%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Vignette "How to generate new distributions in packages distr, distrEx" % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %\VignetteIndexEntry{newDistributions} %\VignetteDepends{startupmsg} %\VignetteKeywords{probability distribution,estimation} %\VignettePackage{distr} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} % % % \documentclass[10pt]{article} % %use svn-multi to fill in revision information % \usepackage{svn-multi} % Version control information: \svnidlong {$HeadURL: svn+ssh://ruckdeschel@svn.r-forge.r-project.org/svnroot/distr/pkg/distr/vignettes/newDistributions-knitr.Rnw $} {$LastChangedDate: 2024-11-05 21:43:18 +0100 (Di, 05 Nov 2024) $} {$LastChangedRevision: 1481 $} {$LastChangedBy: ruckdeschel $} %\svnid{$Id: example_main.tex 146 2008-12-03 13:29:19Z martin $} % Don't forget to set the svn property 'svn:keywords' to % 'HeadURL LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision 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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \title{How to generate new distributions in packages \pkg{distr}, \pkg{distrEx}} %,version \pkgExversion} \author{\small Peter Ruckdeschel\thanks{Universit\"at Oldenburg, Oldenburg} \\[-.5ex] \small Matthias Kohl\thanks{FH Furtwangen} \smallskip\\ \small Institut f\"ur Mathematik\\[-0.5ex] \small Fakult\"at V - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften\\[-.5ex] \small Carl von Ossietzky Universit\"at Oldenburg\\[-0.5ex] \small PObox 2503\\[-.5ex] \small 26111 Oldenburg (Oldb)\\[-.5ex] \small Germany\\ \small e-Mail: {\small \tt peter.ruckdeschel@uni-oldenburg.de}\medskip\\ \parbox[t]{5cm}{ \footnotesize\sffamily Version control information: \begin{tabbing} \footnotesize\sffamily Last changes revision: \= \kill Head URL: \> \parbox[t]{6cm}{\url{\svnkw{HeadURL}}}\\[1.2ex] Last changed date: \> \svndate\\ Last changes revision: \> \svnrev\\ Version: \> \svnFullRevision*{\svnrev}\\ Last changed by: \> \svnFullAuthor*{\svnauthor}\\ \end{tabbing} }} \maketitle % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{abstract} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this vignette, we give short examples how to produce new distributions in packages \pkg{distr} and \pkg{distrEx}. This vignette refers to package version~\pkgversion. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \end{abstract} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basically there are three ways to produce new distributions in packages \pkg{distr} and \pkg{distrEx}: \begin{enumerate} \item automatic generation of single distribution objects by arithmetics and the like \item using generating functions to produce single distribution objects \item defining new distribution classes / doing it from scratch \end{enumerate} We will give short examples of all three of them. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Automatic generation by arithmetics and the like} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have made available quite general arithmetical operations to our distribution objects, generating new image distribution objects automatically. As an example, try <>= require(distr) @ <>= ## preparation: set option withSweave to TRUE require(distr) distroptions(withSweave = TRUE) options(width=70) @ % <>= require(distr) N <- Norm(mean = 2, sd = 1.3) P <- Pois(lambda = 1.2) Z <- 2*N + 3 + P Z plot(Z, panel.first = grid(), lwd=3) p(Z)(0.4) q(Z)(0.3) ## in RStudio or Jupyter IRKernel, use q.l(.)(.) instead of q(.)(.) Zs <- r(Z)(50) Zs @ \par \noindent{\bf Comment:}\\ Let \code{N} an object of class \code{"Norm"} with parameters \code{mean=2}, \code{sd=1.3} and let \code{P} an object of class \code{"Pois"} with parameter \code{lambda=1.2}. Assigning to \code{Z} the expression \code{2*N+3+P}, a new distribution object is generated ---of class \code{"AbscontDistribution"} in our case--- so that identifying \code{N}, \code{P}, \code{Z} with random variables distributed according to {\tt N}, {\tt P}, {\tt Z}, ${\cal L}({\tt Z})={\cal L}(2*{\tt N}+3+{\tt P})$, and writing \code{p(Z)(0.4)} we get $P(Z\leq 0.4)$, \code{ q(Z)(0.3)} the $30\%$-quantile of {\tt Z}, and with \code{r(Z)(50)} we generate $50$ pseudo random numbers distributed according to {\tt Z}, while the \code{plot} command generates the above figure.