## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load package require(Rdiagnosislist) require(data.table) # Use one thread only for CRAN data.table::setDTthreads(threads = 1) CUSTOM <- sampleSNOMED() NEW_DESCRIPTION <- data.table::data.table( conceptId = bit64::as.integer64(1:7), term = c( 'IX Diseases of the circulatory system (icdchapter)', 'I50 Heart failure (icd3)', 'I50.0 Congestive heart failure (leaf)', 'I50.1 Left ventricular failure (leaf)', 'I50.9 Heart failure, unspecified (leaf)', 'I11.0 Hypertensive heart disease with (congestive) heart failure (leaf)', 'Heart failure (phenotype)' )) NEW_RELATIONSHIP <- data.table::data.table( parent = bit64::as.integer64(c(1,2,2,2,2,7,7)), child = bit64::as.integer64(c(2,3,4,5,6,2,6))) CUSTOM$CONCEPT <- NEW_DESCRIPTION[, list(id = conceptId, effectiveTime = as.Date(Sys.Date()), active = TRUE, moduleId = 0, definitionStatusId = 0)] CUSTOM$DESCRIPTION <- NEW_DESCRIPTION[, list(id = conceptId, effectiveTime = as.Date(Sys.Date()), active = TRUE, moduleId = 0, conceptId = conceptId, languageCode = 'en', typeId = bit64::as.integer64('900000000000003001'), # fully specified name term, caseSignificanceId = 0)] CUSTOM$STATEDRELATIONSHIP <- NEW_RELATIONSHIP[, list(id = 1:.N, effectiveTime = as.Date(Sys.Date()), active = TRUE, moduleId = 0, sourceId = child, destinationId = parent, relationshipGroup = 0, typeId = bit64::as.integer64('116680003'), # is a characteristicTypeId = 0, modifierId = 0)] CUSTOM$RELATIONSHIP <- CUSTOM$STATEDRELATIONSHIP[0] # Using the new dictionaries myconcept <- SNOMEDconcept('Diseases of the circulatory system', exact = FALSE, SNOMED = CUSTOM) myphenotype <- SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure (phenotype)', SNOMED = CUSTOM) # Show the concept using the new DESCRIPTION table description(myconcept, SNOMED = CUSTOM) # Create and view a codelist based on ICD10 and the phenotype mycodelist <- SNOMEDcodelist(c(myconcept, myphenotype), include_desc = TRUE, SNOMED = CUSTOM) # Create HTML codelist (not run) # temp = paste0(tempdir(), 'test.html') # htmlCodelistHierarchy(mycodelist, file = temp, SNOMED = CUSTOM) # system(paste0('firefox ', temp, ' &')) # open in firefox (on Linux)