To install the lightning completion and ultra-tex packages, here's what
you do:

  0. (You've probably already done this.)  Get the archive, which is
     called something like "ultra.tar.gz" or "ultra.tgz".  Run:
        gunzip ultra.tar.gz
        tar xf ultra.tar
     (or   tar xfz ultra.tar.gz   if your version of tar is good enough).
     This produces a directory called ultratex-0.50 (the "0.50" is the
     version number, so that part may vary).  Change to that directory:
        cd ultratex-0.50

  A few optional steps:

  1. (This step is optional, but it will make things run a bit
     faster.)  Byte-compile the el-files: if you run emacs by typing
     "emacs", then run: 
        make elc
     If you run emacs by typing something else (e.g., "emacs-19" or
     "xemacs"), run:
        make EMACS=emacs-19 elc
        make EMACS=xemacs elc
     or whatever.

  2. (This step is optional, but if you want to read the online
     documentation, you need to do this.)  Run:
        make info
     to create info files, usable by Info mode in Emacs.  Run 
        make dvi
     to create dvi files.

  (You can combine steps 1 and 2: run 'make', or
  'make EMACS=emacs-19' or 'make EMACS=xemacs' or ...)

  3. (Everything else.)  In brief: make sure that the directory
     "ultratex-0.50/lisp" is in your load-path, and `require' the two
     packages light and ultex-setup.

  In more detail:

  3a. In your .emacs file, you need a line like
        (setq load-path (cons "PATH" load-path))
     where PATH is the pathname of the lisp subdirectory of
     ultratex-0.50.  For instance, this might be
        (setq load-path (cons "/home/palmieri/emacs/ultratex-0.50/lisp"

     Note: I have the following in my .emacs file:
        (setq load-path (cons "/home/palmieri/emacs/ultratex/lisp"
     While in the "emacs" directory, I run:
        ln -s ultratex-0.50 ultratex
     This way, whenever I happen to download and install ultratex-0.51,
     I run
        cd ~/emacs
        rm ultratex
        ln -s ultratex-0.51 ultratex
     and I don't have to edit my .emacs file.

  3b. In your .emacs file, you also need the following lines:
        (require 'light)
	(require 'ultex-setup)
      The first of these lets you use the Lightning Completion
      package; the second initializes the Ultra-TeX package.

  4.  Restart Emacs and customize the packages as desired, by
      using the commands 
        M-x customize-group lightning-completion
        M-x customize-group ultra-tex
      You may need to load the ultex package, say by opening up a
      TeX file, before you can do the second of these.