목표로 합니다.

LMMS는 tracker-/sequencer-program (pattern-/channel-/sample-/song-/effect- managment) 기능과 현대적이고, 사용 자 친화적이며 그리고 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스로 사용하기 쉬운 강력한 신디사 이저 및 샘플러의 기능을 결합합니다.

it: >-

LMMS mira ad essere un'alternativa libera ai programmi popolari (ma commerciali e a sorgente chiuso) come FruityLoops, Cubase e Logic, fornendo la capacità di produrre musica con il computer mediante la creazione di bei cicli, la sintetizzazione e il mixing dei suoni, l'arrangiamento dei campioni, avere maggiore divertimento con la tastiera MIDI e molto altro...

LMMS combina le caratteristiche di un programma tracker/sequencer (gestione di modelli, canali, campioni, canzoni, effetti) con quelle di un potente sintetizzatore e campionatore in un'interfaccia utente moderna, amichevole e facile da usare.

nl: >-

LMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular (but commercial and closed- source) programs like FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic giving you the ability of producing music with your computer by creating cool loops, synthesizing and mixing sounds, arranging samples, having more fun with your MIDI- keyboard and much more...

LMMS combines the features of a tracker-/sequencer-program (pattern-/channel-/ sample-/song-/effect-management) and those of powerful synthesizers and samplers in a modern, user-friendly and easy to use graphical user-interface.

da: >-

LMMS har som mål at være et frit alternativ til populære (men kommercielle og med lukket kildekode) programmer som FrutiyLoops, Cubase og Logic. Programmet giver dig mulighed for at producere musik med din computer ved at oprette smarte loop, synthesizere og mikse lyde, arrangere lydprøver, lave sjov med dit MIDI-tastatur og meget mere...

LMMS kombinerer funktionerne i et tracker-/sequencerprogram (mønster-/kanal-/lydprøve-/sang-/effekthåndtering) og funktionsrige syntehsizere og samplere i en moderne, brugervenlig og nem at bruge grafisk brugerflade.

en_AU: >-

LMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular (but commercial and closed- source) programs like FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic giving you the ability of producing music with your computer by creating cool loops, synthesizing and mixing sounds, arranging samples, having more fun with your MIDI- keyboard and much more...

LMMS combines the features of a tracker-/sequencer-program (pattern-/channel-/ sample-/song-/effect-management) and those of powerful synthesizers and samplers in a modern, user-friendly and easy to use graphical user-interface.

Categories: - AudioVideo - Audio - Midi Icon: cached: - name: lmms_lmms.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: lmms_lmms.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: l/lm/lmms.desktop/444B1BF249E2781A5202893117DF2E6C/icons/128x128/lmms_lmms.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - lmms.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-lmms-project --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce4-sensors.desktop Package: xfce4-sensors-plugin Name: he: מציג חיישן ja: センサービューアー zh_CN: 传感器查看器 sk: Prehliadač senzorov ug: سەزگۈچ كۆرگۈ C: Sensor Viewer fr: Visionneur de capteur sq: Parës Ndijuesi sr: Прегледник пријемника nb: Sensorvisning hr: Preglednik senzora ca: Visualitzador dels sensors sv: Sensorvisare hu: Érzékelőmegjelenítő pt_BR_: Visualizador de Sensor uk: Переглядач сенсора ur: سینسر منظرکار nl: Sensorkijker zh_TW: 感測器檢視器 lt: Jutiklių žiūryklė ar: عارض المجس lv: Sensoru skatītājs pl: Wskazania czujników el: Προβολέας αισθητήρα ast: Visor de sensor cs: Prohlížeč senzorů id: Penampil Sensor th: เครื่องมือแสดงเซนเซอร์ gl: Visor de sensor pt: Visualizador de sensores es: Visor de sensor eu: Sentsore ikustailea ru: Просмотр датчиков ur_PK: سینسر منظرکار tr: Algılayıcı Görüntüleyici oc: Afichador de captador is: Skoðari fyrir skynjara ko: 센서 보기 it: Visualizzatore di sensore da: Sensorviser de: Sensorbetrachter be: Прагляд датчыкаў en_GB: Sensor Viewer ms: Pelihat Penderia bg: Преглед на сензор en_AU: Sensor Viewer fi: Anturien näyttäjä pt_BR: Visualizador de Sensor Summary: he: הצג ערכי חיישן. ja: センサーの値を表示します。 zh_CN: 显示传感器值。 sk: Zobrazuje hodnoty senzorov ug: سەزگۈچنىڭ قىممىتىنى كۆرسىتىدۇ. C: Show sensor values. fr: Afficher les valeurs du capteur. sq: Shfaq vlera ndijuesish. sr: Прикажи вредности пријемника. nb: Vis sensorverdier. hr: Pokaži vrijednosti senzora. ca: Vegeu els valors dels sensors. sv: Visa sensorsvärden. hu: Érzékelőértékek megjelenítése pt_BR_: Mostrar valores do sensor. uk: Показувати значення сенсорів. ur: 'سینسر ویلیو دکھائیں:' nl: Toon sensorwaarden. zh_TW: 顯示感測器數值。 lt: Parodyti jutiklių reikšmes. ar: إظهار قيم المجس. lv: Rādīt sensora vērtības. pl: Wyświetla wskazania czujników sprzętowych el: Εμφάνιση τιμών αισθητήρα. ast: Amosar valores de sensores. cs: Zobrazuje hodnoty senzorů id: Tampilkan nilai sensor. th: แสดงค่าต่างๆ ของเซนเซอร์ gl: Mostrar os valores do sensor. pt: Mostrar valores de sensor. es: Mostrar valores de sensores. eu: Sentsore balioak bistarazi. ru: Отображение показаний датчиков ur_PK: 'سینسر ویلیو دکھائیں:' tr: Algılayıcı değerlerini gösterir. oc: Afichar las valors del captador. is: Sýna gildi skynjara. ko: 센서 값을 보여줍니다. it: Mostra i valori di un sensore. da: Vis sensorværdier. de: Sensorwerte erkannter Sensoren überwachen. be: Прагляд паказанняў датчыкаў. en_GB: Show sensor values. ms: Tunjuk nilai penderia. bg: Покажи показанията на сензора. en_AU: Show sensor values. fi: Näyttää laiteanturien arvot pt_BR: Mostrar valores do sensor. Description: C: >-

The sensors plugin provides a handy way to monitor your hard disk, processor, fans, and other critical hardware right on your Xfce panel.

en: >-

The sensors plugin provides a handy way to monitor your hard disk, processor, fans, and other critical hardware right on your Xfce panel.

