#ifndef lint #ifdef sccs static char sccsid[] = "@(#)dndimpl.h 1.15 93/06/28"; #endif #endif /* * (c) Copyright 1990 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun design patents * pending in the U.S. and foreign countries. See LEGAL NOTICE * file for terms of the license. */ #ifndef xview_dndimpl_DEFINED #define xview_dndimpl_DEFINED #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DND_PRIVATE(dnd_public) XV_PRIVATE(Dnd_info, Xv_dnd_struct, dnd_public) #define DND_PUBLIC(dnd) XV_PUBLIC(dnd) #define DND_POINT_IN_RECT(r, xx, yy) \ ((xx) >= (r)->x && (yy) >= (r)->y && \ (xx) < (r)->x+(r)->w && (yy) < (r)->y+(r)->h) #define DND_IS_TRANSIENT(event) (event->ie_xevent->xclient.data.l[4] & \ DND_TRANSIENT_FLAG) #define DND_NO_SITE -1 #define SUN_DND_TRANSIENT_TEMPLATE "_SUN_DRAGDROP_TRANSIENT_%d_%d" /* Index into atom array */ #define TRIGGER 0 #define PREVIEW 1 #define ACK 2 #define DONE 3 #define WMSTATE 4 #define INTEREST 5 #define DSDM 6 #define NUM_ATOMS DSDM +1 typedef enum { Dnd_Trigger_Remote, Dnd_Trigger_Local, Dnd_Preview, } DndMsgType; typedef struct dndrect { int x, y; unsigned w, h; } DndRect; typedef struct dnd_site_desc { Window window; long site_id; unsigned int nrects; DndRect *rect; unsigned long flags; } Dnd_site_desc; typedef struct dndWaitEvent { Window window; int eventType; Atom target; } DnDWaitEvent; typedef struct dnd_site_rects { long screen_number; long site_id; long window; long x, y; long w, h; long flags; } DndSiteRects; typedef struct dnd_info { Dnd public_self; Xv_window parent; DndDragType type; Atom atom[NUM_ATOMS]; Xv_opaque cursor; Cursor xCursor; Xv_opaque affCursor; Cursor affXCursor; short transientSel; int drop_target_x; int drop_target_y; Dnd_site_desc dropSite; struct timeval timeout; Xv_opaque window; Selection_requestor sel; DndSiteRects *siteRects; int lastSiteIndex; int eventSiteIndex; unsigned int numSites; /* DND_HACK begin */ short is_old; /* DND_HACK end */ int incr_size; int incr_mode; /* Response from dsdm in INCR. */ Window lastRootWindow; int screenNumber; } Dnd_info; Pkg_private int dnd_init(); Pkg_private Xv_opaque dnd_set_avlist(); Pkg_private Xv_opaque dnd_get_attr(); Pkg_private int dnd_destroy(); #endif ~xview_dndimpl_DEFINED