\\ In the environments of \texttt{RStudio}, see \url{https://posit.co/} and \texttt{Jupyter IRKernel}, see \url{https://github.com/IRkernel/IRkernel}, calls to \code{q} are caught away from standard {\sf R} evaluation and are treated in a non-standard way. This non-standard evaluation in particular throws errors at calls to our accessor methods \code{q} to slot \code{q} of the respective distribution object. To amend this, from version 2.6 on, we provide function \code{q.l} (for left-continuous quantile function) as alias to our accessors \code{q}, so that all our package functionality also becomes available in \texttt{RStudio} and \texttt{IRKernel}.\\ There are caveats to take care about; for details refer to the (larger) vignette {\tt distr} in package \pkg{distrDoc}. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Using generating functions} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to generate a single distribution object (without any particular parameter) generating functions are the method of choice:\\ Objects of classes \code{LatticeDistribution} resp.\ \code{DiscreteDistribution}, \code{AbscontDistribution}, may be generated using the generating functions \code{LatticeDistribution()} resp.\ \code{DiscreteDistribution()} resp.\ \code{AbscontDistribution()}; see also the corresponding help.\\ E.g., to produce a discrete distribution with support $(1,5,7,21)$ with corresponding probabilities $(0.1,0.1,0.6,0.2)$ we may write <>= D <- DiscreteDistribution(supp = c(1,5,7,21), prob = c(0.1,0.1,0.6,0.2)) D plot(D, panel.first = grid(lwd=2), lwd = 3) @ % and to generate an absolutely continuous distribution with density proportional to $e^{-|x|^3}$, we write <>= AC <- AbscontDistribution(d = function(x) exp(-abs(x)^3), withStand = TRUE) AC plot(AC, panel.first = grid(lwd=2), lwd = 3) @ % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Doing it from scratch} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to create new parametric distributions, using already implemented {\tt r}, {\tt d}, {\tt p}, and {\tt q} functions (e.g.\ implementing additional distributions realized in another \href{https://cran.r-project.org}{\tt CRAN} package), you should probably envisage introducing new distribution {\tt S4} (sub-)classes and hence better look at the implementation of some discrete and continuous parametric distribution classes in package \pkg{distr}. \noindent{\small Hint: download the {\tt .tar.gz} file; extract it to some {\tt temp} folder; look at subdirectories {\tt R} and {\tt man}}\smallskip\\ The general procedure is as follows \begin{enumerate} \item introduce a new subclass of class \code{Parameter} \item introduce a new subclass of \code{LatticeDistribution}/% \code{DiscreteDistribution} (if discrete) or of class \code{AbscontDistribution} (if continuous). \item define accessor and replacement functions for the ``slots'' of the parameter (e.g.\ \code{"size"} and \code{"prob"} in the binomial case), possibly with new generics \item (possibly) define a validity function \item define a generating function \item if existing, define particular convolution methods or similar particular methods for this new distribution class \item create {\tt .Rd} files for the \begin{itemize} \item parameter class \item distribution class \end{itemize} \item if analytic expressions are available, define particular \code{E}-, \code{var}-, \code{skewness}-, and \code{kurtosis}-methods and if so, also document\footnote{% % this is new, because so far, all \code{E}-, \code{var}-, \code{skewness}-, and \code{kurtosis}-methods for ``basic'' distributions are documented in the \pkg{distrEx} documentation to \code{E}, \code{var}, \ldots, but this would not be operational any longer for new derived classes, possibly defined in other, new packages % } the corresponding methods in the distribution class {\tt .Rd} file\\ \end{enumerate} Let's go through the steps in the example case of the Binomial implementation in packages \pkg{distr} and \pkg{distrEx}: \begin{enumerate} % \item in \pkg{distr}, see source in \file{R/AllClasses.R}, % <>= ## Class: BinomParameter setClass("BinomParameter", representation = representation(size = "numeric", prob = "numeric"), prototype = prototype(size = 1, prob = 0.5, name = gettext("Parameter of a Binomial distribution") ), contains = "Parameter" ) @ % \item in \pkg{distr}, see source in \file{R/AllClasses.R}, % <>= ## Class: binomial distribution setClass("Binom", prototype = prototype( r = function(n){ rbinom(n, size = 1,prob = 0.5) }, d = function(x, log = FALSE){ dbinom(x, size = 1, prob = 0.5, log = log) }, p = function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE ){ pbinom(q, size = 1, prob = 