# # @(#)workman.info 1.4 12/5/92 # # User interface object help text. # :controls1 Welcome to WorkMan! This program has everything, including the kitchen sink. # :tracknames The CD's creator, the name of the CD, and the name of the current track are displayed here. Click on "CD Info..." to set or change the CD`s information. # :tracks Use this display to select a track to play. It also indicates the current track while in play mode. # :tracktimer The amount of time the current track has been playing. # :songpos This indicates how far into the track you are, as well as allowing you to skip to different places in the track by moving the slider to the desired location. # :tracklen This display is the length of the current track, in minutes and seconds. # :speaker A cute little picture of no consequence; ignore it. # :repeat This item controls what Workman does when the CD is done playing. If it's set to "Stop," the CD will stop; this is the default behavior. Setting this to "Repeat" will cause the CD to start playing again (using a different track ordering if in shuffle mode.) Setting this to "Eject" tells Workman to eject the CD when it's done playing. Click on the box to cycle through the choices. # :mode The main control panel. The controls mean: Previous Play Next Pause Stop Eject "Previous" and "Next" go to the next track on the playlist, if any, and follow the track ordering correctly in shuffle mode. In normal mode, they go to the current track minus or plus 1, respectively. # :volume This slider controls the volume level of the CD. The top of the scale is loudest; the bottom is silent. # :shuffle Click here to cycle through the three play modes: normal, shuffle, and playlist. Normal mode plays the CD from start to end, minus any tracks you've indicated you don't want to hear (see the CD Info popup.) Shuffle mode plays the tracks in a random order, avoids tracks you don't want to hear, and plays continuation tracks in the right order (again, see CD Info.) Playlist mode plays tracks listed in the Play List section of the CD Info popup. # :cdtimer The current position on the CD in minutes and seconds. Also an elapsed time meter, if the CD is playing in Normal mode. # :cdlen This value is the length of the entire CD, in minutes and seconds. # :cdgauge This indicator shows the time elapsed and total play time of the CD. # :button3 Bring up the About popup, which contains the credits and a couple dumb pictures. # :button2 Bring up the CD Info popup, into which you can enter information about the CD in the drive. This button also removes the popup when you're done with it. # :button4 Pop up or dismiss the Goodies popup, which contains infrequently-used controls of dubious value. # :controls2 This popup contains information about the CD in the drive. Help is available for each of the individual controls. If your window manager doesn't let you dismiss popups, you can dismiss this popup by pressing the CD Info button in the main window again. # :artist The name of the music's creator (Rolling Stones, Pierne, Count Basie, etc.) # :cdname The name of the album or disc. # :tracklist This is a list of the tracks on the CD. To enter names for the tracks, select the first track from the list and move the cursor down to the "Name:" field under the list (you'll probably want to type in the artist and name of the disc above.) Enter the name of the track and hit Return; the next track will be selected, and you may enter its name as well. # :trackname The individual song name of this track. "//" may be used to split a title up into multiple lines. If a line starts with "+", the CD title display is temporarily replaced with the rest of the line (up to the next // or end of title) while that track is playing. Starting a line with "@" does the same for the artist. For example, a title like "@Mozart//+Operas//The Magic Flute//Allegro" would replace the artist display with "Mozart," the CD title with "Operas," and display a two-line track title with "The Magic Flute" above "Allegro". Neither + nor @ will affect the real CD title or artist; they are useful for compilation CDs and the like. If @ or + is followed by // or is at the end of the title, the artist or CD name of the previous track is used. For example, the second movement of a symphony might be named "+//Adagio". # :trackoptions If the "Continuation" box is checked, the selected track is a continuation of the previous one (e.g. the second movement of a symphony.) Shuffle mode won't start on a continuation track. If the "Don't play" box is checked, the selected track will not be played unless it's specifically selected in the player's main window. # :whichvolume You may set the default volume for the entire CD, or for individual tracks (which you can select using the scrolling list above.) # :defaultvolume Use this slider to set the default volume for the CD or for individual tracks. If the slider is moved all the way to the left, there is no default volume and the setting on the main panel will be used when this CD is inserted. # :defaultspeaker A silly little picture of no consequence (most of the time.) Marvel at it or ignore it. # :playmode This choice item chooses the play mode which will be selected when this CD is inserted next time. # :autoplay If selected, this CD will be played automatically when it's inserted. # :button1 Save this CD to the database. Information such as artist and track names is saved. This button also saves some global settings, such as the stop mode from the main window. # :button8 Undo all changes to the current CD's information, including playlists, track titles, etc. # :buttonpl Click this button to display (and dismiss) the popup window that contains the controls for building playlists. # :controls3 If you need help with this popup, you need help. # :sink Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drippity drip Drip Drip Drip Drip You need a hobby. Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip! (the end) # :controls4 The Goodies popup contains the controls for Workman's more advanced features -- things that you won't need to use most of the time, so they aren't on the main window cluttering things up. # :balance Use this slider to change the volume balance. Center the slider to equalize the volume between the left and right speakers. # :phones This is a graphical indicator of the current balance. Pay it no heed. # :timemode The slider and gauge on the main window can display either elapsed or remaining time; use this to select which display you'd like. # :playnewcds If this item is selected, workman will play unknown CDs when they are inserted. # :abrepeat These controls mark an area of the CD for continuous play. While the CD is playing or paused, click on the "Start" button to mark the start of the section. Then let the CD play to the desired time (or use the slider and track controls in the main window) and click on the "End" button to mark the end of the section. If the checkbox is selected, that section of the CD will repeat continuously. # :a These controls mark an area of the CD for continuous play. While the CD is playing or paused, click on the "Start" button to mark the start of the section. Then let the CD play to the desired time (or use the slider and track controls in the main window) and click on the "End" button to mark the end of the section. If the checkbox is selected, that section of the CD will repeat continuously. # :alabel These controls mark an area of the CD for continuous play. While the CD is playing or paused, click on the "Start" button to mark the start of the section. Then let the CD play to the desired time (or use the slider and track controls in the main window) and click on the "End" button to mark the end of the section. If the checkbox is selected, that section of the CD will repeat continuously. # :b These controls mark an area of the CD for continuous play. While the CD is playing or paused, click on the "Start" button to mark the start of the section. Then let the CD play to the desired time (or use the slider and track controls in the main window) and click on the "End" button to mark the end of the section. If the checkbox is selected, that section of the CD will repeat continuously. # :blabel These controls mark an area of the CD for continuous play. While the CD is playing or paused, click on the "Start" button to mark the start of the section. Then let the CD play to the desired time (or use the slider and track controls in the main window) and click on the "End" button to mark the end of the section. If the checkbox is selected, that section of the CD will repeat continuously. # :controls5 This popup allows you to create, modify, or remove custom playlists. Playlists are saved to the database when you choose Apply from the CD Info popup. # :playlists Use this scrolling list to select a playlist to edit, delete, or rename. # :listname Enter the name of a new playlist here, or the new name for an existing playlist. Use the "Create" and "Rename" buttons to add a new list or rename an existing one, respectively. # :button7 Create a new playlist. Enter the list's name in the "Name:" text field. If there's no name there, the computer will use a name of its own. # :button6 Rename the selected playlist to the name in the "Name:" text field. # :button5 Delete the currently-selected playlist. # :playlist Use this list to set up a predefined order in which to play the tracks on the CD. Fill it by selecting tracks from the menu that appears when you use the MENU mouse button over the list. To use the list once you're done building it, change the play mode from the main window (the bottom of the two choice items on the right side.) # :delete Delete the currently selected item from the playlist. # :deletetrk This button deletes a section from the list of tracks. It cannot be used on the first section of a track. # :splittrk Split the current track (as selected on the main window) into two sections. Use the track position slider to control the split point, or hit this button while the CD is playing. # :indexscan Scan the CD for index marks, adding sections wherever they're found. This process can take a while, so be patient.