Categories: - Utility - System - Monitor Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-sensors-plugin_xfce-sensors.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-sensors-plugin_xfce-sensors.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-sensors-plugin_xfce-sensors.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: x/xf/xfce4-sensors.desktop/7F9900A1FA02E439DA8E1DF51AE5D84F/icons/128x128/xfce4-sensors-plugin_xfce-sensors.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce4-sensors.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: saods9.desktop Package: saods9 Name: C: SAOImage DS9 Summary: C: Astronomical Data Visualization Application en_GB: Astronomical Data Visualization Application Description: de: >-

SAOImage DS9 ist ein Programm für astronomische Bildgebung und Daten- Visualisierung. DS9 unterstützt FITS-Bilder und binäre Tabellen, mehrere Videospeicher (Frame Buffer), Manipulation von Regionen sowie viele Skalierungs-Algorithmen und Farbtabellen. Es ermöglicht eine einfache Kommunikation mit externen Analyse-Tasks und ist via XPA und SAMP in hohem Maße konfigurierbar und erweiterbar.

Alle Versionen und Plattformen unterstützen einen einheitlichen Satz von GUI- und Funktionsfähigkeit.

DS9 unterstützt erweiterte Funktionen: wie 2D-, 3D- und RGB-Framebuffer, Mosaikbilder, Fliesen, Blinken, geometrische Marker, Manipulation von Farbtabellen, Skalierung, stufenloses Zoomen, Zuschneiden, Drehen, Schwenken und eine Vielzahl von Koordinatensystemen.

Die GUI für DS9 ist vom Benutzer konfigurierbar. GUI-Elemente wie die Koordinatenanzeige, Panner, Lupe, horizontale und vertikale Grafiken, Button-Leiste und Farbleiste können über Menüs oder die Befehlszeile konfiguriert werden.

C: >-

SAOImage DS9 is an astronomical imaging and data visualization application. DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple frame buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and colormaps. It provides for easy communication with external analysis tasks and is highly configurable and extensible via XPA and SAMP.

All versions and platforms support a consistent set of GUI and functional capabilities.

DS9 supports advanced features such as 2-D, 3-D and RGB frame buffers, mosaic images, tiling, blinking, geometric markers, colormap manipulation, scaling, arbitrary zoom, cropping, rotation, pan, and a variety of coordinate systems.

The GUI for DS9 is user configurable. GUI elements such as the coordinate display, panner, magnifier, horizontal and vertical graphs, button bar, and color bar can be configured via menus or the command line.

en: >-

SAOImage DS9 is an astronomical imaging and data visualization application. DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple frame buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and colormaps. It provides for easy communication with external analysis tasks and is highly configurable and extensible via XPA and SAMP.

All versions and platforms support a consistent set of GUI and functional capabilities.

DS9 supports advanced features such as 2-D, 3-D and RGB frame buffers, mosaic images, tiling, blinking, geometric markers, colormap manipulation, scaling, arbitrary zoom, cropping, rotation, pan, and a variety of coordinate systems.

The GUI for DS9 is user configurable. GUI elements such as the coordinate display, panner, magnifier, horizontal and vertical graphs, button bar, and color bar can be configured via menus or the command line.

en_CA: >-

SAOImage DS9 is an astronomical imaging and data visualization application. DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple frame buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and colormaps. It provides for easy communication with external analysis tasks and is highly configurable and extensible via XPA and SAMP.

All versions and platforms support a consistent set of GUI and functional capabilities.

DS9 supports advanced features such as 2-D, 3-D and RGB frame buffers, mosaic images, tiling, blinking, geometric markers, colormap manipulation, scaling, arbitrary zoom, cropping, rotation, pan, and a variety of coordinate systems.

The GUI for DS9 is user configurable. GUI elements such as the coordinate display, panner, magnifier, horizontal and vertical graphs, button bar, and color bar can be configured via menus or the command line.

fr: >-

SAOImage DS9 is an astronomical imaging and data visualization application. DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple frame buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and colormaps. It provides for easy communication with external analysis tasks and is highly configurable and extensible via XPA and SAMP.

Toutes les versions et plates-formes prennent en charge un ensemble cohérent de capacités graphiques et fonctionnelles.

DS9 supports advanced features such as 2-D, 3-D and RGB frame buffers, mosaic images, tiling, blinking, geometric markers, colormap manipulation, scaling, arbitrary zoom, cropping, rotation, pan, and a variety of coordinate systems.

The GUI for DS9 is user configurable. GUI elements such as the coordinate display, panner, magnifier, horizontal and vertical graphs, button bar, and color bar can be configured via menus or the command line.

en_GB: >-

SAOImage DS9 is an astronomical imaging and data visualization application. DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple frame buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and colormaps. It provides for easy communication with external analysis tasks and is highly configurable and extensible via XPA and SAMP.

All versions and platforms support a consistent set of GUI and functional capabilities.

