title: "Introduction to tidywater: Basic functions"
description: "This vignette will detail how to use the tidywater base functions for basic water quality analysis."
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
```{r setup}
## Defining a water
The first step for any modelling project using tidywater is to define your starting water quality. This can be done using the `define_water` function. This function allows you to input everything you know about your water (pH, alkalinity, temperature, etc.). It also standardizes units for subsequent modelling steps, calculates the carbonate balance from the alkalinity and pH (if provided), and estimates the ionic strength of the water from your inputs. The function then takes all this information and creates a unique object of class "water" (for more details, see R's S4 class).
The "water" class is the building block of tidywater and allows you to keep track of all the changes in your water through various water treatment processes in a tidy way. Think of the "water" class as a snapshot of everything that is known about a water at each step in a modelling process.
Why does tidywater depend on this special class instead of just using a data frame? The water class is a good way to standardize inputs and set up a data structure that would reduce user error. Funneling users through `define_water` reduces naming errors in downstream functions. It also ensures that all slots have the proper data class. For example, `ph` must always be a number, and `treatment` is always a character.
To start, let's create a blank water class and call it `empty_water.`
```{r, echo=TRUE}
empty_water <- define_water()
Notice that several warnings are generated about the water class. `define_water` will return warnings noting the assumptions and limitations of the water class depending on how much information you provided. For example, since we did not provide any information about the water's pH or alkalinity, the carbonate balance cannot be calculated. Similarly, since we did not provide any information about major ions in the water, information about the water's hardness and ionic strength are missing.
Even so, we successfully created our first water class! You can view the first few slots that a water class can contain by printing `empty_water`. But there are slots for general parameters, carbon content, corrosivity indicators, major cations and anions, and disinfection byproducts (DBPs). Different functions within tidywater will allow you to model all these parameters and more.
```{r, echo=TRUE}
So let's add some things to this water that we already know. Let's say we know pH, alkalinity, temperature, and the sodium concentration. We can define each of these parameters as arguments in `define_water`, which accepts pH (unitless), alkalinity in units of mg/L CaCO3, temperature in degrees C, and ions in mg/L (with the exception of bromide and manganese, reported as ug/L). The function also refers to all chemical compounds by their chemical symbol or formula. Let's call the new water class `my_water.`
Notice that the slots for `ph`, `alk`, `temp`, `na`, and `ca` are now populated, but we'll need to use slot names to see most of the information. The ions slots (`na`, `ca`) are output in units of mol/L (M). We can also see that `define_water` automatically calculated the amount of carbonate (`co3`) and bicarbonate (`hco3`) in the water based on the alkalinity and pH.
```{r, warning=FALSE}
my_water <- define_water(ph = 7.5, alk = 100, temp = 20, na = 50, ca = 50)
You can easily summarize your water quality using the `summarize_wq` function, which takes a water class object and exports an easy-to-read table of the water quality into the console.
This is a great way to get started with `tidywater` for users who only need to model a single water quality. If you have a large data set with multiple water qualities that you want to model, though, this might sound tedious. It wouldn't be possible to manually enter your pH, alkalinity, temperature, etc. for, let's say, 5,000 rows. Instead, `tidywater` has helper functions to generate many water classes simultaneously from an imported data set. See the `help_functions_blend` vignette for large data processing (paste this in the console: `vignette("help_functions_blend", package = "tidywater")`).
## Plotting and balancing ions
Back to our single use case, you'll notice one of the warnings alerts the user to missing cations and/or anions, and that you should use `balance_ions` to correct this. This is based on the electroneutrality principle which states that the charges of all the cations and anions in a water should add up to 0. If your water is missing any ions, it is likely that it isn't balanced. This could cause the results of your model to be off.
To check, you can use the `plot_ions` function on our `water` object to see what the current ion balance looks like. You can see that cation and anion bars are not equal, so this is not very realistic.
```{r, echo=TRUE, fig.width=7}
To correct this, the `balance_ions` function automatically adds in sodium, potassium, chloride, or sulfate until anions + cations = 0. Let's see what happens to the ion plot when we use `balance_ions` to estimate the missing ion concentrations.
