title: "Creating new linters"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Creating new linters}

This vignette describes the steps necessary to create a new linter.

See the last section for some details specific to writing new linters for `{lintr}`.

A good example of a simple linter is the `pipe_call_linter`.

#' Pipe call linter
#' Force explicit calls in magrittr pipes, e.g.,
#' `1:3 %>% sum()` instead of `1:3 %>% sum`.
#' @evalRd rd_tags("pipe_call_linter")
#' @seealso [linters] for a complete list of linters available in lintr.
#' @export
pipe_call_linter <- function() {
  xpath <- "//expr[preceding-sibling::SPECIAL[text() = '%>%'] and *[1][self::SYMBOL]]"

  Linter(linter_level = "expression", function(source_expression) {
    if (!is_lint_level(source_expression, "expression")) {

    xml <- source_expression$xml_parsed_content
    if (is.null(xml)) return(list())

    bad_expr <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml, xpath)

      source_expression = source_expression,
      lint_message = "Use explicit calls in magrittr pipes, i.e., `a %>% foo` should be `a %>% foo()`.",
      type = "warning"

Let's walk through the parts of the linter individually.

## Writing the linter ##

#' Pipe call linter
#' Force explicit calls in magrittr pipes, e.g.,
#' `1:3 %>% sum()` instead of `1:3 %>% sum`.

Describe the linter, giving it a title and briefly covering the usages that are discouraged when the linter is active.

#' @evalRd rd_tags("pipe_call_linter")
#' @seealso [linters] for a complete list of linters available in lintr.
#' @export

These lines (1) generate a Tags section in the documentation for the linter^[NB: this is a helper function for generating custom Rd styling. See R/linter_tags.R.]; (2) link to the full table of available linters; and (3) mark the function for export. The most unfamiliar here is probably (1), which can be skipped outside of `lintr` itself.

pipe_call_linter <- function() {

Next, we define the name of the new linter.  The convention is to suffix all
linter names with `_linter`. All `_linter` functions are function factories that return a
closure that will do the actual linting function. We could define additional parameters
that are useful for the linter in this function declaration (see, e.g. `assignment_linter`), but
`pipe_call_linter` requires no additional arguments.

xpath <- "//expr[preceding-sibling::SPECIAL[text() = '%>%'] and *[1][self::SYMBOL]]"

Here is the core linter logic. `xpath` is an XPath expression for expressions matching the discouraged usage.
`xpath` is saved inside the factory code (as opposed to inside the linter itself) for efficiency. Often,
the `xpath` will be somewhat complicated / involve some assembly code using `paste()` or `glue::glue()`[^See
`infix_spaces_linter()` for an example of this], in which case it is preferable to execute this code only
once when creating the linter; the cached XPath is then re-used on each expression in each file where the
linter is run.

Let's examine the XPath a bit more closely:

//expr                  # global search (//) for 'expr' nodes (R expressions), at any nesting level
[                       # node[...] looks for any 'node' satisfying conditions in ...
  preceding-sibling::   # "siblings" are at the same nesting level in XML
    SPECIAL[            # 'SPECIAL' is the parse token for infix operators like %% or %+%
      text() = '%>%'    # text() returns the string associated with this node
    ]                   #
  and                   # combine conditions with 'and'
  *                     # match any node
  [1]                   # match the first such node
  [self::SYMBOL]        # match if the current node is a 'SYMBOL' (i.e., a 'name' in R)
]                       #

Taken together, that means we want to match `expr` nodes preceded by the `%>%` infix operator whose first child node is a `name`.
That maps pretty closely to the description of what the `pipe_call_linter` is looking for, but there is subtlety in mapping
between the R code you're used to and how they show up in the XML representation. `expr` nodes in particular take some practice
to get accustomed to -- use the plentiful XPath-based linters in `lintr` as a guide to get extra
practice^[The W3schools tutorials are also quite helpful; see https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_intro.asp]. Note: `xml2`
implements XPath 1.0, which lacks some helpful features available in XPath 2.0.