DS9 supports advanced features such as 2-D, 3-D and RGB frame buffers, mosaic images, tiling, blinking, geometric markers, colormap manipulation, scaling, arbitrary zoom, cropping, rotation, pan, and a variety of coordinate systems.

The GUI for DS9 is user configurable. GUI elements such as the coordinate display, panner, magnifier, horizontal and vertical graphs, button bar, and color bar can be configured via menus or the command line.

it: >-

SAOImage DS9 è un'applicazione per immagini astronomiche e visualizzazione di dati. DS9 gestisce tabelle binarie e immagini FITS, buffer a più riquadri, manipolazione di regioni e molti algoritmi di scala e mappe dei colori. Permette una facile comunicazione con compiti di analisi esterni ed è altamente configurabile ed estensibile con XPA e SAMP.

Tutte le versioni e piattaforme gestiscono un insieme coerente di funzionalità GUI e operative.

DS9 gestisce funzionalità avanzate come 2D, 3D e framebuffer RGB, immagini mosaico, tassellamento, lampeggiamento, marcatori geometrici, manipolazione della mappa di colori, scala, ingrandimento arbitrario, ritaglio, rotazione, scorrimento e svariati sistemi di coordinate.

La GUI di DS9 è configurabile dall'utente. Gli elementi della GUI, come la visualizzazione delle coordinate, lo scorrimento, l'ingrandimento, i grafi orizzontale e verticale, la barra dei pulsanti e la barra dei colori possono essere configurati usando menu o la riga di comando.

da: >-

SAOImage DS9 er et astronomisk billed- og datavisualiseringsprogram. DS9 understøtter FITS-billeder og binære tabeller, flere framebuffere, regionsmanipulering og mange skaleringsalgoritmer og farvekort. Programmet tilbyder nem kommunikation med eksterne analyseopgaver og kan i høj grad konfigureres og udvides via XPA og SAMP.

Alle versioner og platforme understøtter en konsistent sæt af grafiske brugerflader og funktioner.

DS9 understøtter avancerede funktioner såsom 2D, 3D og RGB-framebuffere, mosaikbilleder, fliser, blinke, geometriske markører, farvekort, manipulation, skalering, vilkårlig zoom, beskæring, rotation, panorering og en række koordinatsystemer.

Den grafiske brugerflade for DS9 kan konfigureres af brugeren. Grafiske brugerfladeelementer såsom koordinatvisningen, panner, forstørrelsesglas, vandrette og lodrette grafer, knapbjælke og farvebjælke kan konfigureres via menuer eller kommandolinjen.

en_AU: >-

SAOImage DS9 is an astronomical imaging and data visualization application. DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple frame buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and colormaps. It provides for easy communication with external analysis tasks and is highly configurable and extensible via XPA and SAMP.

All versions and platforms support a consistent set of GUI and functional capabilities.

DS9 supports advanced features such as 2-D, 3-D and RGB frame buffers, mosaic images, tiling, blinking, geometric markers, colormap manipulation, scaling, arbitrary zoom, cropping, rotation, pan, and a variety of coordinate systems.

The GUI for DS9 is user configurable. GUI elements such as the coordinate display, panner, magnifier, horizontal and vertical graphs, button bar, and color bar can be configured via menus or the command line.

Categories: - Education - Science - Astronomy Keywords: C: - FITS - Astronomy - Viewer Icon: cached: - name: saods9_ds9.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - saods9.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: kodi.desktop Package: kodi Name: C: Kodi Summary: C: Manage and view your media Description: C: >-

Kodi, formerly known as XBMC is an award winning free and open source software media-player and entertainment hub for all your digital media. Kodi is available for Linux, Mac OS X (Leopard, Tiger and Apple TV) and Microsoft Windows, as well as the original Xbox game console. Created in 2003 by a group of like minded programmers, Kodi is a non-profit project run and developed by volunteers located around the world. More than 50 software developers have contributed to Kodi, and 100-plus translators have worked to expand its reach, making it available in more than 30 languages.

While Kodi functions very well as a standard media player application for your computer, it has been designed to be the perfect companion for your HTPC. Supporting an almost endless range of remote controls, and combined with its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, Kodi feels very natural to use from the couch and is the ideal solution for your home theater. Once installed, your computer will become a fully functional multimedia jukebox.

This package contains the kodi binaries.

en: >-

Kodi, formerly known as XBMC is an award winning free and open source software media-player and entertainment hub for all your digital media. Kodi is available for Linux, Mac OS X (Leopard, Tiger and Apple TV) and Microsoft Windows, as well as the original Xbox game console. Created in 2003 by a group of like minded programmers, Kodi is a non-profit project run and developed by volunteers located around the world. More than 50 software developers have contributed to Kodi, and 100-plus translators have worked to expand its reach, making it available in more than 30 languages.

While Kodi functions very well as a standard media player application for your computer, it has been designed to be the perfect companion for your HTPC. Supporting an almost endless range of remote controls, and combined with its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, Kodi feels very natural to use from the couch and is the ideal solution for your home theater. Once installed, your computer will become a fully functional multimedia jukebox.

This package contains the kodi binaries.

