Changes to Version 3.1-16 o Modifications to C/C++ code requested by CRAN. o New support for subscripts, superscripts in pathDiagram(). Changes to Version 3.1-15 o Modifications to C/C++ code requested by CRAN. Changes to Version 3.1-14 o Make pathDiagram() compatible with the current version of DiagrammeR package. Changes to Version 3.1-13 o Eliminate dependency on matrixcalc package. o Revise Fortran BLAS/LAPACK function calls in C/C++ code as suggested by Brian Ripley. Changes to Version 3.1-12 o Fix to C++ code to correct PROTECT/UNPROTECT imbalance (reported by CRAN). Changes to Version 3.1-11 o Replaced data set formerly in the MBESS package (following problem reported by Brian Ripley for CRAN). o Small fixes to docs. Changes to Version 3.1-10 o Change instances of class(x) == "y" to inherits(x, "y"), and of x == TRUE to isTRUE(x). Changes to Version 3.1-9 o Changes to C++ code (requested by CRAN). Changes to Version 3.1-8 o Fixed compilation flags (at request of CRAN). o Small correction to DESCRIPTION file. Changes to Version 3.1-7 o Imports from standard packages to conform to new CRAN policy. o Moved DiagrammeR to Suggests: . Changes to Version 3.1-6 o Added text argument to specifyModel(), specifyEquations(), cfa(), readMoments(), and update.semmod(). o Modifications to miSem() etc. to work with version 0.9-99 of the mi package (contributed by Benjamin K Goodrich). o Major upgrades to pathDiagram() and cfa() (implementing suggestions of Michael Friendly). o Get rid of calls to require(). Changes to Version 3.1-5 o Small corrections to C++ code by Zhenghua Nie to prevent warnings from valgrind. Changes to Version 3.1-4 o Fixed multigroup start values (which failed under some circumstances, reported by Timo von Oertzen). o specifyModel() no longer fails when the model has just one input line. o specifyEquations() allows structural equations to be split over more than one line. o Fixed bug in computing robust statistics in multigroup models when not all variables in the input data set are in the model (reported by Thomas Niemand). o summary.tsls() now returns an object, printed by print.summary.tsls() (after question by Steve Koch). o Fixed bug suppressing computation of R^2s in a just-identified model (after report by Paula N. Fergnani). o Added message to specifyModel() suggesting use of specifyEquations() or cfa(). o Small fixes. Changes to Version 3.1-3 o No substantive changes. Changes to Version 3.1-2 o specifyModel() now allows tabs in path specifications. o Small fixes for compatibility with R 3.0.0. Changes to Version 3.1-1 o Fixed bug in startvalues() when a latent variable has only 1 indicator. o Added custom c++ function to print debug iteration history. Changes to Version 3.1-0 o Added FIML objective function for handling missing data. (Preliminary implementation for single-group models only.) o Added miSem() for multiple imputation. o Added bootSem.msem() method for multi-group models; bootSem() now generic. o Redefinition of BIC (differs by constant from previous version, suggested by Ken Bollen). o Default reference.indicators=TRUE in cfa() (suggestion of Ken Bollen). o Added fit.indices argument to summary() methods, along with fit.indices global option. AIC and BIC provided by default; other fit indices (including addition of RNI and IFI, suggested by Ken Bollen) available optionally. o New version of startvalues(); old version now named startvalues2(). o New pathDiagram.semmod() method. o Small fixes and changes. Changes to Version 3.0-0 o Compiled code for optimization. o Added multi-group models. o Modification indices for equality-constrained parameters. o weights argument added to tsls(). o raw argument added to cfa(). Changes to Version 2.1-2 o Suppress R^2s when raw moments used (they were not computed correctly). o Enhancements to update.semmod() and new edit.semmod() (suggestions of Michael Friendly). Changes to Version 2.1-1 o Added cfa() for compact specification of confirmatory factor analysis models. Changes to Version 2.1-0 o Added equation-style model specification, via specifyEquations() o Fixed bug in classifyVariables() when <- (rather than ->) used in the model. o Fixed bug in vcov.sem() when the model has just one structural parameter or just one variance/covariance parameter. Changes to Version 2.0-0 o Completely reworked version of the sem package. See CHANGES file for changes to older versions.