Begin3 Title: NCR53c406a SCSI driver Version: 0.11 Entered-date: 21MAR95 Description: This is an alpha SCSI driver for the Acculogic ISApport SCSI card. It should also work on other SCSI cards based on the NCR53c406a chip, such as MediaVision 3D. Keywords: SCSI, driver, NCR53c406a, ISApport, Acculogic, MediaVision Author: (Normunds Saumanis) Maintained-by: (Normunds Saumanis) Primary-site: /pub/linux/ALPHA/scsi 8843 ncr53c406-0.11.patch.gz 2346 ncr53c40-0.11.README Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/scsi 8843 ncr53c406-0.11.patch.gz 2346 ncr53c406-0.11.README Original-site: Platform: Linux 1.2.0 Copying-policy: Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Normunds Saumanis GNU General Public License version 2 End