! x3270 app-defaults file. Besides fonts, keymaps and character sets, every ! piece of text but error and trace messages is defined here. ! ! Basics x3270.adVersion: ! ! The following resource definitions are commented out, because they are ! the defaults defined in x3270 itself. They are listed here so you can ! easily uncomment and change them. ! ! Fonts ! x3270.emulatorFont: 3270 ! ! Colors ! x3270.colorBackground: black ! x3270.selectBackground: dim gray ! x3270.normalColor: green ! x3270.inputColor: orange ! x3270.boldColor: cyan ! x3270.keypadBackground: grey70 ! ! Cursors ! x3270.waitCursor: watch ! x3270.lockedCursor: X_cursor ! ! Line-mode Telnet parameters ! x3270.icrnl: true ! x3270.inlcr: false ! x3270.erase: ^? ! x3270.kill: ^U ! x3270.werase: ^W ! x3270.rprnt: ^R ! x3270.lnext: ^V ! x3270.intr: ^C ! x3270.quit: ^\\ ! x3270.eof: ^D ! ! Miscellaneous configuration parameters ! x3270.charset: us ! x3270.composeMap: latin1 ! x3270.keypad: right ! x3270.keypadOn: false ! x3270.menuBar: true ! x3270.activeIcon: false ! x3270.labelIcon: false ! x3270.visualBell: false ! x3270.model: 4 ! x3270.hostsFile: /usr/local/pub/ibm_hosts ! x3270.port: telnet ! x3270.monoCase: false ! x3270.altCursor: false ! x3270.blink: false ! x3270.timing: false ! x3270.cursorPos: true ! x3270.trace3270: false ! x3270.traceTelnet: false ! ! Start of live resource definitions ! ! ! Fonts x3270.largeFont: 3270 x3270.smallFont: 3270-12 x3270.aplFont: 3270-apl x3270.iconFont: nil2 !or if you are missing the "nil2" font alias: !x3270.iconFont: -misc-nil-medium-r-normal--2-20-75-75-c-10-misc-fontspecific x3270.iconLabelFont: 8x13 x3270*keyPad*font: fixed x3270*value*font: fixed x3270*dataLabel.font: -*-terminal-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 x3270*font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ! ! Popup miscellany x3270.errorPopup.width: 400 x3270.errorPopup*foreground: red x3270.connectPopup.width: 300 x3270.fontPopup.width: 300 x3270*cancelButton.foreground: red x3270.optionsPopup*icon.foreground: forest green ! ! Titles and Labels x3270.errorPopup.title: x3270 Error x3270.connectPopup.title: x3270 Connect x3270.connectPopup.dialog.label: Enter Hostname x3270.fontPopup.title: x3270 Font x3270.fontPopup.dialog.label: Enter Font Name x3270.keypadPopup.title: x3270 Keypad x3270.optionsPopup.title: About x3270 x3270.connectPopup*confirmButton.label: Connect x3270.fontPopup*confirmButton.label: Select Font x3270*okayButton.label: OK x3270*cancelButton.label: Cancel x3270*disconnectOption.label: Disconnect x3270*exitOption.label: Exit x3270 x3270*quitMenuButton.label: Quit... x3270*quitMenu.label: Quit x3270*optionsMenuButton.label: Options... x3270*optionsMenu.label: Options x3270*connectMenuButton.label: