Rahul Dhesi's zoo 2.10 Binaries for Linux prepared by faith@cs.unc.edu, Tue Jan 19 19:01:34 1993 Compiled with gcc 2.3.3 (-O) Linked with jump-4.2 libraries To install from Linux binary distribution: 1) Get binary distribution (zoo210A.taz) from ftp.cs.unc.edu:/pub/faith/linux/utils or from tsx-11.mit.edu:/pub/linux/binaries/FSF 2) cd / 3) gtar zpxvf zoo210A.taz Alternatively, the SLS sysinstall program can be used. To uninstall this binary distribution, do the following: cd /usr/src/zoo210 ./zoo210A.Unins To install from source: 1) Get source from: wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/unix-c/arc-progs/zoo210.tar-z 2) mkdir /usr/src/zoo210 3) cd /usr/src/zoo210 4) Untar zoo210.tar-z in /usr/src/zoo210 5) Edit makefile and remove "/usr/include/varargs.h" 5) make bsdansi 6) strip zoo fiz 7) cp zoo fiz /usr/bin 8) cp zoo.1 fiz.1 /usr/man/man1