
Version 0.3-21 (24-11-2020)
  * Fixed bug with vector transpose in active set update

Version 0.3-20 (19-07-2020)
  * Removed dependency on rgdal

Version 0.3-19 (30-01-2020)
  * Fixed bug minor issue with tests

Version 0.3-18 (17-04-2018)
  * Fixed bug with sensor models

Version 0.3-17 (12-04-2018)
  * Fixed bug in R<->C++ interface

Version 0.3-16 (11-04-2018)
  * Fixed memory leaks due to parameter transformations

Version 0.3-6 (08-05-2014)
  * Removed non-C compliant function from extern C declarations

Version 0.3-5 (12-02-2014)
  * Removed dependency on Rcpp/RcppArmadillo to prevent their inclusion in binary distribution (on Osx/Win)
  * Updated Now uses same flags as Unix version.

Version 0.3-4 (14-10-2013)
  * Fixed a few issues with updated version of GCC
  * Fixed a bug in SumCovarianceFunction with gcc 4.8 (invalid implementation of base class)

Version 0.3-3 (20-08-2013)
  * Updated imports (automap, gstat) that are no longer provided by intamap
  * Fixed tests to load the required packages
  * Moved vignettes to vignettes subfolder
  * Removed Rcpp from depends as not actually needed to run psgp (only linked against)