0.5, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p) }, q = function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE ){ qbinom(p, size = 1, prob = 0.5, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p) }, img = new("Naturals"), param = new("BinomParameter"), support = 0:1, lattice = new("Lattice", pivot = 0, width = 1, Length = 2, name = gettext( "lattice of a Binomial distribution" ) ), .logExact = TRUE, .lowerExact = TRUE ), contains = "LatticeDistribution" ) @ % \item in \pkg{distr}, see source in \file{R/BinomialDistribution.R}, % <>= ## Access Methods setMethod("size", "BinomParameter", function(object) object@size) setMethod("prob", "BinomParameter", function(object) object@prob) ## Replace Methods setReplaceMethod("size", "BinomParameter", function(object, value){ object@size <- value; object}) setReplaceMethod("prob", "BinomParameter", function(object, value){ object@prob <- value; object}) @ % and \file{R/AllGenerics}, <>= if(!isGeneric("size")) setGeneric("size", function(object) standardGeneric("size")) if(!isGeneric("prob")) setGeneric("prob", function(object) standardGeneric("prob")) @ % \item in \pkg{distr}, see source in \file{R/BinomialDistribution.R}, % <>= setValidity("BinomParameter", function(object){ if(length(prob(object)) != 1) stop("prob has to be a numeric of length 1") if(prob(object) < 0) stop("prob has to be in [0,1]") if(prob(object) > 1) stop("prob has to be in [0,1]") if(length(size(object)) != 1) stop("size has to be a numeric of length 1") if(size(object) < 1) stop("size has to be a natural greater than 0") if(!identical(floor(size(object)), size(object))) stop("size has to be a natural greater than 0") else return(TRUE) }) @ % \item in \pkg{distr}, see source in \file{R/BinomialDistribution.R}, % <>= Binom <- function(size = 1,prob = 0.5) new("Binom", size = size, prob = prob) @ % \item in \pkg{distr}, see source in \file{R/BinomialDistribution.R}, % <>= ## Convolution for two binomial distributions Bin(n1,p1) and Bin(n2,p2) ## Distinguish cases ## p1 == p2 und p1 != p2 setMethod("+", c("Binom","Binom"), function(e1,e2){ newsize <- size(e1) + size(e2) if(isTRUE(all.equal(prob(e1),prob(e2)))) return(new("Binom", prob = prob(e1), size = newsize, .withArith = TRUE)) return(as(e1, "LatticeDistribution") + e2) }) @ % \item in \pkg{distr}, see sources in % \begin{itemize} % \item\file{man/BinomParameter-class.Rd} % \begin{lstlisting}[style = Rdstyle] \name{BinomParameter-class} \docType{class} \alias{BinomParameter-class} \alias{initialize,BinomParameter-method} \title{Class "BinomParameter"} \description{ The parameter of a binomial distribution, used by Binom-class} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("BinomParameter", prob, size)}. Usually an object of this class is not needed on its own, it is generated automatically when an object of the class Binom is instantiated. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{prob}}{Object of class \code{"numeric"}: the probability of a binomial distribution } \item{\code{size}}{Object of class \code{"numeric"}: the size of a binomial distribution } \item{\code{name}}{Object of class \code{"character"}: a name / comment for the parameters } } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"Parameter"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{initialize}{\code{signature(.Object = "BinomParameter")}: initialize method } \item{prob}{\code{signature(object = "BinomParameter")}: returns the slot \code{prob} of the parameter of the distribution } \item{prob<-}{\code{signature(object = "BinomParameter")}: modifies the slot \code{prob} of the parameter of the distribution } \item{size}{\code{signature(object = "BinomParameter")}: returns the slot \code{size} of the parameter of the distribution } \item{size<-}{\code{signature(object = "BinomParameter")}: modifies the slot \code{size} of the parameter of the distribution} } } \author{ Thomas Stabla \email{statho3@web.de},\cr Florian Camphausen \email{fcampi@gmx.de},\cr Peter Ruckdeschel \email{peter.ruckdeschel@uni-oldenburg.de},\cr Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl@stamats.de} } \seealso{ \code{\link{Binom-class}} \code{\link{Parameter-class}} } \examples{ W <- new("BinomParameter",prob=0.5,size=1) size(W) # size of this distribution is 1. size(W) <- 2 # size of this distribution is now 2. } \keyword{distribution} \concept{parameter} \concept{Binomial distribution} \concept{S4 parameter class} \end{lstlisting} % \item\file{man/Binom-class.Rd} \begin{lstlisting}[style = Rdstyle] \name{Binom-class} \docType{class} \alias{Binom-class} \alias{Binom} \alias{initialize,Binom-method} \title{Class "Binom" } \description{The binomial distribution with \code{size} \eqn{= n}, by default \eqn{=1}, and \code{prob} \eqn{= p}, by default \eqn{=0.5}, has density \deqn{p(x) = {n \choose x} {p}^{x} {(1-p)}^{n-x}}{ p(x) = choose(n,x) p^x (1-p)^(n-x)} for \eqn{x = 0, \ldots, n}. C.f.