/* * Definitions for gcc/g++. */ #undef LanguageCCDefines #define LanguageCCDefines -Dcplusplus_2_1 #ifndef CCDriver #define CCDriver g++ #endif #ifndef CcCmd #define CcCmd gcc #endif #if defined(SunArchitecture) #ifndef TIFFStdCDefines #define TIFFStdCDefines \ -DCOLORIMETRY_SUPPORT -DYCBCR_SUPPORT \ -DHAVE_IEEEFP=1 -DUSE_VARARGS=0 -DUSE_PROTOTYPES=1 #endif #endif /* The below include directories can be figured out by examining the * output from gcc -v ... */ #define GCCLibPath /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/2.5.8 GCCLIBPATH = GCCLibPath #ifndef DependCCFlags #define DependCCFlags $(CCDEFINES) $(CCINCLUDES) -I$(GCCLIBPATH)/include -I/usr/g++-include #endif #undef OptimizeCCFlags #define OptimizeCCFlags -O6 -fno-default-inline -felide-constructors -pipe #undef DefaultOptimizeCCFlags #define DefaultOptimizeCCFlags -O6 -fno-default-inline -felide-constructors -pipe #undef ExtraCCLdLibs #define ExtraCCLdLibs -lg++ #undef HasSunOSSharedLibraries #define HasSunOSSharedLibraries NO /* * Right now, libg++ cannot be used to build the RPC classes. */ #undef BuildRPCClasses #define BuildRPCClasses NO