Welcome to SISCAD-P 2.0.0 (Demo) --------------------------------- Nuremberg / August 3, 1995 What is SISCAD-P ? ------------------ SISCAD-P is a powerful parametric 2D CAD system which ideally supports the user in all phases of the design process: conception, draft, elaboration. SISCAD-P provides means for drafting, parametric design and for compiling tables of variations. Thus, SISCAD-P is combining the features of other CAD systems into one integrated system. Detailed information about the features of SISCAD-P you will find in the package SISDOC in the files "features_en" and "intro_en". We apologize that not all documents available in German language are available in English yet. Also users of the integrated tutorial will obtain only German comments, so it will probably of no use for them. Nevertheless we think, that this version is useful for many of you. We will provide the missing translated documents as soon as possible. Demo version -- full version ------------------------------ The functionality of the demo version is identical to that of the full version. Consequently, the trial user has the opportunity, prior to entering into a license agreement, of testing the program and it's functions to ensure SISCAD-P's compliance with his requirements. The demo version is characterized by the limitation in it's use to the drawing of a maximum of 5 parts of 300 objects each. Installation ------------ Before you decide to install SISCAD-P 2.0.0 using the script "install", please read the documents provided in this package. Here you'll find all information you need to successfully install SISCAD-P: o README_DE - README for users of the German version o README_EN - this file o copyright_de.ps - STAEDTLER copyright & license agreement German o copyright_en.ps - STAEDTLER copyright & license agreement English o install_de.ps - SISCAD-P Installation Guide German (Postscript) o install_en.ps - SISCAD-P Installation Guide English (Postscript) o *.txt - ASCII-Versions of the Postscript-files o install - SISCAD-P Installation script Please take care, that the ASCII-versions of the Postscript-files were generated automatically from dvi-files and have not been processed further. Therefore, these files may be not perfect regarding the form and contents (e.g. tabulars, footnotes etc.) SISCAD-P environment -------------------- We've carefully compiled and tested SISCAD-P. Due to the various versions and environments of Linux we couldn't test SISCAD-P in all those situations. If you should have problems running SISCAD-P, here is the environment under which SISCAD-P was compiled for your reference: o Linux kernel 1.2.3 o gcc version 2.6.3 o OSF/Motif 2.0 (not required at runtime) o X11R6 o libprocad.so.1 (DLL Jump 1.0) => /usr/siscadp/lib/libprocad.so.1 o libm.so.4 (DLL Jump 4.6pl27) => /lib/libm.so.4.6.27 o libXt.so.6 (DLL Jump 6.0) => /usr/X11R6/lib/libXt.so.6.0 o libX11.so.6 (DLL Jump 6.0) => /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6.0 o libc.so.4 (DLL Jump 4.6pl27) => /lib/libc.so.4.6.27 SISCAD-P with different monitor resolutions ------------------------------------------- The directory /usr/siscadp/sys contains prepared siscadp.def files for different monitor resolutions (800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024). These files are not mentioned in your documentation. If you run SISCAD-P on a monitor with resolutions different from 1024x768 (standard installation) you should copy the corresponding file (e.g. siscadp.def.fvwm.1280x1024.en) to $HOME/siscadp/sys/siscadp.def . Where can I get SISCAD-P 2.0.0 ? -------------------------------- via FTP: ftp.Germany.EU.net /pub/os/Linux/Local.EUnet/Applications/CAD via CD-ROM: S.u.S.E. GmbH Gebhardstr.2 D-90762 Fuerth Tel : 49-911-7405-331 FAX : 49-911-7417-755 E-mail : suse@suse.de WWW-Server : http:/www.suse.de We will publish further places in following FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions). Thanks ------ Many thanks to Alain Rassel (Alain.Rassel@restena.LU) and Naresh Sharma (N.Sharma@LR.TUDelft.NL) who helped us in translating parts of the English documentation. Thanks to all enthusiastic Linux users and programmers for creating such a great operating system. Also a lot of thanks to all SISCAD-P/Linux users for their encouraging us to continue the development of SISCAD-P. Without their moral support, this product probably wouldn't exist today. Your STAEDTLER SISCAD-P Team