Categories: - AudioVideo - Video - Player - TV Icon: cached: - name: kodi_kodi.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: kodi_kodi.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: kodi --- Type: font ID: org.gnome.cantarell Package: fonts-cantarell Name: zh_CN: Cantarell sk: Cantarell sl: Cantarell C: Cantarell fr: Cantarell sr: Кантарел hr: Cantarell sv: Cantarell ca: Cantarell pa: ਕਾਨਟਾਰੈਲ hu: Cantarell zh_TW: Cantarell nl: Cantarell lt: Cantarell pl: Cantarell lv: Cantarell el: Cantarell id: Cantarell cs: Cantarell ro: Cantarell gl: Cantarell es: Cantarell ru: Cantarell tr: Cantarell oc: Cantarell is: Cantarell ko: 캔타렐 it: Cantarell fur: Cantarell pt_BR: Cantarell de: Cantarell da: Cantarell sr@latin: Kantarel fi: Cantarell Summary: zh_CN: 人文系无衬线字体 sk: Humanistické písmo typu Sans Serif sl: Pisava sans serif Humanist C: Humanist sans serif font fr: Police linéale humaniste sr: Хуманистички бесерифни фонт hr: Humanist sans serif slovo sv: Humanist sans serif-typsnitt ca: Tipus de lletra de pal sec humanista pa: ਹਿਊਨਿਸਟ ਸੈਨਜ਼ ਸੈਰਫ਼ ਫ਼ੋਂਟ hu: Humanist talpatlan betűkészlet zh_TW: 人文無襯線字型 nl: Humanistisch schreefloos lettertype lt: Humanistinis šriftas be užraitų pl: Humanistyczna czcionka bezszeryfowa lv: Humanist bezrēdžu fonts el: Σύγχρονη έκδοση γραμματοσειράς sans serif id: Fonta sans serif humanis cs: Humanistický bezpatkový font ro: Font sans serif Humanist gl: Tipo de font serifa sans humanista es: Tipografía Sans Serif humanista ru: Шрифт без засечек tr: Hümanist sans serif yazı tipi oc: Poliça lineala umanista is: Humanist steinskrift (sans serif letur) ko: 인본주의 산세리프 글꼴 it: Tipo di carattere umanistico senza grazie fur: Caratar sans-serif umanist pt_BR: Fonte sem serifa humanista de: Serifenlose Humanist-Schriftart da: Humanistisk sansserif-skrifttype sr@latin: Humanistički beserifni font fi: Humanistinen, päätteetön fontti Description: zh_CN: >-

Cantarell 字体系列是为屏幕阅读优化的现代人文主义无衬线字体。字体最初由 Dave Crossland 设计。

sk: >-

Rodinu písiem Cantarell tvoria moderné humanistické písma typu Sans Serif navrhnuté pre čítanie na obrazovke. Písma pôvodne navrhol Dave Crossland.

sl: >-

Družina pisave Cantarell je sodobna različica neserifne pisave Humanist, zasnovane za zaslonsko branje. Pisave je izvorno oblikoval Dave Crossland.

C: >-

The Cantarell font family is a contemporary Humanist sans serif designed for on-screen reading. The fonts were originally designed by Dave Crossland.

fr: >-

La famille de polices Cantarell est une police linéale (sans sérif) humaniste contemporaine conçue pour la lecture à l'écran. Ces polices ont été initialement créées par Dave Crossland.

sr: >-

Кантарел фамилија хуманистичког, бесерифног фонта је осмишљена за читање са екрана. Фонтове је изворно осмислио Дејв Кросланд (Dave Crossland).

hr: >-

Cantarell vrsta slova je suvremeni Humanist sans serif dizajniran za čitanje na zaslonu. Slova je izvorno dizajnirao Dave Crossland.

sv: >-

Cantarell-typsnittsfamiljen är ett modernt Humanist sans serif som designats för läsning på en skärm. Typsnitten designades ursprungligen av Dave Crossland.

ca: >-

La família tipográfica Cantarell és un tipus de pal sec de disseny contemporani i humanista, adient per a la lectura en pantalla. El disseny original de la família és de Dave Crossland.

pa: >-

ਕਾਨਟਰੈਲ ਫ਼ੋਂਟ ਵਰਗ ਸਕਰੀਨ ਤੋਂ ਪੜ੍ਹਨ ਲਈ ਤਿਆਰ ਕੀਤੇ ਗਏ ਸਮੇਂ ਦੇ ਹਾਣੀ ਹਿਊਨਿਸਟ ਸੈਨਜ਼ ਸੈਰਫ਼ ਫ਼ੋਂਟ ਹਨ। ਫ਼ੋਂਟ ਨੂੰ ਮੁੱਢਲੇ ਰੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਡੇਵ ਕਰਾਂਸਲੈਂਡ ਵਲੋਂ ਤਿਆਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ।

hu: >-

A Cantarell betűkészlet egy kortárs Humanist típusú talpatlan betűkészlet, amit képernyőn való olvasásra terveztek. Eredeti tervezőjük Dave Crossland.

zh_TW: >-

Cantarell 字型家族是設計給螢幕閱讀用的當代人文無襯線字體。這套字型的原始設計者為 Dave Crossland。

nl: >-

De Cantarell-familie van lettertypen bestaat uit moderne, humanistische schreefloze lettertypen, ontworpen voor lezen op schermen. De lettertypen zijn oorspronkelijk ontworpen door Dave Crossland.

lt: >-

Cantarell šriftų šeima yra šiuolaikinė Humanistinis šriftų be užraitų šeima skaitymui ekrane. Šių šriftų pirminis autorius yra Dave Crossland.

pl: >-

Rodzina czcionek Cantarell to współczesna humanistyczna czcionka bezszeryfowa przeznaczona do wyświetlania tekstu na ekranie. Oryginalnie zaprojektowana przez Dave’a Crosslanda.

lv: >-

Cantarell fontu saime ir mūsdienīgs Humanist bezrēdžu paveids, kas ir izstrādāts lasīšanai uz ekrāna. Fontus sākotnēji izstrādāja Deivs Krolsands (Dave Crossland).

el: >-

Η οικογένεια γραμματοσειρών Cantarell είναι μια σύγχρονη έκδοση sans serif σχεδιασμένη για ανάγνωση στην οθόνη. Οι γραμματοσειρές σχεδιάστηκαν αρχικά από τον Dave Crossland.

cs: >-

Rodinu fontů Cantarell tvoří moderní humanistické bezpatkové fonty navržené pro čtení na obrazovce. Původním autorem je Dave Crossland.

