! some sample settings you may want to change Fig.internalborderwidth: 2 Fig.geometry: +0+0 Fig.iconX: +0 Fig.iconY: -0 ! the following should fix the problem that some have had with ! their window manager fighting with xfig over the geometry Fig*allowShellResize: False ! pick a nice font for the popup edit window for text objects Fig*Text_text*font: -*-times-medium-r-normal--14-* ! filename mask for the file popup browser Fig*file_panel*mask*string: *.fig ! filename mask for the export popup browser Fig*export_panel*mask*string: *ps ! printer name ! If the following resource is NOT set, xfig will use the PRINTER ! shell environment variable for the printer name !Fig*printer*string: ps ! make the F20 key paste text in the canvas Fig*translations: #override \n\ F20: PasteCanv()\n ! Specify a private Compose key database file. If this resource contains a "/" ! then the wired-in name of the xfig global directory won't be prefixed to it. ! An initial "~/" is replaced by the value of "$HOME/". ! !Fig*ComposeKeyDB: ~/.xfig.Compose-key ! let's make these buttons oval in the edit panel Fig.xfig_edit_panel*done.label: Done Fig.xfig_edit_panel*done.ShapeStyle: oval Fig.xfig_edit_panel*apply.label: Apply Fig.xfig_edit_panel*apply.ShapeStyle: oval Fig.xfig_edit_panel*cancel.label: Cancel Fig.xfig_edit_panel*cancel.ShapeStyle: oval ! keyboard accelerators Fig*quit*accelerators: \ Metaq: quit()\n Fig*delete_all*accelerators: \ Metad: delete_all()\n Fig*undo*accelerators: \ Metau: undo()\n Fig*redraw*accelerators: \ Metar: redraw()\n\ Ctrll: redraw()\n Fig*paste*accelerators: \ Metat: paste()\n Fig*file*accelerators: \ Metas: SaveFile()\n\ Metal: LoadFile()\n\ Metaf: file()\n Fig*xfig_file_menu*accelerators: \ Metac: cancel()\n\ Metal: load()\n\ Metam: merge()\n\ Metar: rescan()\n\ Metas: save()\n Fig*export*accelerators: \ Metae: export()\n Fig*xfig_export_menu*accelerators: \ Metac: cancel()\n\ Metae: export()\n\ Metar: rescan()\n Fig*print*accelerators: \ Metap: print()\n Fig*xfig_print_menu*accelerators: \ Metad: dismiss()\n\ Metab: print_batch()\n\ Metax: clear_batch()\n\ Return: print()\n\ Metap: print()\n Fig*xfig_set_unit_panel*accelerators: \ Metac: QuitUnits()\n\ Metas: SetUnits()\n Fig*mode_panel*accelerators: \ Nonem: ModeMoveObject()\n\ Ctrlc: ModeCopyObject()\n\ Nonea: ModeAlign()\n\ Ctrls: ModeScale()\n\ Noned: ModeDeleteObject()\n\ Shiftd: ModeDeletePoint()\n\ Shiftm: ModeMovePoint()\n\ Ctrle: ModeEditObject()\n\ Noneg: ModeCompound()\n\ Shiftg: ModeBreakCompound()\n\ Ctrlr: ModeRotateObjectCW()\n\ Shiftr: ModeRotateObjectCCW()\n\ Nonef: ModeFlipObjectUD()\n\ Shiftf: ModeFlipObjectLR()\n\ Shifta: ModeArrow()\n\ CtrlA: ModeAddPoint()\n\ Nonel: ModeLine()\n\ Nonet: ModeText()\n\ Nonec: ModeCircleR()\n\ Shiftc: ModeCircleD()\n\ Nonee: ModeEllipseR()\n\ Shifte: ModeEllipseD()\n\ Noneb: ModeBox()\n\ Shiftb: ModeArcBox()\n\ Nonep: ModePoly()\n\ Shiftp: ModeRegPoly()\n\ Ctrlp: ModeEPS()\n\ Noner: ModeArc()\n\ Nones: ModeSpline()\n\ Shifts: ModeClSpline()\n\ Nonei: ModeIntSpline()\n\ Shifti: ModeClIntSpline()\n\ Noneu: ModeUpdateObject()\n\ Nonev: ModeConvertObject()\n