```{r, , warning=FALSE, fig.width=7}
balanced_water <- my_water %>% balance_ions()
Great! `balance_ions` added chloride to `my_water` so it is now electrically neutral. To see how much chloride was added, you can use the "@" symbol with a `water` class object to access the slot you want, in this case, chloride
my_water@cl # We did not input any chloride in the original water
balanced_water@cl # The balanced water now contains chloride
## Converting units
The chloride units are in M. What if you want to know what that is in mg/L? There are two ways to do this in tidywater. The easiest way is to use the `summarize_wq` function shown above, which converts the ion concentrations back to mg/L.
Another option is to use the `convert_units` function, which allows you to specify the chemical and the starting and ending units. In this case, we want to convert the chloride concentration in `balanced_water` from M to mg/L.
convert_units(value = balanced_water@cl, formula = "cl", startunit = "M", endunit = "mg/L")
## Modelling assumptions
### Ionic strength
When possible, `define_water` will calculate ionic strength of the water, either based on TDS, conductivity, or the ions provided in the water. Most functions will work fine if you don't know the ionic strength, but especially when it comes to pH chemistry, it's good to include all the information you have. Note that in our original water, we didn't provide enough ions for the ionic strenth to be determined. We can remedy this in a few ways.
# The ionic strength slot was NA in the original water because we did not
# provide enough information to calculate it
# Input TDS or conductivity
new_water1 <- define_water(ph = 7.5, alk = 100, temp = 20, na = 50, ca = 50, tds = 100)
new_water2 <- define_water(ph = 7.5, alk = 100, temp = 20, na = 50, ca = 50, cond = 200)
# Input more known ions
new_water3 <- define_water(ph = 7.5, alk = 100, temp = 20, na = 50, ca = 50, so4 = 100)
There are a couple of other assumptions that `define_water` makes to be able to set up the data for downstream `tidywater` functions. These include standard ratios for hardness and DOC.
### Hardness
First, when only you only know the total hardness of the `water` (`tot_hard`), calcium hardness (`ca_hard`) is assumed to be 65% of the total, which is about average for U.S. drinking water. When only `ca_hard` is provided, `tot_hard` is assumed to be equal to calcium hardness/0.65. Magnesium hardness (`mg_hard`) is then calculated as total hardness - calcium hardness.
Let's look at this using `define_water`. We can use `convert_units` to get the output in standard units of hardness. By defining only the total hardness, we see that the `water` vector also contains estimates for calcium and magnesium.
```{r, warning=FALSE}
# Calculate hardness or calcium hardness
hard_water <- define_water(8, 20, 100, tot_hard = 150)
# total hardness in mg/L CaCO3
# calcium hardness
convert_units(value = hard_water@ca, formula = "ca", startunit = "M", endunit = "mg/L CaCO3")
# magnesium hardness
convert_units(value = hard_water@mg, formula = "mg", startunit = "M", endunit = "mg/L CaCO3")
### Total and dissolved organic carbon
TOC and DOC inputs operate similarly to hardness. TOC and DOC are important to know for modelling and predicting various water treatment processes. If you only know TOC, `define_water` applies a standard conversion to estimate DOC, and vice versa. If only `toc` is provided, `doc` is assumed to be 95% of the TOC. If only `doc` is provided, `toc` is assumed to be DOC/0.95. This ratio would generally be an acceptable estimate for most drinking water scenarios, but the amount of TOC that is dissolved in raw waters could vary widely. Westerhoff and Anning, 2000 reported a range of 10-100% dissolved TOC in 25 surface waters, so keep in mind that the standard conversion may not be right for your context.
```{r, warning=FALSE}
# Calculate TOC and DOC
toc_water <- define_water(8, 20, 100, toc = 3)
toc_water@toc # mg/L
toc_water@doc # mg/L
doc_water <- define_water(8, 20, 100, doc = 1.3)
doc_water@toc # mg/L
doc_water@doc # mg/L
Overall, `tidywater` helps you model scenarios with as little information as possible because we often don't have all the data we would like, but the less you have to assume about your water, the better. It's important to understand and list the assumptions you are making during any modelling effort.
Check out our other vignettes to learn more about tidywater's functions for modelling softening, coagulation, DBP formation.... here ____.