%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % afonts1.sty % ArabTeX % load Naskh14 for NFSS1 % 16.11.95 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % (c) Klaus Lagally and Bernd Raichle % Institut fuer Informatik % Universitaet Stuttgart %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \a@ident {afonts1.sty} {3.04 define Naskh font for NFSS1} {16.11.1995} \chardef \fntatcode = \catcode`\@ \catcode`\@ = 11 \chardef \fntlscode = \catcode`\< \catcode`\< = 12 % NEW FONT SELECTION -- Version 1 % define \pnash to use the `nash' family, `m'edium series, `n'ormal shape. \def\pnash{\family{nash}\series{m}\shape{n}\selectfont} \def\pnashbf{\family{nash}\series{bx}\shape{n}\selectfont} % setup the font definition table % (`1' at the beginning of a fontname: size not available, print % warning to inform the user) \new@fontshape{nash}{m}{n}{% <5>1nash14% <6>1nash14% <7>1nash14% <8>1nash14% <9>1nash14% <10>nash14 at14.4pt% <11>nash14 at15.77441pt% <12>nash14 at17.28pt% <14>nash14 at20.736pt% <17>nash14 at24.8832pt% <20>1nash14 at29.85984pt% <25>1nash14 at35.831808pt}{} \new@fontshape{nash}{bx}{n}{% <5>1nash14bf% <6>1nash14bf% <7>1nash14bf% <8>1nash14bf% <9>1nash14bf% <10>nash14bf at14.4pt% <11>nash14bf at15.77441pt% <12>nash14bf at17.28pt% <14>nash14bf at20.736pt% <17>nash14bf at24.8832pt% <20>nash14bf at29.85984pt% <25>nash14bf at35.831808pt}{} \extra@def{nash}{}{} \catcode`\@ = \fntatcode \catcode`\< = \fntlscode \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EOF %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%