Connect... x3270*hostMenu.label: Connect x3270*otherHostOption.label: Other... x3270*optionsMenu.aboutOption.label: About x3270... x3270*optionsMenu.keypadOption.label: Keypad x3270*optionsMenu.monocaseOption.label: Monocase x3270*optionsMenu.blinkOption.label: Blinking Cursor x3270*optionsMenu.timingOption.label: Show Timing x3270*optionsMenu.trackOption.label: Track Cursor x3270*optionsMenu.traceDsOption.label: Trace 3270 DS x3270*optionsMenu.traceTelnetOption.label: Trace TELNET x3270*optionsMenu.underlineOption.label: Underline Cursor x3270*optionsMenu.blockOption.label: Block Cursor x3270*optionsMenu.largeFontOption.label: 3270 Font x3270*optionsMenu.smallFontOption.label: 3270-12 Font x3270*optionsMenu.otherFontOption.label: Other Font... x3270*optionsMenu.lineModeOption.label: Line Mode x3270*optionsMenu.characterModeOption.label: Character Mode x3270*optionsMenu.model2Option.label: Model 2 (24x80) x3270*optionsMenu.model3Option.label: Model 3 (32x80) x3270*optionsMenu.model4Option.label: Model 4 (43x80) x3270*optionsMenu.model5Option.label: Model 5 (27x132) ! ! Print commands x3270.printTextCommand: lpr x3270.printWindowCommand: xwd -id %d | xpr | lpr ! ! Messages x3270.message.reconnect: Reconnect to x3270.message.model: Model x3270.message.rows: rows x3270.message.columns: columns x3270.message.terminalName: Terminal name: x3270.message.emulatorFont: Emulator font: x3270.message.fullFont: full ISO 8859-1 font x3270.message.asciiFont: 7-bit ASCII X font x3270.message.cgFont: special 3270 CG font x3270.message.boldEmulatorFont: Bold emulator font: x3270.message.overstriking: Overstriking for bold x3270.message.characterSet: EBCDIC character set: x3270.message.defaultCharacterSet: Default (us) EBCDIC character set x3270.message.keyboardMap: Keyboard map: x3270.message.defaultKeyboardMap: Default keyboard map x3270.message.composeMap: Compose-key map: x3270.message.noComposeMap: No compose-key map x3270.message.activeIcon: Active icon x3270.message.iconFont: Icon font: x3270.message.iconLabelFont: Icon label font: x3270.message.staticIcon: Static bitmap icon x3270.message.connectedTo: Connected to: x3270.message.charMode: ANSI character mode x3270.message.lineMode: ANSI line mode x3270.message.dsMode: 3270 mode x3270.message.connectionPending: Connection pending to: x3270.message.notConnected: Not connected x3270.message.specialCharacters: Special characters: x3270.message.hour: hour x3270.message.hours: hours x3270.message.minute: minute x3270.message.minutes: minutes x3270.message.second: second x3270.message.seconds: seconds x3270.message.sent: Sent x3270.message.Received: Received x3270.message.received: received x3270.message.byte: byte x3270.message.bytes: bytes x3270.message.record: record x3270.message.records: