Polychrome v1.4.0 (Release Date: 2022-04-15)

New Features:

* Added general "..." arguments to the "memberPlot" function. The primary
  application is expected to be the ability to add a plot "maijn" title. 

Polychrome v1.3.0 (Release Date: 2021-07-15)

New Features:

* Added the "memberPlot" function. This produces an image for a binary
  matrix of category membership. It replaces a Venn diagram whwen there
  are too many different categories.

Polychrome v1.2.6 (Release Date: 2020-11-10)

New Features:

* Added a new vignette illustrating how to use Polychrome with ggplot.

Polychrome v1.2.5 (Release Date: 2020-03-29)

New Features:

* Added the 'sky.colors' data set, which we constructed as part of
  the main application of the Polychrome manuscript in JSS.

Polychrome v1.2.4 (Release Date: 2020-02-03)

Bug Fixes:

* Tweaked a test script to limit the number of digits displayed, thus
  avoiding platform differences during CRAN checks.

Polychrome v1.2.0 (Release Date: 2019-03-17)

New Features:

* Exported new functions, 'sortByHue' and 'sortByLuminance', as useful
  tools to create paired light-dark palettes.

Polychrome v1.1.1 (Release Date: 2018-05-17)

Bug Fixes:

* Edited man pages and vignettes to remove typos.

Polychrome v1.1.0 (Release Date: 2018-04-11)

New Features:

* Added a new precomputed palettes, 'colorsafe', that contains ten
  colors that should be distinguishable even by most individuals with
  color deficient vision.


* Removed the dependence on the 'rgl' pacakge, since some people have
  trouble installing the external dependency (XQuartz) on Macintosh
  computers. Replaced it with 'scatterplot3D' for our 3D plots.

* Added a 'getLUV" function so people who still want to use 'rgl' can
  more easily do so.

Polychrome v1.0.0 (Release Date: 2017-11=18)

New Features:

* Added a new function, 'colorDeficit', that converts any palette to the
  equivalent that would be seen with a specifric form of color deficit

* Added two new precomputed palettes, Light24 and Dark24.


* Added a new option to 'createPalette' that atempts to create useful
  palettes for individuals whose vision has specific color deficits.

Bug Fixes:

* Fixed a bug in 'computeDistances' and 'plotDistances' when a palette
  contains two identical colors.

Polychrome v0.9.3 (Release Date: 2017-06-06)


* Changed 'computeDistances' so it now only returns the vector of
  minimal relative distances, in order to improve usability.

Polychrome v0.9.0 (Release Date: 2017-04-28)


* Added a second vignettte, focused on creating palettes.

* Removed the 'turnGray' function, since it duplicates functionality
  from colorspace::desaturate.

* Added error checking to the arguments of most of the functions.

* Changed 'swatch' so it uses the luminance to decide whether to write
  color labels in white or black.

* Changed the 'computeDistances' function so it includes the default
  starting point, thus obviating the need for adding one when you
  count the number of separated colors. (Technically, the distance
  for  the first point should be infinite, but we set it to the
  distance to the second point to make it easier to plot.)

* Changed the 'plotDistances' function so it now colors the points.

Non-Visible Changes

* Added test code for converting different kinds of color
  specifications into hex-strings.

Polychrome v0.8.3 (Release Date: 2017-04-25)


* Cleaned up typos and other problems in the man pages.


* Finally got around to bringing this NEWS file up-to-date.

Polychrome v0.8.2 (Release Date: 2017-03-16)


* Added an "extData" folder to the installation directory to use
  chromosome-linked AML data as an example of how one might apply the
  package to genomics.

Polychrome v0.8.1 (Release Date: 2016-09-29)


* Made sure all the source files included consistent copyright lines. 

Polychrome v0.8.0 (Release Date: 2016-09-15)


* (Backwards Incompatible) Changed the names of all the barplot-based
  viewers to replace the cryptic "bp" with "swatch". 

Polychrome v0.7.2 (Release Date: 2016-08-21)


* Made the 'computeDistances' function (which was used internally by
  the 'plotDistances' routine) user-visible.

Polychrome v0.7.0 (Release Date: 2016-08-20)


* Added the 'glasbey.colors' palette,with 32 colors.

Bug Fixes:

* Modified the creation of our 'palette36' to use sRGB instead of RGB

Polychrome v0.6.5 (Release Date: 2016-08-19)


* Added the 'colorNames' function to assign UNIX/X11 color names to

* Added '...' arguments to 'uvScatter' and 'luminance' functions,
  allowing users more control over the graphical displays.

Polychrome v0.6.3 (Release Date: 2016-08-17)


* Added the 'invertColors' function, allowing for display of colors
  against a black background.

* Added an additional argument M to the 'createPalette' funicton,
  giving the user control over the number of potential colors
  generated randomly during processing.

* Added the 'plotDistances' viewer to display successive distances
  between colors in LUV space.

Polychrome v0.6.0 (Release Date: 2016-08-16)


* Added a new viewer, 'plothc', which displays a palette as a
  dendrogram produced using hierarchical clustering based on Euclidean
  distance in LUV space.

Polychrome v0.5.0 (Release Date: 2016-05-16)


* Finished the basic vignette.

Polychrome v0.5.0 (Release Date: 2016-05-16)


* Added an optional 'range' argument to the 'createPalette' function,
  allowing users to control the range of luminance values.

Polychrome v0.4.2 (Release Date: 2016-05-11)


* Started writing basic vignette.

Polychrome v0.4.1 (Release Date: 2016-05-09)


* First complete draft of man pages.

Polychrome v0.3.16 (Release Date: 2016-05-09)


* Added an "isccNames" function so users can assign color names to any

* Added the "palette36.colors' function to access our new standard
  36-color palette.

* Added our own 'alphabet.colors' palette, and sorted it

* Exported the 'makegray' function.

Bug Fixes:

* Fixed a bug in 'makePalette' so it now returns the number of colors
  you asked for instead of the whole palette.


* First drafts of some man pages.

Polychrome v0.3.2 (Release Date: 2016-04-15)


* Added iscc color name data as a proper R object loadable as data.

Polychrome v0.3.1 (Release Date: 2016-03-23)


* Added historical palettes 'kelly.colors' and 'green.armytage.colors'

* Added 'iscc.txt' to the data directory.


* Cleaned up code to geneate our own 36-color and alphabet palettes.

* Added "makegray" function.

Polychrome v0.1.0 (Release Date: 2016-03-22)


* Intitial version of package


* Changed the LICENSE from Artistic 2.0 to Apache 2.0