## ----srr-tags, eval = FALSE, echo = FALSE------------------------------------- # #' srr tags # #' # #' # #' @srrstats {G1.5} Uniformity test example in the associated paper ## ----message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ library(QuadratiK) n <- 200 d <- 3 set.seed(2468) z <- matrix(rnorm(n * d), n, d) dat_sphere <- z/sqrt(rowSums(z^2)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rho <- 0.7 set.seed(2468) res_unif <- pk.test(x = dat_sphere, rho = rho) show(res_unif) ## ----fig.width=6, fig.height=8------------------------------------------------ summary_unif <- summary(res_unif) ## ----warning=FALSE, message=FALSE--------------------------------------------- # Load necessary libraries library(movMF) library(sphunif) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(2468) # Define the mean directions of the 4 von Mises-Fisher distributions means <- rbind( c(1, 0), c(0, 1), c(-1, 0), c(0, -1) ) # Define the concentration parameter (kappa) kappa <- 5 # Generate 100 samples from a mixture of 4 von Mises-Fisher distributions samples <- matrix(rmovMF(100, theta = kappa * means), ncol = 2) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run the pk.test from the QuadratiK package to test the data pk_test_result <- pk.test(samples, rho = 0.8) # Run the Bingham and Ajne tests from the sphunif package other_test_result <- unif_test(samples, type = c("Bingham", "Ajne")) pk_test_result other_test_result