Version 1.4 2023-08-18 Replace dfloat with dble Version 1.3 2020-07-05 Apply 'gfortran -c -fc-prototypes-external lmm.f' to extract C prototype Version 1.2 2018-06-30 Minor revision to DESCRIPTION Version 1.1 2018-06-29 Change email address, URL and Description Adress complaints about lmm.f and lmm.R (duplicated registries due to a missing argument for fastmode) 2018-02-04 Remove a4wide.sty 2018-01-26 Employ tools::package_native_routine_registration_skeleton("lmm",con="package_native_routine_registration_skeleton.c") Version 1.0 2015-02-10 Convert rngs to real function in accordance with pan Cast rangen explicitly as real Revise DESCRIPTION and remove .Rinstignore Version 0.9 2013-12-10 Change LICENSE following advince from Kurt Hornik Version 0.8 2013-12-10 date stamp for CRAN submssion 2013-09-30 mv inst/doc vignettes rmdir inst Version 0.7 2013-09-27 Add MIT to LICENSE Version 0.6 2012-04-16 Change "integer gmax/50/" into "integer gmax, data gmax/50/" in lmm.f as suggested by Brook Milligan [] 2012-04-11 Revise example.Rd 2012-04-06 Include incomplete data in marijuana.rda Accommodate the change in example.Rd 2012-04-05 Fix typos and add title to Table 1 in lmm-tr.Rnw Version 0.5 2012-04-05 Add argument err to .Fortran calls in functions including ecmeml, ecmerml, fastmcmc, fastml, fastrml, mgibbs as suggested by R -d valgrind --vanilla < example.R To enable LazyData and LazyLoad 2012-04-04 Remove .lmm suffixes to functions Collect data in example.Rd into marijuana.rda and tabulated in lmm-tr Version 0.4 2012-03-16 Add ChangeLog, .Rinstignore and lmm-tr.Rnw Version 0.3-5 2008-08-26 Add NAMESPACE Version 0.1 2003-11-15 Made availale from CRAN