The package tests make use of the "incomedata", "Xoutsamp", "milk", "grapes" and "grapesprox" data sets provided by the sae package under a GPL-2 license. Molina I and Marhuenda Y (2015). "sae: An R Package for Small Area Estimation." The R Journal, 7(1), pp. 81-98. <URL:> Please note that the data sets in tests/testthat/EBP are modified for our purposes. This means for the data set incomedata.RData that we only use the provinces that are also contained in the data set Xoutsamp. Furthermore, we created a data set called incomedata_woTeruel.RData that does not contain the province Teruel. Also the data set Xoutsamp is changed in the sense that unnecessary explanatory variables are deleted and a variable with the province names is added. The new data set with population data is called Xoutsamp_AuxVar.RData. The Austrian shape file provided by this package was obtained under a CC BY-SA 2.0 license from: Bundesamt fuer Eich- und Vermessungswesen, Verwaltungsgrenzen (VGD) - 1:250.000, Bezirksgrenzen, Data from 1.04.2017,, by SynerGIS, CC BY-SA 2.0 (, accessed the 07.02.2018. Several versions of synthetic EU-SILC data are used (eusilc from package laeken and eusilcP from package simFrame) and the data set eusilcA_pop, a modified version of eusilcP, is included in the package. eusilc and eusilcP are public-use files (under GPL-2) published in the Journal of Statistical Software, Vol 54 (2013), Issue 15, and Vol 37 (2010), Issue 3. The files step.R and drop1.add1.fh.R are based on the step and drop functions respectively the add.R file of the R stats package. Part of the R package, Copyright (C) 1995-2014 The R Core Team under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at