records x3270.message.statusNotConnected: Not Connected x3270.message.statusConnecting: Connecting x3270.message.statusTwait: Wait x3270.message.statusSyswait: System x3270.message.statusProtected: Protected x3270.message.statusNumeric: Numeric x3270.message.statusOverflow: Overflow ! ! Basic translations -- these should NEVER be changed without code changes x3270.translations: \ WM_PROTOCOLS: DeleteWindow()\n\ : KeymapEvent()\n\ WM_STATE: StateChanged()\n\ : FocusEvent()\n\ : FocusEvent() x3270*screen.translations: #override \n\ : Redraw() x3270icon.translations: #override \n\ : Redraw() x3270.keypadPopup.translations: \ WM_PROTOCOLS: DeleteWindow()\n\ : KeymapEvent()\n\ : EnterLeave()\n\ : EnterLeave() x3270.errorPopup.translations: \ WM_PROTOCOLS: DeleteWindow() x3270.connectPopup.translations: \ WM_PROTOCOLS: DeleteWindow() x3270.fontPopup.translations: \ WM_PROTOCOLS: DeleteWindow() x3270.optionsPopup.translations: \ WM_PROTOCOLS: DeleteWindow() x3270*value.translations: #override \n\ Return: confirm()\n\ CtrlU: beginning-of-file() delete-next-word() ! ! Default translations -- these should be changed only with great caution x3270.defaultTranslations: \ Multi_key: Compose()\n\ Return: Enter()\n\ Linefeed: Newline()\n\ Shift_L: Shift()\n\ Shift_L: Shift()\n\ Shift_R: Shift()\n\ Shift_R: Shift()\n\ Meta_L: Shift()\n\ Meta_L: Shift()\n\ Meta_R: Shift()\n\ Meta_R: Shift()\n\ Alt_L: Shift()\n\ Alt_L: Shift()\n\ Alt_R: Shift()\n\ Alt_R: Shift()\n\ !ShiftTab: BackTab()\n\ Tab: Tab()\n\ Home: Home()\n\ !Left: Left()\n\ !MetaLeft: Left2()\n\ !Right: Right()\n\ !MetaRight: Right2()\n\ Up: Up()\n\ Down: Down()\n\ Delete: Delete()\n\ BackSpace: BackSpace()\n\ !Ctrl: HandleMenu(quitMenu)\n\ !Ctrl: HandleMenu(optionsMenu)\n\ !Ctrl: HandleMenu(hostMenu)\n\ !: select-start()\n\ !: select-extend()\n\ !: ignore()\n\ !: ignore()\n\ : insert-selection(PRIMARY)\n\ !: start-extend()\n\ !: select-extend()\n\ Shift: MoveCursor()\n\ : select-end(PRIMARY)\n\ !MetaF1: PF13()\n\ !MetaF2: PF14()\n\ !MetaF3: PF15()\n\ !MetaF4: PF16()\n\ !MetaF5: PF17()\n\ !MetaF6: PF18()\n\ !MetaF7: PF19()\n\ !MetaF8: PF20()\n\ !MetaF9: PF21()\n\ !MetaF10: PF22()\n\ !MetaF11: PF23()\n\ !MetaF12: PF24()\n\ F1: PF1()\n\ F2: PF2()\n\ F3: PF3()\n\ F4: PF4()\n\ F5: PF5()\n\ F6: PF6()\n\ F7: PF7()\n\ F8: PF8()\n\ F9: PF9()\n\ F10: PF10()\n\ F11: PF11()\n\ F12: PF12()\n\ Metab: PrintWindow()\n\ Metac: Clear()\n\ Metar: Reset()\n\ Meta1: PA1()\n\ Meta2: PA2()\n\ Meta3: PA3()\n\ Metaa: Attn()\n\ Metai: Insert()\n\ Metad: Delete()\n\ Metah: Home()\n\ Metal: Redraw()\n\ Metap: PrintText()\n\ Metaq: Quit()\n\ Ctrlu: DeleteField()\n\ Ctrlw: DeleteWord()\n\ :: Default() ! ! Default compose-key map. ! Each line is of the form "keysym1 + keysym2 = keysym3", meaning "when