+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | paragraphindent | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Abbreviation: �|\pin�% Parameters: �|indent�% �|Description:�% Throughout an entire document, paragraphs have 24 points indentation on the first line of each paragraph. This value may be changed by modifying the default with \paragraphindent. All following paragraphs will then exhibit the new indent. �|Example:�% The first paragraph indent has been set to 14 points for comparison with the second paragraph which has a \paragraphindent of 24 points. \paragraphindent{14pt} {\it The Journal of Nonrepeating Results} is published by the Center for Unpleasant Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for articles are assigned to and held by the authors. \par \pin{24pt} The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm of Giga Geologicals, Inc. No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | The Journal of Nonrepeating Results is published by the Center for | | Unpleasant Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for articles | | are assigned to and held by the authors. | | The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm of Giga | | Geologicals, Inc. No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of | | experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ �|Notes:�% If you are using \monospace, it is best to define the indent in tenths of an inch or in em's.