CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.1 ------------------------ o register the to fix R check <2018-09-18, Mon> o density parameter for pdf or svg image <2018-04-19, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 0.2.0 ------------------------ o better vjust <2018-04-08, Sun> CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.0 ------------------------ o font_import <2017-12-06, Wed> + packed pokemon and bubble fonts for demo CHANGES IN VERSION 0.0.7 ------------------------ o text shadow <2017-10-26, Thu> + bgcolor = 'black' by default, can change to NULL to disable this feature + r = 0.2 by default, increase/decrease the value to increase/decrease the shadow text o change to using Impact font by default <2017-10-26, Thu> o remove gridGraphics dependency for easy installation <2017-10-26, Thu> + <> o mmplot and mm_caption to mimic the ggplot grammar for fun <2017-10-24, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 0.0.6 ------------------------ o initial release + meme and meme_save + print, plot and + method + memeGrob to convert the meme object to grob - compatible with grid, ggplot2, ggimage and cowplot + asp function calculate the aspect ratio of image