Linter(function(source_expression) {

This is the closure. It will be called on the `source_expression` variable that
contains the top level expressions in the file to be linted. The call to
`Linter()` gives this closure the class 'linter' (it also guesses the name of the linter; see `?Linter` for more details).

The raw text of the expression is available from `source_file$content`. However,
it is not generally possible to implement linters from the raw text -- consider
`equals_na_linter`. If we just look for `== NA` in the text of the file, we'll
generate many false positives, e.g. in comments (such as `# note: is.na() is the proper way to check == NA`)
or inside character literals (such as `warning("don't use == NA to check missingness")`).
We're also likely to generate false negatives, for example when `==` and `NA` appear on different lines!
Working around these issues using only the un-parsed text in every situation amounts to re-implementing the parser.

Therefore it is recommended to work with the tokens from `source_file$parsed_content` or `source_file$xml_parsed_content`,
as they are tokenized from the `R` parser. These tokens are obtained
from `parse()` and `utils::getParseData()` calls done prior to calling the new linter.
`getParseData()` returns a `data.frame` with information from the source parse
tree of the file being linted. A list of tokens is available from

`source_file$xml_parsed_content` uses `xmlparsedata::xml_parse_data()` to convert the `getParseData()` output into an XML tree,
which enables writing linter logic in [XPath](https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_intro.asp), a powerful language
for expressing paths within the nested XML data structure. Most linters in `lintr` are built using XPath because it is a
powerful language for computation on the abstract syntax tree / parse tree.

if (!is_lint_level(source_expression, "expression")) {

Here, we return early if `source_expression` is not the expression-level object. `get_source_expression()` returns an
object that parses the input file in two ways -- once is done expression-by-expression, the other contains all of the
expressions in the file. This is done to facilitate caching. Suppose your package has a long source file (e.g., 100s of expressions) --
rather than run linters on every expression every time the file is updated, when caching is activated `lintr` will
only run the linter again on expressions that have changed.

Note that this check is unnecessary because we provided `linter_level = "expression"` which guarantees that `source_expression` will be at the expression level and not at the file level.

Therefore, it is preferable to write expression-level linters whenever possible. Two types of exceptions observed in `lintr` are
(1) when several or all expressions are _required_ to ensure the linter logic applies (e.g., `conjunct_test_linter` looks for
consecutive calls to `stopifnot()`, which will typically appear on consecutive expressions) or (2) when the linter logic
is very simple & fast to compute, so that the overhead of re-running the linter is low (e.g., `single_quotes_linter`). In those cases,
use `is_lint_level(source_expression, "file")`.

xml <- source_expression$xml_parsed_content

bad_expr <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml, xpath)

`source_expression$xml_parsed_content` is copied to a local variable
(this is not strictly necessary but facilitates debugging). Then `xml2::xml_find_all()` is used to execute the XPath on
this particular expression. Keep in mind that it is typically possible for a single expression to generate more than one
lint -- for example, `x %>% na.omit %>% sum` will trigger the `pipe_call_linter()` twice^[This is particularly important
if you want the `message` field in the resulting `Lint()` to vary depending on the exact violation that's found. For
`pipe_call_linter()`, the message is always the same. See `assignment_linter()` for an example where the `message` can vary.].

  source_expression = source_expression,
  lint_message = "Use explicit calls in magrittr pipes, i.e., `a %>% foo` should be `a %>% foo()`.",
  type = "warning"

Finally, we pass the matching XML node(s) to `xml_nodes_to_lints()`, which returns `Lint` objects corresponding to any "bad" usages
found in `source_expression`. See `?Lint` and `?xml_nodes_to_lints` for details about the arguments.
Note that here, the `message` for the lint is always the same, but for many linters,
the message is customized to more closely match the observed usage. In such cases, `xml_nodes_to_lint()` can conveniently
accept a function in `lint_message` which takes a node as input and converts it to a customized message.
See, for example, `seq_linter`.

linter_level = "expression"

This is a more efficient way to implement the condition `if (!is_lint_level(source_expression, "expression"))`.

## Writing linter tests

(NB: this section uses the `assignment_linter()` which has simpler examples than `pipe_continuation_linter()`.)

