CHANGES in `irboost' VERSION 0.1_1.0 (2022-02-15) o this is previously called package ccboost. The name change better helps to understand better the algorithm CHANGES in `irboost' VERSION 0.1_1.3 (2023-08-03) o modify executing check_s following the update of mpath package on function R/check_s CHANGES in `irboost' VERSION 0.1_1.4 (2024-03-06) o vignettes/irbst.Rnw was substantially modified o how to update Rd? The devtools::document() function updates the NAMESPACE file, and devtools::install() reinstalls the package with the updated documentation. library(roxygen2) roxygen2::roxygenize() devtools::document() o how to build package? R CMD build --compact-vignettes="both" irboost o convert irbst.Rnw to irbst_knitr.Rmd 1. Obtain irbst_jds.tex using R CMD Sweave irbst.Rnw cp irbst.tex irbst_jds.tex change $ to $$ sed -i 's/\$/\$\$/g' irbst_jds.tex add $body$ in irbst_jds.tex to integrate code in irbst_knitr.Rmd 2. In irbst_knitr.Rmd with the following lines --- title: "Unified robust boosting" output: bookdown::pdf_document2: template: irbst_jds.tex --- o convert irbst.Rnw to irbst.Rmd 1. convert Sweave format irbst.Rnw to knitr using ... library(knitr) Sweave2knitr('irbst.Rnw') # you will get irbst-knitr.Rnw by default 2. convert irbst-knitr.Rnw to irbst.Rmd using R function Rnw2Rmd from package mdsr o change $ to $$ in a text file sed -i 's/\$/\$\$/g' your_file.txt o some parameters in R/irboost.R are now moved to a new argument params, a list of parameters. The argument params in irboost is passed to argument params in xgboost::xgboost CHANGES in `irboost' VERSION 0.1_1.5 (2024-04-17) o move the code part of irbst_knitr.Rmd to irbst_code.Rmd o remove irbst.Rnw, irbst_jds.tex, irbst_knitr.Rmd and associated latex format files CHANGES in `irboost' VERSION 0.2_1.0 (2025-02-04) o minor update vignette/irbst_code.Rmd o update the reference with published paper: Unified robust boosting