@preamble{ "\newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} " # "\newcommand{\printfirst}[2]{#1} " # "\newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} " # "\newcommand{\switchargs}[2]{#2#1} "} @BOOK{h1, author = {�������, �.�.}, title = {���� ������}, address = {��������}, publisher = {\L{Pitman}}, month = {����}, year = {\L{1997}} } @BOOK{h2, author = {�������,�.�.}, title = {���� ������}, address = {��������}, publisher = {\L{Pitman}}, month = {����}, year = {\L{1997}} } @INBOOK{1, author = {Groetsch, C. W.}, title = {\L{The Theory of Tikhonov Regularization for Fredholm Integral Equation of the First Kind}}, publisher = {\L{Pitman}}, year = "1984", pages = "11--12", } @BOOK{2, author = "Golberg, M. A.", title = "Solution Methods for Integral Equations", publisher = "Plenum", year = "1979", } @ARTICLE{3, author = {Marti, J.T.}, title = {On the convergence of an algorithm for computing minimum norm solutions of ill-posed problems}, journal = {Math. Comp.}, year = {1980}, volume = {34}, pages = {521--527}, } @ARTICLE{4, author = "Wing,G.M.", title = {Condition numbers of matrices arising from the numerical solution of linear integral equations of the first kind}, journal = {J. Integral Equations}, year = 1985, volume = {9, (Suppl.)}, pages = "191--204 ", month = {Sept.}, } @BOOK{51, author = {Baker, C.~T.~H. and Miller, G.~F. (Eds)}, title = {Treatment of Integral Equations by Numerical Methods}, address = {London}, month = {July}, year = 1985, publisher = {\L{Pitman}}, note = {Based on the proceedings of a symposium held in Durham, in July, 1982, organized under the auspices of the London Math. Soc.} } @INCOLLECTION{5, author = {Marti, J.~T.}, title = {On a regularization method for Fredholm equations of the first kind, using {Sobolev} space}, booktitle = {Treatment of Integral Equations by Numerical Methods}, publisher = {Academic Press}, year ={1982}, } @BOOK{6, author = {Golberg, M.~A.}, title = {Solution Methods for Integral Equations}, publisher = {Plenum}, year ={1979}, } @BOOK{7, author = {Gohberg, J.C. and Krein, M.G.}, title = {Introduction to the theory of linear non-selfadjoint operators}, publisher = {AMS}, year = {1969}, volume = {Vol. 18}, series = {Transl. Math. Monographs} } @BOOK{8, author = {Gohberg, J.C. and Krein, M.G.}, title = {Introduction to the theory of linear non-selfadjoint operators}, publisher = {AMS}, year = {1969}, volume = {Vol. 18}, series = {Transl. Math. Monographs} } @BOOK{9, author = {Gohberg, J.C. and Krein, M.G.}, title = {Introduction to the theory of linear non-selfadjoint operators}, publisher = {AMS}, year = {1969}, volume = {Vol. 18}, series = {Transl. Math. Monographs} } @BOOK{10, author = {Gohberg, J.C. and Krein, M.G.}, title = {Introduction to the theory of linear non-selfadjoint operators}, publisher = {AMS}, year = {1969}, volume = {Vol. 18}, series = {Transl. Math. Monographs} } @BOOK{11, author = {Gohberg, J.C. and Krein, M.G.}, title = {Introduction to the theory of linear non-selfadjoint operators}, publisher = {AMS}, year = {1969}, volume = {Vol. 18}, series = {Transl. Math. Monographs} } @BOOK{12, author = {Gohberg, J.C. and Krein, M.G.}, title = {Introduction to the theory of linear non-selfadjoint operators}, publisher = {AMS}, year = {1969}, volume = {Vol. 18}, series = {Transl. Math. Monographs} }