## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load packages require(Rdiagnosislist) require(data.table) # Use one thread only for CRAN data.table::setDTthreads(threads = 1) # The sampleSNOMED() function returns an environment containing # the sample dictionaries TEST <- sampleSNOMED() # TEST is now an environment containing the sample SNOMED CT dictionary. # Objects within the environment can be retrieved using the $ operator # or the 'get' function. We will export the sample dictionaries to a # temporary folder to show how to reload them using loadSNOMED() exportSNOMEDenvir(TEST, tempdir()) dir(tempdir()) # loadSNOMED searches for files containing '_Concept_', '_Description_', # '_StatedRelationship_', '_Relationship_', 'Refset_SimpleMap', # 'Refset_ExtendedMap' or 'Refset_Simple', as in the actual SNOMED CT # release files. # Import using the loadSNOMED function SNOMED <- loadSNOMED(tempdir(), active_only = FALSE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make sure the SNOMED environment is available and contains the SNOMED dictionary SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure', SNOMED = SNOMED) # To use the sample SNOMED dictionary for testing SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure', SNOMED = sampleSNOMED()) # If an object named SNOMED containing the SNOMED dictionary is available # in the current environment, it does not need to be stated in the # function call SNOMED <- sampleSNOMED() SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure') # The argument 'exact' can be used to specify whether a regular expression # search should be done, e.g. SNOMEDconcept('Heart f', exact = FALSE) # The 'description' function can be used to return the descriptions of # the concepts found. It returns a data.table with the fully specified # name for each term. description(SNOMEDconcept('Heart f', exact = FALSE)) # The 'semantic type' function returns the semantic type of the concept # from the Fully Specified Name semanticType(SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure')) # Functions which expect a SNOMEDconcept object, such as semanticType, # will automatically convert their argument to SNOMEDconcept using the # function as.SNOMEDconcept semanticType('Heart failure') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A list of concepts with a description containing the term 'heart' # (not that all synonyms are searched, not just the Fully Specified Names) heart <- SNOMEDconcept('Heart|heart', exact = FALSE, SNOMED = sampleSNOMED()) # A list of concepts containing the term 'fail' fail <- SNOMEDconcept('Fail|fail', exact = FALSE, SNOMED = sampleSNOMED()) # Concepts with heart and fail intersect(heart, fail) # Concepts with heart and not fail setdiff(heart, fail) # Concepts with heart or fail union(heart, fail) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOMED <- sampleSNOMED() # Parents (immediate ancestors) parents('Acute heart failure') # Ancestors ancestors('Acute heart failure') # Children (immediate descendants) children('Acute heart failure') # Descendants descendants('Acute heart failure') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOMED <- sampleSNOMED() # List all the attributes of a concept print(attrConcept('Heart failure')) # 'Finding site' of a particular disorder relatedConcepts('Heart failure', 'Finding site') # Disorders with a 'Finding site' of 'Heart' relatedConcepts('Heart', 'Finding site', reverse = TRUE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOMED <- sampleSNOMED() # Create a codelist containing all the descendants of # the concept 'Heart failure' my_heart_failure_codelist <- SNOMEDcodelist( SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure'), include_desc = TRUE, format = 'simple', codelist_name = 'Heart failure') # Original codelist print(my_heart_failure_codelist) # Convert to tree format tree <- SNOMEDcodelist(my_heart_failure_codelist, format = 'tree') print(tree) # Write out codelist to file # Metadata are stored in a column named 'metadata' # export(tree, file = paste0(tempdir(), '/hf_codes.csv')) # Reload codelist from file (including metadata) # reloaded_codelist <- as.SNOMEDcodelist( # data.table::fread(paste0(tempdir(), '/hf_codes.csv'))) # print(reloaded_codelist) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOMED = sampleSNOMED() # Obtain a list of available refsets with descriptions and counts merge(SNOMED$REFSET[, .N, by = list(conceptId = refsetId)], SNOMED$DESCRIPTION[, list(conceptId, term)], by = 'conceptId') # Obtain a refset as a SNOMEDconcept vector renal_ref <- getRefset('Renal clinical finding simple reference set') # Find out whether a concept is included in a refset SNOMEDconcept('Renal failure') %in% renal_ref ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Example: creating an ICD-10 heart failure codelist using SNOMED CT SNOMED <- sampleSNOMED() my_heart_failure_codelist <- SNOMEDcodelist( SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure'), include_desc = FALSE) getMaps(my_heart_failure_codelist, to = c('icd10')) my_pacemaker_codelist <- SNOMEDcodelist( SNOMEDconcept('Implantation of cardiac pacemaker'), include_desc = FALSE) getMaps(my_pacemaker_codelist, to = c('opcs4')) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Example: creating a Read heart failure codelist using SNOMED CT SNOMED <- sampleSNOMED() data(READMAPS) # Start off with a SNOMED CT codelist containing the descendants of # the concept 'Heart failure' my_heart_failure_codelist <- SNOMEDcodelist( SNOMEDconcept('Heart failure'), include_desc = TRUE) single_row_maps <- getMaps(my_heart_failure_codelist, mappingtable = READMAPS, to = c('read2', 'ctv3'), single_row_per_concept = TRUE) # Display the maps - one row per concept (long terms truncated) print(single_row_maps[, list(term = substr(term, 1, 10), read2_code, ctv3_concept)]) multi_row_maps <- getMaps(my_heart_failure_codelist, mappingtable = READMAPS, to = 'read2', single_row_per_concept = FALSE) # Display the maps - multiple rows per concept (long terms truncated) print(multi_row_maps[, list(term = substr(term, 1, 10), read2_code, read2_term = substr(read2_term, 1, 30))]) # Create a standalone Read2 codelist read_codelist <- data.table::data.table( code = unlist(single_row_maps$read2_code), term = unlist(single_row_maps$read2_term)) print(read_codelist[!duplicated(read_codelist)][order(code)])