NEWS for package xlsxjars

Changes in version 0.6.1 (released 2014-04-01)
 o Remove the .onLoad function from the package and add it to package
 xlsx.  This is to help other dependencies on xlsxjars.  See Issue
 o Add clarification of license.  All the code in the jar is not my work.   
 The license and copyright is from The Apache Software Foundation.

Changes in version 0.6.0 (released 2014-02-26)

 o Use the POI 3.10 jars.

Changes in version 0.5.0 (released 2013-03-31)

 o Use the POI 3.9 jars.

Changes in version 0.4.0 (released 2012-04-15)

 o Use the POI 3.8 jars.

Changes in version 0.3.0 (released 2011-01-15)

 o Use the POI 3.7 jars.

 o Do not error in .onLoad if Java version is 1.5.0. 

Changes in version 0.2.0 (released 2010-05-01)

 o Use the POI 3.6 jars.