the ! Compose key is pressed, followed by keysym1 and keysym2 (in either order), ! interpret it as keysym3." The definitions are case-sensitive. x3270.composeMap.latin1: \ c + bar = cent \n\ c + slash = cent \n\ L + minus = sterling \n\ Y + equal = yen \n\ S + S = section \n\ C + O = copyright \n\ a + underscore = ordfeminine \n\ less + less = guillemotleft \n\ R + O = registered \n\ plus + minus = plusminus \n\ o + underscore = masculine \n\ greater + greater = guillemotright \n\ 1 + 4 = onequarter \n\ 1 + 2 = onehalf \n\ 3 + 4 = threequarters \n\ A + grave = Agrave \n\ A + apostrophe = Aacute \n\ A + asciicircum = Acircumflex \n\ A + asciitilde = Atilde \n\ A + quotedbl = Adiaeresis \n\ A + period = Aring \n\ A + E = AE \n\ C + comma = Ccedilla \n\ E + grave = Egrave \n\ E + apostrophe = Eacute \n\ E + asciicircum = Ecircumflex \n\ E + quotedbl = Ediaeresis \n\ I + grave = Igrave \n\ I + apostrophe = Iacute \n\ I + asciicircum = Icircumflex \n\ I + quotedbl = Idiaeresis \n\ N + asciitilde = Ntilde \n\ O + grave = Ograve \n\ O + apostrophe = Oacute \n\ O + asciicircum = Ocircumflex \n\ O + asciitilde = Otilde \n\ O + quotedbl = Odiaeresis \n\ O + slash = Ooblique \n\ U + grave = Ugrave \n\ U + apostrophe = Uacute \n\ U + asciicircum = Ucircumflex \n\ U + quotedbl = Udiaeresis \n\ Y + apostrophe = Yacute \n\ s + s = ssharp \n\ a + grave = agrave \n\ a + apostrophe = aacute \n\ a + asciicircum = acircumflex \n\ a + asciitilde = atilde \n\ a + quotedbl = adiaeresis \n\ a + period = aring \n\ a + e = ae \n\ c + comma = ccedilla \n\ e + grave = egrave \n\ e + apostrophe = eacute \n\ e + asciicircum = ecircumflex \n\ e + quotedbl = ediaeresis \n\ i + grave = igrave \n\ i + apostrophe = iacute \n\ i + asciicircum = icircumflex \n\ i + quotedbl = idiaeresis \n\ n + asciitilde = ntilde \n\ o + grave = ograve \n\ o + apostrophe = oacute \n\ o + asciicircum = ocircumflex \n\ o + asciitilde = otilde \n\ o + quotedbl = odiaeresis \n\ o + slash = oslash \n\ u + grave = ugrave \n\ u + apostrophe = uacute \n\ u + asciicircum = ucircumflex \n\ u + quotedbl = udiaeresis \n\ y + apostrophe = yacute \n\ y + quotedbl = ydiaeresis \n ! ! Compose-key map for APL. x3270.composeMap.apl: \ A + underscore = apl_Aunderbar \n\ B + underscore = apl_Bunderbar \n\ C + underscore = apl_Cunderbar \n\ D + underscore = apl_Dunderbar \n\ E + underscore = apl_Eunderbar \n\ F + underscore = apl_Funderbar \n\ G + underscore = apl_Gunderbar \n\ H + underscore = apl_Hunderbar \n\ I + underscore = apl_Iunderbar \n\ J + underscore = apl_Junderbar \n\ K + underscore = apl_Kunderbar \n\ L + underscore = apl_Lunderbar \n\ M + underscore = apl_Munderbar \n\ N + underscore = apl_Nunderbar \n\ O + underscore = apl_Ounderbar \n\ P + underscore = apl_Punderbar \n\ Q + underscore = apl_Qunderbar \n\ R + underscore = apl_Runderbar \n\ S + underscore = apl_Sunderbar \n\ T + underscore = apl_Tunderbar \n\ U + underscore = apl_Uunderbar \n\ V + underscore = apl_Vunderbar \n\ W + underscore = apl_Wunderbar \n\ X + underscore = apl_Xunderbar \n\ Y + underscore = apl_Yunderbar \n\ Z + underscore = apl_Zunderbar \n\ apl_upcaret + apl_downcaret = apl_diamond \n\ apl_quad + apl_jot = apl_quadjot \n\ apl_iota + underscore = apl_iotaunderbar \n\ apl_epsilon + underscore = apl_epsilonunderbar \n\ less + equal = apl_notgreater \n\ plus + minus = apl_plusminus \n\ greater + equal = apl_notless \n\ equal + slash = apl_notequal \n\ apl_upcaret + apl_tilde = apl_upcarettilde \n\ apl_downcaret + apl_tilde = apl_downcarettilde \n\ apl_circle + apl_stile = apl_circlestile \n\ apl_slope + apl_quad = apl_slopequad \n\ apl_circle + apl_slope = apl_circleslope \n\ apl_downtack + apl_uptack = apl_downtackup \n\ apostrophe + period = apl_quotedot \n\ apl_del + apl_stile = apl_delstile \n\ apl_delta + apl_stile = apl_deltastile \n\ apl_quad + apostrophe = apl_quadquote \n\ apl_upshoe + apl_jot = apl_upshoejot \n\ slash + minus = apl_slashbar \n\ apl_slope + minus = apl_slopebar \n\ apl_diaeresis + period = apl_diaeresisdot \n\ apl_circle + minus = apl_circlebar \n\ apl_quad + apl_divide = apl_quaddivide \n\ apl_uptack + apl_jot = apl_uptackjot \n\ apl_del + apl_tilde = apl_deltilde \n\ apl_delta + underscore = apl_deltaunderbar \n\ apl_circle + asterisk = apl_circlestar \n\ apl_downtack + apl_jot = apl_downtackjot \n ! ! Keymaps (keyboard-specific key mappings) x3270.keymap.sun-k4: \ !ShiftF1: PF13()\n\ !ShiftF2: PF14()\n\ !ShiftF3: PF15()\n\ !ShiftF4: PF16()\n\ !ShiftF5: PF17()\n\ !ShiftF6: PF18()\n\ !ShiftF7: PF19()\n\ !ShiftF8: PF20()\n\ !ShiftF9: PF21()\n\ !ShiftF10: PF22()\n\ !ShiftF11: PF23()\n\ !ShiftF12: PF24()\n\ F18: insert-selection(PRIMARY)\n\ F19: SysReq()\n\ 0x0: FieldMark()\n\ F21: PA1()\n\ F22: PA2()\n\ F23: Dup()\n\ F24: Reset()\n\ F25: EraseEOF()\n\ F26: EraseInput()\n\ F27: Clear()\n\ F31: Home()\n\ F29: Redraw()\n\ KP_Enter: Newline()\n\ Insert: Insert()\n\ F35: Delete()\n\ Delete: Delete() x3270.keymap.sun-k3: \ !ShiftF1: PF13()\n\ !ShiftF2: PF14()\n\ !ShiftF3: PF15()\n\ !ShiftF4: PF16()\n\ !ShiftF5: PF17()\n\ !ShiftF6: PF18()\n\ !ShiftF7: PF19()\n\ !ShiftF8: PF20()\n\ !ShiftF9: PF21()\n\ !ShiftF21: PF22()\n\ !ShiftF22: PF23()\n\ !ShiftF23: PF24()\n\ !MetaF21: PA1()\n\ !MetaF22: PA2()\n\ !MetaF23: Dup()\n\ F19: SysReq()\n\ 0x0: FieldMark()\n\ F21: PF10()\n\ F22: PF11()\n\ F23: PF12()\n\ F24: Reset()\n\ F25: EraseEOF()\n\ F26: EraseInput()\n\ F27: Clear()\n\ F31: Home()\n\ F29: Redraw()\n\ KP_Enter: Newline()\n\ Insert: Insert()\n\ F35: Delete()\n\ Delete: Delete() x3270.keymap.ncd: \ F13: