|                                  listbegin                                  |
Abbreviation:  �|\lib�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The  \listbegin  markup starts  a  series  of items  set  off  with numbers,
letters, or bullets (raised dots).   The \listbegin markup ends the previous
Some nations have historically dominated others.
\bul United States in Latin America (and the Pacific)
\bul Europe in Africa (especially England, France,
Germany, the Netherlands---perhaps Portugal and Spain)
\bul Japan in Southeast Asia (earlier in China, now
in the Philippines, Borneo, and others)
\bul Russia in Eastern Europe (and attempts in South
America and the Caribbean)
\bul China in Tibet (and most lately in Southeast
Asia---Campuchea, and Vietnam)
Countries have tried to dominate each other  . . .
|                                                                             |
| Some nations have historically dominated others.                            |
|    * United States in Latin America (and the Pacific)                       |
|    * Europe  in   Africa  (especially   England,   France,  Germany,   the  |
|      Netherlands---perhaps Portugal and Spain)                              |
|    * Japan in  Southeast Asia (earlier  in China, now  in the Philippines,  |
|      Borneo, and others)                                                    |
|    * Russia  in Eastern  Europe (and  attempts  in South  America  and the  |
|      Caribbean)                                                             |
|    * China in  Tibet (and most  lately in Southeast  Asia---Campuchea, and  |
|      Vietnam)                                                               |
| Countries have tried to dominate each other  . . .                          |
|                                                                             |