## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # library(SticsRFiles) # library(dplyr) ## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ suppressWarnings(library(SticsRFiles)) ## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", eval = FALSE, workspace_path <- tempdir(), stics_version <- SticsRFiles::get_stics_versions_compat()$latest_version ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # # Getting the file in the current directory # usm_xl_file <- download_usm_xl() # # # Getting the file in a specic directory # xl_dir <- "/path/to/xl/dir" # or something like C:/path/to/xl/dir" for Windows # # usm_xl_file <- download_usm_xl(out_dir = xl_dir) # # #> [1] "inputs_stics_example.xlsx has been copied in directory # #> "/path/to/xl/dir # ## ----eval=TRUE, echo = FALSE, results='hide'---------------------------------- usm_xl_file <- download_usm_xl(file = "inputs_stics_example.xlsx", out_dir = workspace_path) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # # Getting the file in the current directory # usm_csv_file <- download_usm_csv(file = "inputs_stics_example_USMs.csv") # # # Getting the file in a specific directory # csv_dir <- "/path/to/csv/dir" # or something like C:/path/to/xl/dir" for Windows # # usm_csv_file <- download_usm_csv(file = "inputs_stics_example_USMs.csv", # out_dir = csv_dir) # # #> [1] inputs_stics_example_USMs.csv has been copied in directory # #> "/path/to/csv/dir ## ----eval=TRUE, echo = FALSE, results='hide'---------------------------------- usm_csv_file <- download_usm_csv(file = "inputs_stics_example_USMs.csv", out_dir = workspace_path) ## ----echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE, fig.align='center'-------------------------------- l <- SticsRFiles:::get_params_dict() df <- data.frame(keyword = names(l), realname = unlist(l, use.names = FALSE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) rmarkdown::paged_table(df) ## ----eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------ library(readxl) xl_param <- read_params_table(usm_xl_file, sheet = "USMs") knitr::kable(xl_param) ## ----read_xl_file_usms, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------ # # Reading the Excel file # usms_param <- read_params_table(usm_xl_file, sheet_name = "USMs") # # Or # # Reading the CSV file # usms_param <- read_params_table(usm_csv_file) ## ----eval_read_xl_file_usms, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE------------------------ library(readxl) # Reading the Excel file xl_param <- read_params_table(usm_xl_file, sheet_name = "USMs") xl_param <- read_params_table(usm_xl_file, sheet_name = "USMs") rmarkdown::paged_table(xl_param) ## ----gen_usms_file, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # # # Output file path # out_file <- "/path/to/file/usms.xml" # # or something like C:/path/to/file/usms.xml" for Windows # # # Generating a new usms.xml file, for all xl_param lines # gen_usms_xml(file = out_file, param_df = usms_param) ## ----eval_gen_usms_file, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE---------------------------- out_file <- file.path(workspace_path, "usms.xml") # Generating a new usms.xml file, for all xl_param lines gen_usms_xml(file = out_file, param_df = xl_param) ## ----show_usms_file, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, class.output="xml"------------ l <- readLines(con = out_file) cat(paste(c(l[1:24], "...", l[length(l) - 1]), collapse = "\n")) ## ----read_xl_file_sols, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------ # # Reading the Excel file # soils_param <- read_params_table(usm_xl_file, sheet_name = "Soils") ## ----eval_read_xl_file_sols, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE------------------------ library(readxl) # Reading the Excel file soils_param <- read_params_table(usm_xl_file, sheet_name = "Soils") rmarkdown::paged_table(soils_param) ## ----gen_sols_file, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # # # Output file path # out_file <- "/path/to/file/sols.xml" # # or something like C:/path/to/file/usms.xml" for Windows # # # Generating a new sols.xml file, for all xl_param lines # gen_sols_xml(file = out_file, param_df = soils_param) ## ----eval_gen_sols_file, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE---------------------------- out_file <- file.path(workspace_path, "sols.xml") # Generating a new sols.xml file, for all xl_param lines gen_sols_xml(file = out_file, param_df = soils_param) ## ----show_sols_file, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, class.output="xml"------------ l <- readLines(con = out_file) cat(paste(c(l[1:30], "...", l[110], "...", l[length(l) - 1]), collapse = "\n")) ## ----read_xl_file_tec, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------- # # Reading the Excel file # tec_param <- read_params_table(usm_xl_file, sheet_name = "Tec") ## ----eval_read_xl_file_tec, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE------------------------- library(readxl) # Reading the Excel file tec_param <- read_params_table(usm_xl_file, sheet_name = "Tec") rmarkdown::paged_table(tec_param) ## ----gen_tec_files, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # # *_tec.xml files, one for each xl_param line # gen_tec_xml(param_df = tec_param, out_dir = workspace_path) ## ----eval_gen_tec_files, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE---------------------------- # *_tec.xml files, one for each xl_param line gen_tec_xml(param_df = tec_param, out_dir = workspace_path) ## ----show_tec_file, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, class.output="xml"------------- l <- readLines(con = file.path(workspace_path, "BIN_CAN_05_SEC_220-0-0_34K_CANPC05T3_Q_tec.xml")) cat(paste(c(l[1:30], "...", l[length(l) - 1]), collapse = "\n")) ## ----read_xl_file_ini, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------- # # Reading the Excel file # ini_param <- read_params_table(usm_xl_file, sheet_name = "Ini") ## ----eval_read_xl_file_ini, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE------------------------- library(readxl) # Reading the Excel file ini_param <- read_params_table(usm_xl_file, sheet_name = "Ini") rmarkdown::paged_table(ini_param) ## ----gen_ini_files, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # # *_ini.xml files, one for each xl_param line # gen_ini_xml(param_df = ini_param, out_dir = workspace_path) ## ----eval_gen_ini_files, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE---------------------------- # *_ini.xml files, one for each xl_param line gen_ini_xml(param_df = ini_param, out_dir = workspace_path) ## ----show_ini_file, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, class.output="xml"------------- l <- readLines(con = file.path(workspace_path, "USM_2017_T1_ini.xml")) cat(paste(c(l[1:19], "...", l[length(l) - 1]), collapse = "\n")) ## ----read_xl_file_sta, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------- # # Reading the Excel file # sta_param <- read_params_table(usm_xl_file, sheet_name = "Station") ## ----eval_read_xl_file_sta, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE------------------------- library(readxl) # Reading the Excel file sta_param <- read_params_table(usm_xl_file, sheet_name = "Station") rmarkdown::paged_table(sta_param) ## ----gen_sta_files, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # # *_sta.xml files, one for each xl_param line # gen_sta_xml(param_df = sta_param, out_dir = workspace_path) ## ----eval_gen_sta_files, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE---------------------------- # *_sta.xml files, one for each xl_param line gen_sta_xml(param_df = sta_param, out_dir = workspace_path) ## ----show_sta_file, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, class.output="xml"------------- l <- readLines(con = file.path(workspace_path, "climatex_sta.xml")) cat(paste(c(l[1:41], "...", l[length(l) - 1]), collapse = "\n")) ## ----gen_gen_param, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # # with the latest version # gen_general_param_xml(out_dir = workspace_path) # # # or with a specific version # gen_general_param_xml(out_dir = workspace_path, stics_version = "V10.2.0") #