Begin3 Title: Qddb Version: 1.42.2 Entered-date: Wed May 17 10:17:19 EDT 1995 Description: Qddb is a database suite that allows you to create relations, add tuples, modify tuples, delete tuples, and search for tuples in a fast and very flexible way. Qddb revolves around the idea of a "tuple tree", where tuples are stored and manipulated in an intuitive, pre-joined fashion. Keywords: relational database full-text nested tcl tk Author: (Eric H. Herrin, II) (Raphael A. Finkel) Maintained-by: Herrin Software Development, Inc. Primary-site: /pub/unix/qddb 806kb qddb-1.42.tar.gz 1172kb qddb-examples.tar.gz 83kb qhelp-0.3.tar.gz 105kb papers/ 99kb papers/ Platform: Requires Tcl 7.3, Tk 3.6a, and [incr Tcl] 1.5 Copying-policy: GPL End