\code{\link[stats:Binomial]{rbinom}} } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{Binom(prob, size)}. This object is a binomial distribution. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{img}}{Object of class \code{"Naturals"}: The space of the image of this distribution has got dimension 1 and the name "Natural Space". } \item{\code{param}}{Object of class \code{"BinomParameter"}: the parameter of this distribution (\code{prob}, \code{size}), declared at its instantiation } \item{\code{r}}{Object of class \code{"function"}: generates random numbers (calls function \code{rbinom}) } \item{\code{d}}{Object of class \code{"function"}: density function (calls function \code{dbinom}) } \item{\code{p}}{Object of class \code{"function"}: cumulative function (calls function \code{pbinom}) } \item{\code{q}}{Object of class \code{"function"}: inverse of the cumulative function (calls function \code{qbinom}). The quantile is defined as the smallest value x such that F(x) >= p, where F is the cumulative function. } \item{\code{support}}{Object of class \code{"numeric"}: a (sorted) vector containing the support of the discrete density function} \item{\code{.withArith}}{logical: used internally to issue warnings as to interpretation of arithmetics} \item{\code{.withSim}}{logical: used internally to issue warnings as to accuracy} \item{\code{.logExact}}{logical: used internally to flag the case where there are explicit formulae for the log version of density, cdf, and quantile function} \item{\code{.lowerExact}}{logical: used internally to flag the case where there are explicit formulae for the lower tail version of cdf and quantile function} \item{\code{Symmetry}}{object of class \code{"DistributionSymmetry"}; used internally to avoid unnecessary calculations.} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"DiscreteDistribution"}, directly.\cr Class \code{"UnivariateDistribution"}, by class \code{"DiscreteDistribution"}.\cr Class \code{"Distribution"}, by class \code{"DiscreteDistribution"}. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{+}{\code{signature(e1 = "Binom", e2 = "Binom")}: For two binomial distributions with equal probabilities the exact convolution formula is implemented thereby improving the general numerical accuracy.} \item{initialize}{\code{signature(.Object = "Binom")}: initialize method } \item{prob}{\code{signature(object = "Binom")}: returns the slot \code{prob} of the parameter of the distribution } \item{prob<-}{\code{signature(object = "Binom")}: modifies the slot \code{prob} of the parameter of the distribution } \item{size}{\code{signature(object = "Binom")}: returns the slot \code{size} of the parameter of the distribution } \item{size<-}{\code{signature(object = "Binom")}: modifies the slot \code{size} of the parameter of the distribution } } } \author{ Thomas Stabla \email{statho3@web.de},\cr Florian Camphausen \email{fcampi@gmx.de},\cr Peter Ruckdeschel \email{peter.ruckdeschel@uni-oldenburg.de},\cr Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl@stamats.de} } \seealso{ \code{\link{BinomParameter-class}} \code{\link{DiscreteDistribution-class}} \code{\link{Naturals-class}} \code{\link[stats:Binomial]{rbinom}} } \examples{ B <- Binom(prob=0.5,size=1) # B is a binomial distribution with prob=0.5 and size=1. r(B)(1) # # one random number generated from this distribution, e.g. 1 d(B)(1) # Density of this distribution is 0.5 for x=1. p(B)(0.4) # Probability that x<0.4 is 0.5. q(B)(.1) # x=0 is the smallest value x such that p(B)(x)>=0.1. ## in RStudio or Jupyter IRKernel, use q.l(.)(.) instead of q(.)