## ----echo = FALSE, results = "hide", message = FALSE---------------------------------------------- require("emmeans") require("MASS") knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 4.5, fig.height = 2.0, class.output = "ro", class.message = "re", class.error = "re", class.warning = "re") ###knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 4.5, fig.height = 2.0) ## ----message = FALSE, fig.alt = "Plot A: Comparison arrows for foo. These arrows overlap or not as per the P-values in pairs(foo) are greater or less than 0.05"---- m = c(6.1, 4.5, 5.4, 6.3, 5.5, 6.7) se2 = c(.3, .4, .37, .41, .23, .48)^2 lev = list(A = c("a1","a2","a3"), B = c("b1", "b2")) foo = emmobj(m, diag(se2), levels = lev, linfct = diag(6)) plot(foo, CIs = FALSE, comparisons = TRUE) ## ----message = FALSE, fig.alt = "Plot B - for foo3. The arrow lengths are more diverse than in plot A, but the arrows still all work correctly"---- mkmat <- function(V, rho = 0, indexes = list(1:3, 4:6)) { sd = sqrt(diag(V)) for (i in indexes) V[i,i] = (1 - rho)*diag(sd[i]^2) + rho*outer(sd[i], sd[i]) V } # Intraclass correlation = 0.3 foo3 = foo foo3@V <- mkmat(foo3@V, 0.3) plot(foo3, CIs = FALSE, comparisons = TRUE) ## ----message = FALSE, fig.alt = "Plot C - for foo6. Not all of the arrows work correctly and we get a warning message with details. The appearance of the arrows is pretty chaotic, with many extending in vastly unequal distances from the means"---- foo6 = foo foo6@V <- mkmat(foo6@V, 0.6) plot(foo6, CIs = FALSE, comparisons = TRUE) ## ----message = FALSE, error = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- try({ foo8 = foo foo8@V <- mkmat(foo8@V, 0.8) plot(foo8, CIs = FALSE, comparisons = TRUE) }) ## ----message = FALSE, fig.alt = "Plot D - foo8, separate panels for each B. This is a nicely behaved plot because we are not mixing together between-B and within-B SEs."---- plot(foo8, CIs = FALSE, comparisons = TRUE, by = "B") ## ----fig.alt = "pwpp of foo6, providing a fairly readable display of the P-values in pairs(foo6)"---- pwpp(foo6, sort = FALSE) pwpm(foo6) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) ## ensure system default w <- warpbreaks[1:40, ] ### no data for (wool = B, tension = H) w.lm <- lm(breaks ~ wool * tension, data = w) w.rg <- ref_grid(w.lm) (jt <- joint_tests(w.rg)) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (test.all <- test(contrast(w.rg, "consec"), joint = TRUE)) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ef <- attr(jt, "est.fcns")) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tmp <- w.rg tmp@linfct <- do.call(rbind, ef) # combine EFs into a matrix tmp@grid <- tmp@grid[1:2, ] # replace the @linfct and @grid slots (test.ef <- test(tmp, joint = TRUE)) # -- that's enough to get the test ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (test.all$df1 * test.all$F.ratio - test.ef$df1 * test.ef$F.ratio) / (test.all$df1 - test.ef$df1) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- require(MASS) mod1 <- glm(Claims ~ District + Group + Age + offset(log(Holders)), data = Insurance, family = poisson) mod2 <- glm(Claims ~ District + Group + Age, offset = log(Holders), data = Insurance, family = poisson) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (rg1 <- ref_grid(mod1)) (rg2 <- ref_grid(mod2)) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- emmeans(rg1, "Age") emmeans(rg2, "Age") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- emmeans(rg1, "Age", offset = 0, type = "response") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- emmeans(mod1, "Age", cov.reduce = Holders ~ Age) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- emmeans(mod2, "Age", cov.reduce = .static.offset. ~ Age)