0.4	Updated the plot4sizes() function and the corresponding output. Updated code that depends on 
	functions from the package robustBase because starting from robustbase v0.95-0 (2022-04-02, svn r894) 
	"mc() now by default uses doScale=FALSE in order to guarantee convergence also in extreme cases when
	used together with new c.huberize = 1e11. Both are not back compatible " 

0.3	Slight modification of boxB and LocScaleB to return the outliers by tail of the distribution (thanks to Eliot McGinnis
        for suggesting the improvement and the modified code) 

0.2	Added a new function skew.misc() to calculate skewness measures.
	Added possibility in HBmethod() to detect outliers in Escores using boxplot adjusted for skewness
	Added new method in LocScaleB() to account for slightly skewed distributions

0.1-5   Modified HBmethod() according to a note from Hidiroglou and Emond (2018)
	slight modification in dataframe returned by ratioSize when return.data=TRUE: the column  "size"  now is named 'sizeU' (for coherence with HBmethod)
        Added function plot4sizes() to plot output of HBmethod() or ratioSize()
0.1-4 	Corrected a bug in LocScaleB when computing score.
	In LocScaleB added possibility of estimating the scale by means of Inter-Decile Range (method="IDR") or based on Gini's meadn differrence