(.) size(B) # size of this distribution is 1. size(B) <- 2 # size of this distribution is now 2. C <- Binom(prob = 0.5, size = 1) # C is a binomial distribution with prob=0.5 and size=1. D <- Binom(prob = 0.6, size = 1) # D is a binomial distribution with prob=0.6 and size=1. E <- B + C # E is a binomial distribution with prob=0.5 and size=3. F <- B + D # F is an object of class LatticeDistribution. G <- B + as(D,"DiscreteDistribution") ## DiscreteDistribution } \keyword{distribution} \concept{discrete distribution} \concept{lattice distribution} \concept{Binomial family} \concept{Binomial distribution} \concept{S4 distribution class} \concept{generating function} \end{lstlisting} % \item {\footnotesize you could have: \file{man/Binom.Rd} for the generating function; in the Binomial case, documentation is in \file{Binom-class.Rd}; but in case of the Gumbel distribution, in package \pkg{RobExtremes}, there is such an extra {\tt .Rd} file} % \end{itemize} % \item in \pkg{distrEx}, see sources in % <>= ## preparation: set option withSweave to TRUE require(distrEx) @ % \begin{itemize} % \item\file{Expectation.R}, <>= setMethod("E", signature(object = "Binom", fun = "missing", cond = "missing"), function(object, low = NULL, upp = NULL, ...){ if(!is.null(low)) if(low <= min(support(object))) low <- NULL if(!is.null(upp)) if(upp >= max(support(object))) upp <- NULL if(is.null(low) && is.null(upp)) return(size(object)*prob(object)) else{ if(is.null(low)) low <- -Inf if(is.null(upp)) upp <- Inf if(low == -Inf){ if(upp == Inf) return(size(object)*prob(object)) else return(m1df(object, upper = upp, ...)) }else{ E1 <- m1df(object, upper = low, ...) E2 <- if(upp == Inf) size(object)*prob(object) else m1df(object, upper = upp, ...) return(E2-E1) } } }) @ % \item\file{Functionals.R}, <>= setMethod("var", signature(x = "Binom"), function(x,...){ dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), expand.dots = FALSE)$"..." fun <- NULL; cond <- NULL; low <- NULL; upp <- NULL if(hasArg(low)) low <- dots$low if(hasArg(upp)) upp <- dots$upp if(hasArg(fun)||hasArg(cond)||!is.null(low)||!is.null(upp)) return(var(as(x,"DiscreteDistribution"),...)) else return(size(x)*prob(x)*(1-prob(x))) }) @ % \item\file{skewness.R}, <>= setMethod("skewness", signature(x = "Binom"), function(x, ...){ dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), expand.dots = FALSE)$"..." fun <- NULL; cond <- NULL; low <- NULL; upp <- NULL if(hasArg(low)) low <- dots$low if(hasArg(upp)) upp <- dots$upp if(hasArg(fun)||hasArg(cond)||!is.null(low)||!is.null(upp)) return(skewness(as(x,"DiscreteDistribution"),...)) else return((1-2*prob(x))/sqrt(size(x)*prob(x)*(1-prob(x)))) }) @ % \item\file{kurtosis.R}, <>= setMethod("kurtosis", signature(x = "Binom"), function(x, ...){ dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), expand.dots = FALSE)$"..." fun <- NULL; cond <- NULL; low <- NULL; upp <- NULL if(hasArg(low)) low <- dots$low if(hasArg(upp)) upp <- dots$upp if(hasArg(fun)||hasArg(cond)||!is.null(low)||!is.null(upp)) return(kurtosis(as(x,"DiscreteDistribution"),...)) else p <- prob(x) return((1-6*p*(1-p))/(size(x)*p*(1-p))) }) @ % \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} The procedure will be similar for \textit{any} new class of distributions.\medskip \begin{itemize} \item[Comment] In the classes in package \pkg{distr} (historically the ``oldest'' in the development of this project), we still use \code{initialize} methods; this is no longer needed, if you provide generating functions; for this ``more recent'' approach, confer the realization of class \code{Gumbel} in package \pkg{RobExtremes}. \end{itemize} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Help needed / collaboration welcome} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are --- as announced on \href{https://distr.r-forge.r-project.org}{\tt http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org} --- very welcome to collaborate in this project! See in particular \href{https://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/HOWTO-collaborate.txt}% {\tt https://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/HOWTO-collaborate.txt} With this you should be able to start working. \begin{thebibliography}{2} \bibitem{K:R:S:04} Ruckdeschel P. and Kohl, M. (2014): \newblock {General Purpose Convolution Algorithm for Distributions in S4-Classes by means of FFT}. \newblock {\em J. Statist. Software\/}, {\bf 59}(4): 1--25. \bibitem{R:K:S:C:04} Ruckdeschel P., Kohl M., Stabla T., and Camphausen F. (2006): \newblock {S4 Classes for Distributions.} \newblock {\em R-News\/}, {\bf 6}(2): 10--13. \newblock https://CRAN.R-project.org/doc/Rnews/Rnews\_2006-2.pdf %\newblock See also {http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/math/org/mathe7/RUCKDESCHEL/pubs/distr.pdf} \end{thebibliography} % no longer needed %%(ll)cleanup, echo=FALSE(ggeq) %%#unloadNamespace("SweaveListingUtils") %%(at) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \end{document} % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------