--- title: "Structured Logging" date: "Updated as of `r as.Date(Sys.time())`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Structured Logging} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) library(log4r) # Dummy Plumber request & response. req <- list( REQUEST_METHOD = "POST", PATH_INFO = "/upload", QUERY_STRING = "", HTTP_USER_AGENT = "curl/7.58.0", REMOTE_ADDR = "" ) res <- list(status = 401) # Dummy CSV-parsing stuff: filename <- "catpics_01.csv" entries <- data.frame(x = 1:4124) start <- Sys.time() ``` Traditionally, messages emitted from R packages or scripts are unstructured messages, like this one from the **shiny** package: ``` text Listening on http://localhost:8080 ``` A richer, more structured representation of this log message might be: ``` text level=INFO ts=2021-10-21T20:21:01Z message="starting Shiny" host=localhost port=8080 shiny_version=1.6.0 appdir=projects/mycoolapp ``` This second message uses *structured logging*, attaching relevant metadata to a log message as standalone fields. Structured logs have two advantages: * They tend to have more standard, predictable content, which can make reading them easier (especially if you did not write the message yourself); and * They are much, much easier for log management and aggregation systems to query -- fields can be used to aggregate logs into metrics like "how many times has X happened" and "how long does task Y take on average", and individual fields can be used to answer questions like "what happened to user Z over their last few logins". **log4r** includes support for two of the most popular structured logging formats: * `json_log_layout`: Emit log messages as JSON, likely the most widely-used. * `logfmt_log_layout`: Emit log messages using the more human-friendly [logfmt](https://brandur.org/logfmt). To use these formats, you can pass additional arguments to the existing logging functions `info()`, `warn()` and `error()`. ## JSON Logs The most popular format for structured logging is probably JSON, which you can configure as follows: ```{r json} logger <- logger(appenders = console_appender(json_log_layout())) ``` As an example, suppose you are logging unauthorised requests to a [Plumber](https://www.rplumber.io/) API. You might have a log message with fields like the following: ```{r json-example} # Here "req" and "res" are slightly fake request & response objects. info( logger, message = "authentication failed", method = req$REQUEST_METHOD, path = req$PATH_INFO, params = sub("^\\?", "", req$QUERY_STRING), user_agent = req$HTTP_USER_AGENT, remote_addr = req$REMOTE_ADDR, status = res$status ) ``` ## logfmt Logs An alternative to JSON is the popular, more human-friendly logfmt style, which you can configure as follows: ```{r logfmt} logger <- logger(appenders = console_appender(logfmt_log_layout())) ``` As an example, you might have the following in a script that processes many CSV files: ```{r logfmt-example} info( logger, message = "processed entries", file = filename, entries = nrow(entries), elapsed = unclass(difftime(Sys.time(), start, units = "secs")) ) ```