`{lintr}` works best inside the `{testthat}` unit testing framework, in particular, `{lintr}`
exports `lintr::expect_lint()` which is designed as a companion to other testthat expectations.

You can define tests inside separate `test_that` calls.  Most of the linters use the same default form.

test_that("returns the correct linting", {

You then test a series of expectations for the linter using `expect_lint`.
Please see `?expect_lint` for a full description of the parameters.

The main three aspects to test are:

1. Linter returns no lints when there is nothing to lint, e.g.

expect_no_lint("blah", assignment_linter())

2. Linter returns a lint when there is something to lint, e.g.

  rex("Use <-, not =, for assignment."),

3. As many edge cases as you can think of that might break it, e.g.

expect_lint("fun((blah = fun(1)))",
  rex("Use <-, not =, for assignment."),

You may want to test that additional `lint` attributes are correct,
such as the type, line number, column number, e.g.

  list(message = "assignment", line_number = 1, column_number = 5, type = "style"),

Finally, it is a good idea to test that your linter reports multiple lints if
needed, e.g.

expect_lint("blah=1; blah=2",
    list(line_number = 1, column_number = 5),
    list(line_number = 1, column_number = 13),

It is always better to write too many tests rather than too few.

## Other utilities for writing custom linters

Besides `is_lint_level()`, `{lintr}` also exports some other helpers generally useful
for writing custom linters; these are used a lot in the internals of our own helpers,
and so they've been tested and demonstrated their utility already.

 * `get_r_string()`: Whenever your linter needs to examine the value of a character
   literal (e.g., whether an argument value is set to some string), use this to
   extract the string exactly as R will see it. This is especially important to make
   your logic robust to R-4-style raw strings like `R"-(hello)-"`, which is otherwise
   difficult to express, for example as an XPath.
 * `xml_find_function_calls()`: Whenever your linter needs to query R function calls,
   e.g. via the XPath `//SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'myfun']`, use this member of
   `source_expression` to obtain the function call nodes more efficiently.
   Instead of
   xml <- source_expression$xml_parsed_content
   xpath <- "//SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'myfun']/parent::expr/some/cond"
   xml_find_all(xml, xpath)
   xml_calls <- source_expression$xml_find_function_calls("myfun")
   call_xpath <- "some/cond"
   xml_find_all(xml_calls, call_xpath)
 * `make_linter_from_xpath()` and `make_linter_from_function_xpath()`: Whenever your
   linter can be expressed by a static XPath and a static message, use `make_linter_from_xpath()`
   or, if the XPath starts with `//SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL`, use `make_linter_from_function_xpath()`.
   Instead of
   `make_linter_from_xpath(xpath = "//SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'foo' or text() = 'bar']")`,
   `make_linter_from_function_xpath(function_names = c("foo", "bar"), xpath = "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL/cond")`.
   Very often, such XPaths look like `//SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL/parent::expr/cond2`,
   in which case the `xpath=` is simpler: `xpath = "cond2"`. Another common case is
   `//SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL/parent::expr[exprCond]/furtherCond`, which becomes
   `xpath = "self::*[exprCond]/furtherCond"`.

## Contributing to `{lintr}`

### More details about writing tests for new `{lintr}` linters

The `{lintr}` package uses [testthat](https://github.com/r-lib/testthat) for
testing. You can run all of the currently available tests using
`devtools::test()`.  If you want to run only the tests in a given file use the
`filter` argument to `devtools::test()`.

Linter tests should be put in the
folder.  The test filename should be the linter name prefixed by `test-`, e.g.

### Adding your linter to the default_linters ##

If your linter implements part of the tidyverse style guide you can add it to `default_linters`.
This object is created in the file `zzz.R` (this name ensures that it will always run after all
the linters are defined). Add your linter name to the `default_linters`
list before the `NULL` at the end, and add a corresponding test case to the test script

### Submit pull request ##

Push your changes to a branch of your fork of the
[lintr](https://github.com/r-lib/lintr) repository, and submit a pull
request to get your linter merged into lintr!