id: >-

Keluarga fonta Cantarell adalah sans serif humanis kontemporer yang dirancang untuk membaca di layar. Fonta awalnya dirancang oleh Dave Crossland.

ro: >-

Familia de fonturi Cantarell este un sans serif Humanist contemporar conceput pentru citirea pe ecran. Fonturile au fost concepute inițial de Dave Crossland.

gl: >-

A familia de tipos de letra Cantarel está é un tipo de letra serifa sans humanista deseñada para a lectura en pantalla. Os tipos de letra foron orixinalmente deseñados por Dave Crossland.

es: >-

La familia tipográfica Cantarell es una Sans Serif contemporánea humanista diseñada para leer en pantalla. Las tipografías las diseñó originalmente Dave Crossland.

ru: >-

Семейство шрифтов Cantarell — это современные шрифты без засечек, предназначенные для чтения на экране. Шрифты были первоначально разработаны Дейвом Кросслэндом.

tr: >-

Cantarell yazı tipi ailesi ekran okuması için tasarlanmış çağdaş bir Hümanist sans serifʼtir. Yazı tipleri aslen Dave Crossland tarafından tasarlanmıştır.

oc: >-

La familha de poliças Cantarell es una poliça lineala (sans serif) umanista contemporanèa concebuda per la lectura a l'ecran. Aquelas poliças son estadas inicialament creadas per Dave Crossland.

is: >-

Cantarell leturgerðirnar eru nútímalegt Humanist sans serif letur sem hannað er fyrir lestur af skjá. Letrið var upphaflega hannað af Dave Crossland.

it: >-

La famiglia di caratteri Cantarell contiene dei tipi di carattere contemporanei umanistici e senza grazie progettati per la lettura su schermo. I caratteri sono stati progettati originariamente da Dave Crossland.

ko: >-

캔타렐 글꼴 계열은 화면가독성을 위해 현대 인본주의 산세리프로 설계했습니다. 이 글꼴은 원래 Dave Crossland씨가 설계하였습니다.

fur: >-

La famee di caratars Cantarell e je un sans serif umanist contemporani progjetât pe leture su schermi. Tal inprin i caratars a son stâts disegnâts di Dave Crossland.

pt_BR: >-

A família de fonte Cantarell é um sema serifa humanista contemporânea projetada para leitura em tela. As fontes foram originalmente projetada por Dave Crossland.

de: >-

Die Cantarell-Schriftfamilie ist eine zeitgenössische Humanist-Groteskschrift, die für das Lesen auf dem Bildschirm entworfen wurde. Die Schriftarten wurden ursprünglich von Dave Crossland entworfen.

da: >-

Skrifttypefamilien Cantarell er en nutidig humanistisk sans serif designet til skærmbrug. Skrifttyperne er oprindeligt designet af Dave Crossland.

sr@latin: >-

Kantarel familija humanističkog, beserifnog fonta je osmišljena za čitanje sa ekrana. Fontove je izvorno osmislio Dejv Krosland (Dave Crossland).

fi: >-

Cantarell-fonttiperhe on nykyaikainen, humanistinen, päätteetön, näytöltä lukemiseen suunniteltu fontti. Fontit suunnitteli alun perin Dave Crossland.

