#ident "@(#)uucp:Permissions 2.2" # This entry for public login. # It provides the default permissions. # See the Basic Networking Utilities Guide for more information. # # #MACHINE=ima COMMANDS=ALL REQUEST=yes SENDFILES=yes READ=/ WRITE=/ #LOGNAME=ima COMMANDS=ALL REQUEST=yes SENDFILES=yes READ=/ WRITE=/ # # # the following entry can be explained as follows: # MACHINE = system name # CALLBACK = call them back when they call in # REQUEST = can remote system request files from this system # READ/WRITE = paths uucico can access for requesting/depositing files # COMMANDS = specific commands that uux can execute # MACHINE=SYSTEM LOGNAME=nuucp \ READ=/var/spool/uucppublic \ WRITE=/var/spool/uucppublic \ SENDFILES=yes REQUEST=yes \ COMMANDS=/bin/rmail # I'm paranoid, so I have one of these for each uucp neighbor # with the proper paths edited in...note the long path to rnews # MACHINE=my_uucp_neighbor LOGNAME=my_uucp_neighbor \ READ=/var/spool/uucp/my_uucp_neighbor:/var/spool/uucppublic \ WRITE=/var/spool/uucp/my_uucp_neighbor:/var/spool/uucppublic \ SENDFILES=yes REQUEST=yes \ COMMANDS=/bin/rmail:/usr/bin/rsmtp:/usr/bin/smail:/usr/bin/uucp:/usr/lib/newsbin/input/rnews:/usr/lib/newsbin/input/rnews