Changes in version 2023.8.31 - update un-exported function arg docs to avoid CRAN NOTE. Changes in version 2022.7.21 - init max_zero_var=0 to avoid valgrind msg. Changes in version 2022.7.19 - New log-linear cum_median function. - New NEWS format to please CRAN. - rm deprecated binary_function in PiecewiseFunction.h. Changes in version 2022.7.13 - binseg: constant factor speed improvements, mostly by going back to storing params in class members rather than unordered_map. Changes in version 2022.4.14 - Function re-naming. - New QP solver for tree viz. - Changes in version 2022.4.13 - New R function get_best_optimal implements dynamic programming for finding the tree with smallest number of splits for a given set of input sizes (, min.segment.length, - C++ depth_first method computes fast best case number of splits, optimal when computing full path, heuristic when segments < data. Changes in version 2022.4.6 - complexity funs handle min segment length. - operator< now correctly breaks ties: previously used segment size (end-start), now use max distance from start and end, to encourage equal splits and best case time complexity. Changes in version 2022.4.4 - new l1 and laplace loss functions. Changes in version 2022.3.30 - comparisons vignette. - max_zero_var computed based on the max estimated variance of all single data points, which should be zero, but are sometimes small non-zero values (for example 1e-15 or 1e-13) due to numerical issues. mean_zero_var used in meanvar_norm loss function to determine if cost is finite. Segments with an infinite cost best split are not stored in the container for later splitting. Changes in version 2022.3.29 - meanvar_norm distribution: generalize C++ code to more than one segment-specific parameter. Changes in version 2022.3.24 - container.str can be list (slow) or multimap (fast). Changes in version 2022.3.22 - warning and suggestion to use weights for runs of identical data. - R code binseg(min.segment.length=3) etc uses min_segment_length parameter in C++ code. Changes in version 2022.3.11 - new binseg function with distribution=poisson or mean_norm, weight.vec. Changes in version 2022.1.24 - remove random_set_vec test.rev example which failed on M1. Changes in version 2021.11.3 - binseg_normal_cv does model selection via most frequent number of segments with minimum validation error (over several random splits). Changes in version 2021.11.2 - break ties in Segment operator< by size (split larger segments first). - binseg_normal gains args is.validation.vec, position.vec in order to support efficient cross-validation. it now returns list with new component subtrain.borders (predicted changepoint positions). - get_splits* functions for comparing empirical to best/worst case. Changes in version 2021.1.6 - More comments in binseg_normal.cpp to help potential GSOC students. Changes in version 2020.10.7 - Comment binseg_normal.cpp to explain optimal_cost computation. - Use C++ multiset with operator< instead of multimap/vector. - Use cumsum C++ vector for constant time mean/cost computation for any split. - Store cost of segments before/after split, pass the cost values to maybe_add to avoid having to recompute them. - Computation works for only one data point. Changes in version 2020.9.15 - remove unused C++ errors. - test coef method. Changes in version 2020.9.3 - Bugfix for negative means, docs. - predict/plot methods, copy code from example. Changes in version 2019.9.20 - Initial implementation.