00_index.html CooL-2.1pre45.tar.gz 4GL environment for writing Client/Server Motif apps CooL.lsm XCalc.lsm XCalc950514.tar.gz demo app for XCL C++ library XVhelp-1.00.lsm XVhelp-1.00.tar help system based on XView (ala winhelp) Xarm-1.0.alpha.tgz C++ wrapper of the MOTIF library Xarm.lsm afm-for-doc.tz fonts for interview's doc ce-4.3-bin.lsm ce-4.3-bin.tar.gz Chet's Emacs - very small Emacs clone fwf-3.8.tar.gz Free Widget Foundation's widget library fwf-ELF-3.8.tgz Free Widget Foundation's widget library binaries [elf] fwf-ELF.lsm fwf.lsm grafix.lsm grafix.tgz C++ library for writing X programs imake.tar.Z Better make - uses c preprocessor to create Makefiles iv-3.1l.2-diffs.gz diffs for building interviews 3.1 iv-3.1l.lsm libsx-shared-1.1.lsm libsx-shared-1.1.tar.gz shared version of libsx (simple X library) libsx.README libsx.lsm libsx.tar.gz simple X widget library lxb.README lxb.bin-0.1.tar.gz X/Motif interactive graphical user interface builder lxb.lsm supervga-info/ Docs on various supervga cards vgakit/ Various VGA development libraries wbuild-2.7.tar.gz program to help writing new FWF widgets wbuild.lsm winterp.lsm wxWin/ C++ GUI toolkit for Motif, Open Look and Windows xgks-2.5.5.lsm xgks-2.5.5.tar.gz ANSI graphical library for X xtent3.2.lsm xtent3.2.tgz language for creating X programs (embeddable) xtpnl-lx.tgz X-oriented Interface-Builder