These are installation notes for the laGP R package. INSTALLATION ------------ It should be possible to install this source package via "R CMD INSTALL laGP", where "laGP" is this directory, from "../". I.e., in the usual way. The binaries provided on CRAN do not support OpenMP parallelization or CUDA graphical processing unit (GPU) subroutines. The package must be compiled manually in order to utilize these features. However, the binaries do work out of the box, providing a single CPU-only implementation. SUPPORT FOR OPENMP ------------------ If R is compiled with OpenMP support enabled, then no special action is needed in order to extend that functionality to laGP - it will just work. However, current R binaries (as of June 2013) are not compiled with OpenMP support enabled. Nevertheless, it is still possible to compile laGP from source with OpenMP features assuming your compiler supports them. Doing that requires two small edits to laGP/src/Makevars. 1.) Replace "$(SHLIB_OPENMP_CFLAGS)" in the PKG_CFLAGS line with "-fopenmp". This works for GCC compilers. For other compilers, consult docs for appropriate flags. 2.) Replace "$(SHLIB_OPENMP_CFLAGS)" in the PJG_LIBS line with "-lgomp". This works for GCC compilers. For other compilers, consult docs for appropriate flags. The laGP/src/Makevars file contains commented out lines which implement these changes. After these changes are made, simply install the package as usual (e.g., see above). Note that as of Xcode v5, and OSX Mavericks, the Clang compiler provided by Apple does not include OpenMP support. We suggest downloading gcc v9 or later, for example from, and following the instructions therein. NOTE: There can be some incompatibilities between multi-threaded BLAS (e.g., Intel MKL) and OpenMP (e.g., non-Intel, like with GCC). The reason is that laGP can, in some builds, create nested OpenMP threads of different types (Intel for linear algebra, and GCC for parallel local design). Problematic behavior has been observed when using aGPsep with GCC OpenMP and MKL multi-threaded linear algebra. Generally speaking, since laGP uses threads to divvy up local design tasks, a threaded linear algebra subroutine library is not recommended. SUPPORT FOR CUDA ---------------- CUDA support can be highly architecture and operating system specific, therefore the very basic instructions here may not work widely. However they have been tested on a variety of Unix-alikes including OSX. First compile the file into an object using the Nvidia CUDA compiler. E.g., change into laGP/src and do % nvcc -arch=sm_20 -c -Xcompiler -fPIC -o alc_gpu.o Alternatively, you can use/edit the "alc_gpu.o:" definition in the Makefile provided. Then, make the following changes to laGP/src/Makevars, possibly augmenting changes made above to accommodate OpenMP support. Note that OpenMP (i.e., using multiple CPU threads) brings out the best in our GPU implementation. 1.) Add "-D_GPU" to the PKG_FLAGS 2.) Add "alc_gpu.o -L /software/cuda-5.0-el6-x86_64/lib64 -lcudart" to the PKG_LIBS Please replace "/software/cuda-5.0-el6-x86_64/lib64" with the path to the CUDA libs on your machine. CUDA 4.x is also supported. The laGP/src/Makvars file contains commented out lines which implement these changes. After these changes are made, simply install the package as usual (e.g., see above). Alternatively, use "make allgpu" to compile a standalone shared object. MORE DETAILS ------------ For more details, please see the Appendix in vignette("laGP")