ProjectLicense: OFL-1.1 Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/CantarellFonts Icon: cached: - name: fonts-cantarell_cantarell-thin.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: fonts-cantarell_cantarell-thin.png width: 48 height: 48 scale: 2 - name: fonts-cantarell_cantarell-thin.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: fonts-cantarell_cantarell-thin.png width: 64 height: 64 scale: 2 - name: fonts-cantarell_cantarell-thin.png width: 128 height: 128 - name: fonts-cantarell_cantarell-thin.png width: 128 height: 128 scale: 2 remote: - url: org/gnome/cantarell/F58C7202457E241D8AA76DFBCC7F3595/icons/128x128/fonts-cantarell_cantarell-thin.png width: 128 height: 128 - url: org/gnome/cantarell/F58C7202457E241D8AA76DFBCC7F3595/icons/128x128@2/fonts-cantarell_cantarell-thin.png width: 128 height: 128 scale: 2 Provides: fonts: - name: Cantarell Thin - name: Cantarell Light - name: Cantarell Regular - name: Cantarell Bold - name: Cantarell Extra Bold Screenshots: - default: true caption: C: Cantarell Thin thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/cantarell/F58C7202457E241D8AA76DFBCC7F3595/screenshots/image-cantarell-thin_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: org/gnome/cantarell/F58C7202457E241D8AA76DFBCC7F3595/screenshots/image-cantarell-thin_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: Cantarell Light thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/cantarell/F58C7202457E241D8AA76DFBCC7F3595/screenshots/image-cantarell-light_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: org/gnome/cantarell/F58C7202457E241D8AA76DFBCC7F3595/screenshots/image-cantarell-light_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: Cantarell Regular thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/cantarell/F58C7202457E241D8AA76DFBCC7F3595/screenshots/image-cantarell-regular_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: org/gnome/cantarell/F58C7202457E241D8AA76DFBCC7F3595/screenshots/image-cantarell-regular_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: Cantarell Bold thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/cantarell/F58C7202457E241D8AA76DFBCC7F3595/screenshots/image-cantarell-bold_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: org/gnome/cantarell/F58C7202457E241D8AA76DFBCC7F3595/screenshots/image-cantarell-bold_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: Cantarell Extra Bold thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/cantarell/F58C7202457E241D8AA76DFBCC7F3595/screenshots/image-cantarell-extrabold_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: org/gnome/cantarell/F58C7202457E241D8AA76DFBCC7F3595/screenshots/image-cantarell-extrabold_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 Languages: - locale: smn percentage: 80 - locale: mk percentage: 80 - locale: hsb percentage: 80 - locale: mo percentage: 80 - locale: az-az percentage: 80 - locale: ms percentage: 80 - locale: mt percentage: 80 - locale: fil percentage: 80 - locale: uk percentage: 80 - locale: fi percentage: 80 - locale: fj percentage: 80 - locale: nso percentage: 80 - locale: na percentage: 80 - locale: nb percentage: 80 - locale: fo percentage: 80 - locale: pap-an percentage: 80 - locale: fr percentage: 80 - locale: uz percentage: 80 - locale: ng percentage: 80 - locale: nds percentage: 80 - locale: nl percentage: 80 - locale: pap-aw percentage: 80 - locale: nn percentage: 80 - locale: fy percentage: 80 - locale: no percentage: 80 - locale: nr percentage: 80 - locale: nv percentage: 80 - locale: vi percentage: 80 - locale: gd percentage: 80 - locale: ny percentage: 80 - locale: vo percentage: 80 - locale: crh percentage: 80 - locale: gl percentage: 80 - locale: gn percentage: 80 - locale: bua percentage: 80 - locale: oc percentage: 80 - locale: gv percentage: 80 - locale: om percentage: 80 - locale: wa percentage: 80 - locale: vot percentage: 80 - locale: os percentage: 80 - locale: wen percentage: 80 - locale: csb percentage: 80 - locale: kum percentage: 80 - locale: wo percentage: 80 - locale: ho percentage: 80 - locale: hr percentage: 80 - locale: ht percentage: 80 - locale: hu percentage: 80 - locale: sah percentage: 80 - locale: aa percentage: 80 - locale: pl percentage: 80 - locale: quz percentage: 80 - locale: pt percentage: 80 - locale: ia percentage: 80 - locale: an percentage: 80 - locale: id percentage: 80 - locale: ie percentage: 80 - locale: yap percentage: 80 - locale: ig percentage: 80 - locale: ku-tr percentage: 80 - locale: av percentage: 80 - locale: ik percentage: 80 - locale: ay percentage: 80 - locale: io percentage: 80 - locale: xh percentage: 80 - locale: is percentage: 80 - locale: it percentage: 80 - locale: ba percentage: 80 - locale: be percentage: 80 - locale: bg percentage: 80 - locale: bi percentage: 80 - locale: qu percentage: 80 - locale: br percentage: 80 - locale: bs percentage: 80 - locale: kwm percentage: 80 - locale: lez percentage: 80 - locale: ca percentage: 80 - locale: jv percentage: 80 - locale: fur percentage: 80 - locale: ce percentage: 80 - locale: rm percentage: 80 - locale: rn percentage: 80 - locale: ch percentage: 80 - locale: ro percentage: 80 - locale: za percentage: 80 - locale: kaa percentage: 80 - locale: ru percentage: 80 - locale: co percentage: 80 - locale: bin percentage: 80 - locale: ast percentage: 80 - locale: rw percentage: 80 - locale: haw percentage: 80 - locale: ki percentage: 80 - locale: kj percentage: 80 - locale: kk percentage: 80 - locale: cs percentage: 80 - locale: cy percentage: 80 - locale: zu percentage: 80 - locale: cv percentage: 80 - locale: sc percentage: 80 - locale: kl percentage: 80 - locale: se percentage: 80 - locale: sg percentage: 80 - locale: sh percentage: 80 - locale: kv percentage: 80 - locale: kw percentage: 80 - locale: da percentage: 80 - locale: sl percentage: 80 - locale: ky percentage: 80 - locale: sn percentage: 80 - locale: de percentage: 80 - locale: sm percentage: 80 - locale: sk percentage: 80 - locale: so percentage: 80 - locale: sr percentage: 80 - locale: sq percentage: 80 - locale: la percentage: 80 - locale: lb percentage: 80 - locale: st percentage: 80 - locale: su percentage: 80 - locale: ss percentage: 80 - locale: sw percentage: 80 - locale: lg percentage: 80 - locale: sv percentage: 80 - locale: li percentage: 80 - locale: mn-mn percentage: 80 - locale: lt percentage: 80 - locale: chm percentage: 80 - locale: lv percentage: 80 - locale: tg percentage: 80 - locale: tk percentage: 80 - locale: tl percentage: 80 - locale: sel percentage: 80 - locale: tn percentage: 80 - locale: sma percentage: 80 - locale: ku-am percentage: 80 - locale: to percentage: 80 - locale: tr percentage: 80 - locale: ts percentage: 80 - locale: en percentage: 80 - locale: eo percentage: 80 - locale: tt percentage: 80 - locale: smj percentage: 80 - locale: ty percentage: 80 - locale: es percentage: 80 - locale: mg percentage: 80 - locale: et percentage: 80 - locale: eu percentage: 80 - locale: tyv percentage: 80 - locale: mh percentage: 80 --- Type: desktop-application ID: firewall-config.desktop Package: firewall-config Name: or: ଅଗ୍ନିକବଚ ja: ファイアウォール zh_CN: 防火墙 sk: Firewall hi: फायरवाल C: Firewall fr: Pare-feu sq: Firewall bn_IN: ফায়ারওয়াল sr: Заштитни зид ca: Tallafoc sv: Brandvägg hu: Tűzfal pa: ਫਾਇਰਵਾਲ uk: Мережний екран nl: Firewall zh_TW: 防火牆 lt: Užkarda ar: الجدار النّاري as: ফায়াৰ্ৱাল pl: Zapora sieciowa ia: Parafoco el: Τείχος προστασίας te: ఫైర్‌వాల్ cs: Firewall id: Firewall ka: ქსელური ფარი gl: Devasa pt: Firewall es: Cortafuegos et: Tulemüür eu: Suhesia ru: Межсетевой экран tr: Güvenlik Duvarı gu: ફાયરવોલ en_US: Firewall kn: ಫೈರ್ವಾಲ್ it: Firewall bg: Защитна стена da: Firewall de: Firewall pt_BR: Firewall ml: ഫയര്‍വോള്‍ en_GB: Firewall mr: फायरवॉल ko: 방화벽 sr@latin: Zaštitni zid fi: Palomuuri ta: ஃபயர்வால் Summary: or: ଅଗ୍ନିକବଚର ବିନ୍ଯାସ ja: ファイアウォールの設定 zh_CN: 防火墙配置 sk: Nastavenia firewallu hi: फायरवाल विन्यास C: Firewall Configuration fr: Configuration du pare-feu sq: Konfigurimi i Firewall bn_IN: ফায়ারওয়াল কনফিগারেশন sr: Подешавање заштитног зида ca: Configuració del tallafoc sv: Brandväggskonfiguration hu: Tűzfal beállítások pa: ਫਾਇਰਵਾਲ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ uk: Налаштовування мережного екрану nl: Firewall configuratie zh_TW: 防火牆組態 lt: Užkardos konfigūravimas ar: إعدادات الجدار النّاري as: ফায়াৰ্ৱাল বিন্যাস pl: Konfiguracja zapory sieciowej ia: Configuration de parafoco el: Ρύθμιση τείχους προστασίας te: Firewall ఆకృతీకరణ cs: Nastavení firewallu id: Pengaturan Firewall ka: ქსელური ფარის კონფიგურაცია gl: Configuración da devasa pt: Configuração da Firewall es: Configuración del cortafuegos et: Tulemüüri seadistamine eu: Suhesiaren konfigurazioa ru: Настройка межсетевого экрана tr: Güvenlik Duvarı Yapılandırması gu: ફાયરવોલ રૂપરેખાંકન en_US: Firewall Configuration kn: ಫೈರ್ವಾಲ್ ಸ್ವರೂಪಣೆ it: Configurazione del firewall bg: Конфигуриране на защитната стена da: Konfiguration af firewall de: Firewall-Konfiguration pt_BR: Configuração do Firewall ml: ഫയര്‍വോള്‍ ക്രമീകരണം en_GB: Firewall Configuration mr: फायरवॉल संयोजना ko: 방화벽 설정 sr@latin: Podešavanje zaštitnog zida fi: Palomuuriasetukset ta: ஃபயர்வால் கட்டமைப்பு Description: C: >-

