2011-09-14  Rodrigo

	* initial version

2012-08-08  Rodrigo

	* S4 formalization of the package, addition of the Confidence Interval option to the abc method.

2012-09-14 Rodrigo

	* fixes to some documentation links.

2012-11-06 Rodrigo

	* updated the custom plot functions documentation.
2014-02-17 Rodrigo

	* updated DESCRIPTION file to import packages from NAMESPACE
2015-07-03 Rodrigo
	* updates NAMESPACE file to import var function from package stats
	* updated DESCRIPTION file to import packages from NAMESPACE
2015-08-24 Rodrigo
	* updates NAMESPACE file to import functions from graphics
	* version number correction across files
	* documantation chances to be up-to-date with actual bild system