## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", include = TRUE, echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE ) ## ----libraries---------------------------------------------------------------- library(vigicaen) library(rlang) library(here) # if you like the here syntax for file paths library(dplyr) ## ----path_classic, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------- # # #### PATHS #### #### # # path_base <- "../vigibase_ecl/main" # # # #### IMPORT #### #### # # demo <- dt_parquet(path_base, "demo", in_memory = FALSE) # adr <- dt_parquet(path_base, "adr", in_memory = FALSE) # drug <- dt_parquet(path_base, "drug", in_memory = FALSE) # link <- dt_parquet(path_base, "link", in_memory = FALSE) # out <- dt_parquet(path_base, "out", in_memory = FALSE) # srce <- dt_parquet(path_base, "srce", in_memory = FALSE) # followup <- dt_parquet(path_base, "followup", in_memory = FALSE) # # suspdup <- dt_parquet(path_base, "suspdup", in_memory = FALSE) # # source("00_dict.R") # from template_dictionary ## ----test_datasets, include = FALSE------------------------------------------- demo <- demo_ adr <- adr_ drug <- drug_ link <- link_ out <- out_ followup <- followup_ srce <- srce_ thg <- thg_ mp <- mp_ meddra <- meddra_ smq_list <- smq_list_ smq_content <- smq_content_ suspdup <- data.table::data.table( UMCReportId = 1, SuspectedduplicateReportId = NA ) ## ----codes, include = FALSE, eval=TRUE, message = FALSE----------------------- d_drecno <- ex_$d_drecno atc_drecno <- get_atc_code(atc_sel = rlang::list2(l03 = c("L03AA")), mp = mp_, thg_data = thg_, vigilyze = TRUE) a_llt <- ex_$a_llt ## ----demo_dm, eval = TRUE----------------------------------------------------- # ---- Deduplicating ---- #### demo <- demo |> filter(!(UMCReportId %in% suspdup$SuspectedduplicateReportId)) # ---- Drugs ---- #### # From a list of drugs demo <- demo |> add_drug( d_code = d_drecno, drug_data = drug ) # From ATC demo <- demo |> add_drug( d_code = atc_drecno, drug_data = drug ) # ---- Reactions ---- #### demo <- demo |> add_adr( a_code = a_llt, adr_data = adr ) # ---- Demographics ---- #### # Age, sex demo <- demo |> mutate( age = cut(as.integer(AgeGroup), breaks = c(0,4,5,6,7,8), include.lowest = TRUE, right = TRUE, labels = c("<18", "18-45","45-64", "65-74", "75+")), sex = case_when(Gender == "1" ~ 1, Gender == "2" ~ 2, Gender %in% c("-","0","9") ~ NA_real_, TRUE ~ NA_real_) ) # Death + outcome availability demo <- demo |> mutate(death = ifelse(UMCReportId %in% out$UMCReportId, UMCReportId %in% (out |> filter(Seriousness == "1") |> pull(UMCReportId) ), NA) ) # follow-up, seriousness demo <- demo |> mutate( fup = if_else(UMCReportId %in% followup$UMCReportId, 1, 0), serious = ifelse( UMCReportId %in% out$UMCReportId, UMCReportId %in% (out |> filter(Serious == "Y") |> pull(UMCReportId) ), NA) ) # year demo <- demo |> mutate( year = as.numeric(substr(FirstDateDatabase, start = 1, stop = 4)) ) # type of reporter demo <- demo |> left_join( srce |> transmute(UMCReportId, type_reporter = Type), by = "UMCReportId") # explicit multi-level vars demo <- demo |> mutate( Type = factor(Type, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")), type_reporter = factor(type_reporter, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")), Region = factor(Region, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6")) ) levels(demo$Type) <- c("Spontaneous", "Report from study", "Other", "Not available to sender (unknown)", "PMS/Special monitoring") levels(demo$type_reporter) <- c("Physician", "Pharmacist", "Other Health Professional", "Lawyer", "Consumer or other non health professional") levels(demo$Region) <- c("African Region", "Region of the Americas", "South-East Asia Region", "European Region", "Eastern Mediterranean Region", "Western Pacific Region" ) # ---- Check ---- #### demo |> check_dm(cols = c(names(d_drecno), names(a_llt), "fup")) ## ----link_drug_adr------------------------------------------------------------ link <- link |> add_drug( d_code = d_drecno, drug_data = drug ) |> add_adr( a_code = a_llt, adr_data = adr ) ## ----mods--------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- Bivariate ---- #### rb <- demo |> compute_dispro( y = names(a_llt), x = names(d_drecno) ) # remove the hashes to save your results ## write.csv2(rb, here("outputs", "rb.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # ---- Multivariate ---- #### mod <- glm(a_colitis ~ nivolumab + age + sex, family = "binomial", data = demo) rm <- summary(mod)$coefficients |> compute_or_mod( estimate = Estimate, std_er = Std..Error ) # remove the hashes to save your results ## write.csv2(rm, here("outputs", "rm.csv"), row.names = FALSE) ## ----desc_demo---------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- General description ---- #### r_desc <- demo |> desc_facvar( vf = c("age", "sex", "type_reporter", "Type", "year", names(d_drecno), names(a_llt), "serious", "death"), ncat_max = 20 ) # ---- Time to onset ---- #### r_tto <- desc_tto( link, adr_s = names(a_llt), drug_s = names(d_drecno) ) # ---- Dechallenge ---- #### r_dch <- desc_dch( link, adr_s = names(a_llt), drug_s = names(d_drecno) ) # ---- Rechallenge ---- #### r_rch <- desc_rch( link, adr_s = names(a_llt), drug_s = names(d_drecno) )