Firewall Configuration provides a graphical tool for administering firewall.

Allows to inspect and set:

ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - System - Settings - Security Keywords: or: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter ja: - ファイアウォール - ネットワーク - セキュリティー - iptables - netfilter zh_CN: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter sk: - firewall - sieť - bezpečnosť - iptables - netfilter hi: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter C: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter fr: - pare-feu - réseau - sécurité - iptables - netfilter sr: - заштитни зид - мрежа - сигурност - iptables - мрежни филтер bn_IN: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter sv: - brandvägg - nätverk - säkerhet - iptables - netfilter ca: - tallafoc - xarxa - seguretat - iptables - netfilter hu: - tűzfal - hálózat - biztonság - iptables - netfilter uk: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter - брандмауер - файрвол - екран - мережа - безпека - захист - айпітейблс - нетфільтр nl: - firewall - netwerk - beveiliging - iptables - netfilter zh_TW: - 防火牆 - 網路 - 安全性 - iptables - netfilter ta: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter pl: - zapora - sieciowa - ogniowa - firewall - sieć - sieci - network - bezpieczeństwo - zabezpieczenia - security - iptables - netfilter as: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter te: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter id: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter cs: - firewall - síť - zabezpečení - iptables - netfilter pt: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter es: - cortafuegos - red - seguridad - iptables - netfilter ru: - межсетевой экран - сеть - безопасность - iptables - netfilter gu: - ફાયરવોસ - નેટવર્ક - સુરક્ષા - iptables - netfilter en_US: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter kn: - ಫೈರ್ವಾಲ್ - ಜಾಲಬಂಧ - ಸುರಕ್ಷತೆ - iptables - ನೆಟ್‌ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್‌ it: - firewall - rete - sicurezza - iptables - netfilter ko: - 방화벽 - 네트워크 - 보안 - iptables - netfilter da: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter - netværk - sikkerhed - iptabeller de: - Firewall - Netzwerk - Sicherheit - Iptables - Netfilter pt_BR: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter ml: - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter mr: - फायरवॉल - नेटवर्क - सुरक्षा - iptables - netfilter fi: - palomuuri - verkko - tietoturva - suojaus - turva - firewall - network - security - iptables - netfilter Url: homepage: http://firewalld.org bugtracker: https://github.com/firewalld/firewalld/issues translate: https://fedora.zanata.org/project/view/firewalld Icon: cached: - name: firewall-config_firewall-config.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: firewall-config_firewall-config.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: firewall-config_firewall-config.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: f/fi/firewall-config.desktop/DAC534D10E0FFF2380AD99D11CDBE129/icons/128x128/firewall-config_firewall-config.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - firewall-config.desktop Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: f/fi/firewall-config.desktop/DAC534D10E0FFF2380AD99D11CDBE129/screenshots/image-1_752x518.png width: 752 height: 518 - url: f/fi/firewall-config.desktop/DAC534D10E0FFF2380AD99D11CDBE129/screenshots/image-1_624x430.png width: 624 height: 430 - url: f/fi/firewall-config.desktop/DAC534D10E0FFF2380AD99D11CDBE129/screenshots/image-1_224x154.png width: 224 height: 154 source-image: url: f/fi/firewall-config.desktop/DAC534D10E0FFF2380AD99D11CDBE129/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 870 height: 600 --- Type: desktop-application ID: openjdk-8-policytool.desktop Package: openjdk-8-jre Name: fr: OpenJDK Java 8 - Outil de réglage C: OpenJDK Java 8 Policy Tool fi: OpenJDK Java 8 - käytäntötyökalu Summary: fr: OpenJDK Java 8 - Outil de réglage C: OpenJDK Java 8 Policy Tool fi: OpenJDK Java 8 - käytäntötyökalu Description: C: >-

Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero.