Dup()\n\ Linefeed: Dup()\n\ F14: FieldMark()\n\ Break: FieldMark()\n\ Insert: Insert()\n\ Home: Home()\n\ F17: Home()\n\ End: EraseEOF()\n\ F15: Reset()\n\ Prior: Reset()\n\ F16: Newline()\n\ Next: Newline()\n\ KP_Add: EraseInput()\n\ Num_Lock: PF13()\n\ KP_Space: PF13()\n\ KP_Divide: PF14()\n\ KP_Multiply: PF15()\n\ KP_7: PF16()\n\ KP_8: PF17()\n\ KP_9: PF18()\n\ KP_4: PF19()\n\ KP_5: PF20()\n\ KP_6: PF21()\n\ KP_1: PF22()\n\ KP_2: PF23()\n\ KP_3: PF24()\n\ KP_Subtract: SysReq()\n\ KP_0: PA2()\n\ KP_Decimal: PA1()\n\ KP_Enter: Clear()\n x3270.keymap.hp-k1: \ KP_Tab: BackTab()\n\ KP_Enter: Home()\n\ KP_Separator: Delete()\n\ ShiftDelete: Delete()\n\ Menu: EraseEOF()\n\ KP_Multiply: PF13()\n\ KP_Divide: PF14()\n\ KP_Add: PF15()\n\ KP_7: PF16()\n\ KP_8: PF17()\n\ KP_9: PF18()\n\ KP_4: PF19()\n\ KP_5: PF20()\n\ KP_6: PF21()\n\ KP_1: PF22()\n\ KP_2: PF23()\n\ KP_3: PF24()\n\ KP_0: PA2()\n\ KP_Decimal: PA1()\n ! Keymap modifier for OpenWindows (makes button 2 the extend key; defines the ! Paste key; uses CLIPBOARD). x3270.keymap.ow: #override \ !: select-start()\n\ !: select-extend()\n\ !: start-extend()\n\ !: select-extend()\n\ !: ignore()\n\ !: ignore()\n\ : insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)\n\ : select-end(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)\n\ !F18: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY)\n ! Additional OpenWindows keymap modifier. Defines F11 and F12 keys on the Sun ! Type 4 keyboard. For use only with X11R4-based libraries such as OpenWindows ! 3. (If you are an OpenWindows-only site, you might as well just glue these ! modifiers onto the end of the sun-k4 keymap.) x3270.keymap.r4k4: \ !ShiftSunXK_F36: PF23()\n\ !ShiftSunXK_F37: PF24()\n\ SunXK_F36: PF11()\n\ SunXK_F37: PF12()\n ! Truly obscure modifer, also for defining F11 and F12 on a Sun Type 4 ! keyboard. For use with a client linked with X11R5 libraries, communicating ! with a Sun XNeWS server. (The MIT X11R5 server reports these keys as F11 and ! F12, so there is no need for extra definitions.) x3270.keymap.r5k4: \ !ShiftSunF36: PF23()\n\ !ShiftSunF37: PF24()\n\ SunF36: PF11()\n\ SunF37: PF12()\n ! APL keymap modifier. x3270.keymap.apl: #override \ !:Altbracketleft: Key(apl_leftarrow)\n\ !:Altbracketright: Key(apl_rightarrow)\n\ !:Alt1: Key(apl_diaeresis)\n\ !:Alt2: Key(minus)\n\ !:Alt3: Key(less)\n\ !:Alt4: Key(apl_notgreater)\n\ !:Alt5: Key(equal)\n\ !:Alt6: Key(apl_notless)\n\ !:Alt7: Key(greater)\n\ !:Alt8: Key(apl_notequal)\n\ !:Alt9: Key(apl_downcaret)\n\ !:Alt0: Key(apl_upcaret)\n\ !:Altminus: Key(apl_overbar)\n\ !:Altunderscore: Key(underscore)\n\ !:Alt=: Key(apl_multiply)\n\ !:Alt+: Key(apl_divide)\n\ !:Altasciitilde: Key(apl_tilde)\n\ !:Altbackslash: Key(apl_slope)\n\ !:Altbar: Key(apl_stile)\n\ :Alta: Key(apl_alpha)\n\ :Altb: Key(apl_downtack)\n\ :Altc: Key(apl_upshoe)\n\ :Altd: Key(apl_downstile)\n\ :Alte: Key(apl_epsilon)\n\ :Altf: Key(underscore)\n\ :Altg: Key(apl_del)\n\ :Alth: Key(apl_delta)\n\ :Alti: Key(apl_iota)\n\ :Altj: Key(apl_jot)\n\ :Altk: Key(apostrophe)\n\ :Altl: Key(apl_quad)\n\ :Altm: Key(apl_stile)\n\ :Altn: Key(apl_uptack)\n\ :Alto: Key(apl_circle)\n\ :Altp: Key(asterisk)\n\ :Altq: Key(question)\n\ :Altr: Key(apl_rho)\n\ :Alts: Key(apl_upstile)\n\ :Altt: Key(apl_tilde)\n\ :Altu: Key(apl_downarrow)\n\ :Altv: Key(apl_downshoe)\n\ :Altw: Key(apl_omega)\n\ :Altx: Key(apl_rightshoe)\n\ :Alty: Key(apl_uparrow)\n\ :Altz: Key(apl_leftshoe)\n\ :AltA: Key(apl_Aunderbar)\n\ :AltB: Key(apl_Bunderbar)\n\ :AltC: Key(apl_Cunderbar)\n\ :AltD: Key(apl_Dunderbar)\n\ :AltE: Key(apl_Eunderbar)\n\ :AltF: Key(apl_Funderbar)\n\ :AltG: Key(apl_Gunderbar)\n\ :AltH: Key(apl_Hunderbar)\n\ :AltI: Key(apl_Iunderbar)\n\ :AltJ: Key(apl_Junderbar)\n\ :AltK: Key(apl_Kunderbar)\n\ :AltL: Key(apl_Lunderbar)\n\ :AltM: Key(apl_Munderbar)\n\ :AltN: Key(apl_Nunderbar)\n\ :AltO: Key(apl_Ounderbar)\n\ :AltP: Key(apl_Punderbar)\n\ :AltQ: Key(apl_Qunderbar)\n\ :AltR: Key(apl_Runderbar)\n\ :AltS: Key(apl_Sunderbar)\n\ :AltT: Key(apl_Tunderbar)\n\ :AltU: Key(apl_Uunderbar)\n\ :AltV: Key(apl_Vunderbar)\n\ :AltW: Key(apl_Wunderbar)\n\ :AltX: Key(apl_Xunderbar)\n\ :AltY: Key(apl_Yunderbar)\n\ :AltZ: Key(apl_Zunderbar)\n ! Keymap modifier for keyboards which lack a Meta key. x3270.keymap.alt: \ !AltLeft: Left2()\n\ !AltRight: Right2()\n\ !AltF1: PF13()\n\ !AltF2: PF14()\n\ !AltF3: PF15()\n\ !AltF4: PF16()\n\ !AltF5: PF17()\n\ !AltF6: PF18()\n\ !AltF7: PF19()\n\ !AltF8: PF20()\n\ !AltF9: PF21()\n\ !AltF10: PF22()\n\ !AltF11: PF23()\n\ !AltF12: PF24()\n\ Altc: Clear()\n\ Altr: Reset()\n\ Alt1: PA1()\n\ Alt2: PA2()\n\ Alt3: PA3()\n\ Alta: Attn()\n\ Alti: Insert()\n\ Altd: Delete()\n\ Alth: Home()\n\ Altl: Redraw()\n\ Altq: Quit()\n ! International keymap modifiers. x3270.keymap.finnish7: \ :bracketleft: Key("Adiaeresis")\n\ :bracketright: Key("Aring")\n\ :backslash: Key("Odiaeresis")\n :braceleft: Key("adiaeresis")\n\ :braceright: Key("aring")\n\ :bar: Key("odiaeresis")\n\ x3270.keymap.norwegian7: \ :bracketleft: Key("AE")\n\ :bracketright: Key("Aring")\n\ :backslash: Key("Ooblique")\n\ :braceleft: Key("ae")\n\ :braceright: Key("aring")\n\ :bar: Key("oslash")\n ! ! EBCDIC character sets. ! A charset is a series of newline-separated strings that define how an EBCDIC ! national character set differs from IBM's standard U.S. set (table 01). Each ! string is a number, a colon, and a symbol. The number is the EBCDIC code, ! and the symbol is an ASCII character or ISO Latin-1 name of the graphic it ! represents. ! ! U.S. (table 01) x3270.charset.us: \n ! APL character set (same as U.S., no remapping required) x3270.charset.apl: \n ! EBCDIC map for hosts hosts that put [ and ] in non-standard positions. x3270.charset.bracket: \ 0xad: [ \n 0xba: Yacute \n\ 0xbd: ] \n 0xbb: diaeresis \n ! synonym for 'bracket' x3270.charset.oldibm: \ 0xad: [ \n 0xba: Yacute \n\ 0xbd: ] \n 0xbb: diaeresis \n ! Each entry below is derived from IBM GA27-3831-03, Fourth Edition. ! Austrian/German (table 03) x3270.charset.german: \ 0x43: { \n 0x4a: Adiaeresis \n\ 0x4f: ! \n 0x59: ~ \n\ 0x5a: Udiaeresis \n 0x5f: ^ \n\ 0x63: [ \n 0x6a: odiaeresis \n\ 0x7c: section \n 0xa1: ssharp \n\ 0xb0: cent \n 0xb5: @ \n\ 0xba: notsign \n 0xbb: bar \n\ 0xc0: adiaeresis \n 0xcc: brokenbar \n\ 0xd0: udiaeresis \n 0xdc: } \n\ 0xe0: Odiaeresis \n 0xec: backslash \n\ 0xfc: ] \n ! Finnish (table 09) x3270.charset.finnish: \ 0x43: { \n 0x47: } \n\ 0x4a: section \n 0x4f: ! \n\ 0x51: ` \n 0x5a: currency \n\ 0x5b: Aring \n 0x5f: ^ \n\ 0x63: # \n 0x67: $ \n\ 0x6a: odiaeresis \n 0x71: backslash \n\ 0x79: eacute \n 0x7b: Adiaeresis \n\ 0x7c: Odiaeresis \n 0x9f: ] \n\ 0xa1: udiaeresis \n 0xb1: cent \n\ 0xb5: [ \n 0xba: notsign \n\ 0xbb: | \n 0xc0: adiaeresis \n\ 0xcc: brokenbar \n 0xd0: aring \n\ 0xdc: ~ \n 0xe0: Eacute \n\ 0xec: @ \n ! U.K. (table 22) x3270.charset.uk: \ 0x4a: $ \n 0x5b: sterling \n\ 0xa1: macron \n 0xb0: cent \n\ 0xb1: [ \n 0xba: ^ \n\ 0xbc: ~ \n ! Norwegian (table 23) x3270.charset.norwegian: \ 0x47: } \n 0x4a: # \n\ 0x4f: ! \n 0x5a: currency \n\ 0x5b: Aring \n 0x5f: ^ \n\ 0x67: $ \n 0x6a: oslash \n\ 0x70: brokenbar \n 0x7b: AE \n\ 0x7c: Ooblique \n 0x80: @ \n\ 0x9c: { \n 0x9e: [ \n\ 0x9f: ] \n 0xa1: udiaeresis \n\ 0xb0: cent \n 0xba: notsign \n\ 0xbb: bar \n 0xc0: ae \n\ 0xd0: aring \n 0xdc: ~ \n ! French (table 30) x3270.charset.french: \ 0x44: @ \n 0x48: backslash \n\ 0x4a: degree \n 0x4f: ! \n\ 0x51: { \n 0x54: } \n\ 0x5a: section \n 0x5f: ^ \n\ 0x6a: ugrave \n 0x79: mu \n\ 0x7b: sterling \n 0x7c: agrave \n\ 0x90: [ \n 0xa0: grave \n\ 0xa1: diaeresis \n 0xb0: cent \n\ 0xb1: numbersign \n 0xb5: ] \n\ 0xba: notsign \n 0xbb: bar \n\ 0xbd: ~ \n 0xc0: eacute \n\ 0xd0: egrave \n 0xe0: ccedilla \n ! ! Character remapping (cmap) tables. Used to remap characters when using a ! font that puts them in non-standard positions. ! ! The difference between a charset and a cmap is that a charset changes the ! definition of what glyphs a host assigns to what EBCDIC codes (allowing x3270 ! to communicate with a "nonstandard" host), while a cmap changes the ! definition of what glyphs appear in what positions in a font (letting x3270 ! use a "nonstandard" font). ! ! Clear as mud, I know. ! ! apl cmap table x3270.cmap.3270-apl: \n\ asciicircum: Eacute \n\ bracketleft: Yacute \n\ bracketright: diaeresis \n