A new release of the XView libraries and related tools has been uploaded to tsx-11.mit.edu and sunsite.unc.edu. This release includes the latest version of XView (3.2) that was recently released by SunSoft. Like my previous releases, this package tries to collect all freely available OpenLook libraries, window managers, and system tools into one integrated collection, which is hopefully easy to install and use. Below is an overview of the contents of the package: Libraries (both DLL and static versions): - olgx (OpenLook Graphics, a low level API that implements the look & feel) - xview (A user-interface toolkit which provides a number of objects such as canvases, scrollbars, menus and buttons.) - sspkg (the SlingShot library is an extension of libxview and provides better support for graphics oriented objects, such as lines, boxes icons etc.) - UIT (The User Interface Toolkit is an C++ extension building upon both xview and SlingShot, providing a very easy to use, object oriented programming model for OpenLook user interfaces). Window Managers: - olwm (This window manager is known to all users of Sun machines. The upgraded version released with XView 3.2 has better support for keyboard accelerators and drag-and-drop previewing) - olvwm (The Open Look Virtual Window Manager has the same look & feel as olwm, but with virtual workspaces) Tools: - clock - cmdtool/shelltool (A tty interface, still works rather badly) - props - textedit - perf (a rstatd frontend and perfmeter clone by Rudolf Koenig) Example programs: - A large collection of small example programs from the XView, SlingShot and UIT packages are included. These programs show how to use most features of the programming libraries, and some may even be useful as general tools. - Linux Meminfo. Written using UIT in C++, shows the memory and swap space status using xview gadgets. The kernel information is obtained from the proc-filesystem. Documentation: - All manpages and help files are included. - Postscript documentation describing new features in XView 3.2, plus some other documents describing programming issues for xview. - Complete Postscript documentation about SlingShot. - The documentation about UIT is *not* included, due to its size. This can be obtained from the original source package. Other: - A number of small utilities written particularely for the Linux port to make the environment as familiar as possible to OpenWindows(R) users. These include openwin, owplaces, toolwait, svenv etc. - Instructions and patches for building your own libraries and tools. Installation: The package contains a README file that describes the installation procedure. A script is provided which uninstalls previous releases and installs the new package. The installed setup occupies approximately 9MB diskspace (20MB+ during installation). The package will most likely be available at the following locations: tsx-11.mit.edu:/pub/linux/binaries/usr.bin.X11/xview3L5.tar.gz sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/development/.../xview3L5.tar.gz