The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project.

en: >-

Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero.

The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project.

Categories: - Settings Keywords: C: - java - security - policytool Icon: cached: - name: openjdk-8-jre_openjdk-8.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: openjdk-8-jre_openjdk-8.png width: 48 height: 48 Launchable: desktop-id: - openjdk-8-policytool.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: ranger.desktop Package: ranger Name: C: ranger Summary: C: Launches the ranger file manager Description: C: >-

Ranger is a free console file manager that gives you greater flexibility and a good overview of your files without having to leave your *nix console. It visualizes the directory tree in two dimensions: the directory hierarchy on one, lists of files on the other, with a preview to the right so you know where you'll be going.

The default keys are similar to those of Vim, Emacs and Midnight Commander, though Ranger is easily controllable with just the arrow keys or the mouse.

The program is written in Python and uses curses for the text-based user interface.

en: >-

Ranger is a free console file manager that gives you greater flexibility and a good overview of your files without having to leave your *nix console. It visualizes the directory tree in two dimensions: the directory hierarchy on one, lists of files on the other, with a preview to the right so you know where you'll be going.

The default keys are similar to those of Vim, Emacs and Midnight Commander, though Ranger is easily controllable with just the arrow keys or the mouse.

The program is written in Python and uses curses for the text-based user interface.

en_CA: >-

Ranger is a free console file manager that gives you greater flexibility and a good overview of your files without having to leave your *nix console. It visualizes the directory tree in two dimensions: the directory hierarchy on one, lists of files on the other, with a preview to the right so you know where you'll be going.

The default keys are similar to those of Vim, Emacs and Midnight Commander, though Ranger is easily controllable with just the arrow keys or the mouse.

The program is written in Python and uses curses for the text-based user interface.

fr: >-

Ranger is a free console file manager that gives you greater flexibility and a good overview of your files without having to leave your *nix console. It visualizes the directory tree in two dimensions: the directory hierarchy on one, lists of files on the other, with a preview to the right so you know where you'll be going.

The default keys are similar to those of Vim, Emacs and Midnight Commander, though Ranger is easily controllable with just the arrow keys or the mouse.

The program is written in Python and uses curses for the text-based user interface.

en_GB: >-

Ranger is a free console file manager that gives you greater flexibility and a good overview of your files without having to leave your *nix console. It visualizes the directory tree in two dimensions: the directory hierarchy on one, lists of files on the other, with a preview to the right so you know where you'll be going.

The default keys are similar to those of Vim, Emacs and Midnight Commander, though Ranger is easily controllable with just the arrow keys or the mouse.

The program is written in Python and uses curses for the text-based user interface.

it: >-

Ranger è un gestore di file libero per console che offre una maggiore flessibilità e una buona vista d'insieme dei propri file senza dover lasciare la console *nix. Visualizza l'albero di directory in due dimensioni: la gerarchia di directory in una e l'elenco dei file nell'altra, con un'anteprima sulla destra in modo da sapere dove si andrà.

I tasti predefiniti sono simili a quelli di Vim, Emacs e Midnight Commander, sebbene Ranger sia facilmente controllabile con i soli tasti freccia o il mouse.

Il programma è scritto in Python e usa curses per l'interfaccia utente testuale.

da: >-

Ranger er en fri konsolfilhåndtering, som giver dig stor fleksibilitet og et godt overblik over dine filer uden at du skal forlade din *nix-konsol. Den visualiserer mappetræet i to dimensioner: Mappehierarkiet på en, fillister på den anden, med en forhåndsvisning til højre, så du ved hvor du er på vej hen.

Standardtasterne ligner dem i Vim, Emacs og Midnight Commander, dog kan Ranger nemt kontrolleres kun med piletasterne eller musen.

Programmet er skrevet i Python og bruger curses for den tekstbaserede brugerflade.

en_AU: >-

Ranger is a free console file manager that gives you greater flexibility and a good overview of your files without having to leave your *nix console. It visualizes the directory tree in two dimensions: the directory hierarchy on one, lists of files on the other, with a preview to the right so you know where you'll be going.

The default keys are similar to those of Vim, Emacs and Midnight Commander, though Ranger is easily controllable with just the arrow keys or the mouse.

The program is written in Python and uses curses for the text-based user interface.

Categories: - ConsoleOnly - System - FileTools - FileManager Keywords: C: - File - Manager - Browser - Explorer - Vi - Vim - Python Icon: cached: - name: ranger_utilities-terminal.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: ranger_utilities-terminal.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ranger_utilities-terminal.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: utilities-terminal remote: - url: r/ra/ranger.desktop/0A3F88E040A3AEC3D0B076833544DFBA/icons/128x128/ranger_utilities-terminal.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - ranger.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - inode/directory --- Type: desktop-application ID: nheko.desktop Package: nheko Name: C: nheko Summary: C: Desktop client for Matrix Description: C: >-

Nheko is a Qt-based chat client for Matrix, an open, federated communications protocol. The motivation behind the project is to provide a native desktop app for Matrix that feels more like a mainstream chat app and less like an IRC client.

en: >-

Nheko is a Qt-based chat client for Matrix, an open, federated communications protocol. The motivation behind the project is to provide a native desktop app for Matrix that feels more like a mainstream chat app and less like an IRC client.

Categories: - Network - InstantMessaging Icon: cached: - name: nheko_nheko.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: nheko_nheko.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: nheko_nheko.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: n/nh/nheko.desktop/9F858B49045E0F1FEBD374F89554AB0B/icons/128x128/nheko_nheko.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - nheko.desktop