File Name	Description
 AIP.txs        American Institute of Physics style file
 COPYING        Copyright, Warranty, and Distribution Restrictions
 CVformat.txs   style file for Curriculum Vitae
 Elsevier.txs   style file for North Holland publications
 Example.tex    short example of a paper created with TeXsis
 Fonts.tex      Standalone fonttable printout
 Formletr.txs   macros for making form letters
 IEEE.txs       IEEE proceedings style file
 INSTALL        Info on how to get installation instructions
 Install.tex    TeXsis installation instructions, in Plain tex
 LPPL           LaTeX Project Public License
 MANIFEST       This shipping list
 Makefile       Unix makefile to build the format and Manual
 Manual.aux     label definitions for the TeXsis Manual
 Manual.ind     processed index for the TeXsis manual
 Manual.tex     TeXsis file to print manual
 PhysRev.txs    Physical Review style file
 README         General information about this distribution
 TXSapxF.doc    Appendix with font tables
 TXSconts.tex   table of contents
 TXScover.doc   Cover for the Manual
 TXSdcol.doc    double column documentation
 TXSdcol.tex    double column format
 TXSdoc.doc     documentation masterfile
 TXSdoc0.doc    documentation title page
 TXSdocM.doc    macros for manual
 TXSend.doc     end of Manual, acknowledgements and contents
 TXSenvmt.doc   documentation for center and list environments
 TXSenvmt.tex   special environments, \center, \Listing, etc
 TXSeqns.doc    Documentation for equation numbering
 TXSeqns.tex    equation numbering
 TXSfigs.doc    documentation for figures and tables
 TXSfigs.tex    figure and table macros
 TXSfmts.doc    documentation for layouts
 TXSfmts.tex    document layouts
 TXSfonts.doc   font documentation
 TXSfonts.tex   TeXsis font definitions
 TXShead.tex    running headlines and footlines
 TXSinit.tex    initialization stuff and some basic macros
 TXSinstl.doc   installation instructions, Manual appendix A
 TXSintro.doc   Manual introduction
 TXSletr.doc    documentation for letter and memo macros
 TXSletr.tex    LetterFormat for typing letters
 TXSmacs.tex    miscelaneous  macros common to all components
 TXSmemo.tex    MemoFormat for typing memoranda
 TXSmisc.doc    Documentation for miscellaneous macros
 TXSprns.doc    documetation for paren sizing and balancing
 TXSprns.tex    automatic paren sizing and balancing
 TXSrefs.doc    documentation for reference numbering
 TXSrefs.tex    references and citations
 TXSrevs.doc    revision history, manual appendix C
 TXSruled.doc   documentation for ruled tables
 TXSruled.tex   TeX macros for ruled tables, vis. ruled.tex
 TXSsects.doc   chapter and section documentation
 TXSsects.tex   chapter and section divisions
 TXSsite.000    proto (or example) site dependent info file
 TXSsymb.doc    documentation for extended math symbols
 TXSsymb.tex    extended math symbols for physics
 TXStags.doc    documentation for misc tags
 TXStags.tex    tags for ref and eqn numbers, labeling
 TXStitle.tex   title page macros for physics papers
 Tablebod.txs   old-style table making macros
 WorldSci.txs   World Scientific proceedins style file
 color.txs      macros to change colors for color PostScript
 index.tex      index making macros for Plain TeX & MakeIndex
 nuclproc.txs   style file for Nuclear Physics proceedings
 penguin.eps    sample encapsulated PostScript figure
 penguin2.eps   sample encapsulated PostScript figure 
 printfont.txs  Macros for printing font tables
 ruled.tex      Plain TeX interface for ruled tables
 spine.txs      macro for making 3-Ring binder labels
 texsis.1       man page for texsis, in troff -man  format
 texsis.bst     BIBTeX reference style file for TeXsis
 texsis.el      emacs mode for TeXsis
 texsis.tex     master file to generate TeXsis format
 thesis.txs     style file for a thesis 
 twin.txs       two pages side by side on one piece of paper
 texsis.lsm	Short description of the TeXsis package