--- title: "Open Specy Package Tutorial" author: > Win Cowger, Zacharias Steinmetz, Rachel Kozloski, Aleksandra Karapetrova date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Open Specy Package Tutorial} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", warning = FALSE ) data.table::setDTthreads(2) ``` # Document Overview This document outlines a common workflow for using the Open Specy package and highlights some topics that users are often requesting a tutorial on. If the document is followed sequentially from beginning to end, the user will have a better understanding of every procedure involved in using the Open Specy R package as a tool for interpreting spectra. It takes approximately 45 minutes to read through and follow along with this standard operating procedure the first time. Afterward, knowledgeable users should be able to thoroughly analyze spectra at an average speed of 1 min^-1^ or faster with the new batch and automated procedures. The Open Specy R package is the backbone of the Shiny app. The choice is yours as to which you start with, we use both on a regular basis. The tutorial will talk through the R functions you can use to programatically analyze spectra. If you are looking for a tutorial about how to use the app see [this tutorial](https://wincowger.com/OpenSpecy-package/articles/app.html). # Installation After installing the R package, you just need to read in the library. ```{r setup} library(OpenSpecy) ``` # Running the App To get started with the Open Specy user interface, access [https://openanalysis.org/openspecy/](https://openanalysis.org/openspecy/) or start the Shiny GUI directly from your own computer in R. If you are looking for a tutorial about how to use the app see [this tutorial](https://wincowger.com/OpenSpecy-package/articles/app.html). ```{r, eval=FALSE} run_app() ``` # Read Data The following line of code will read in your data when using the package and interprets which reading function to use based on the file extension. ```{r, eval=FALSE} read_any("path/to/your/data") ``` These file type specific functions will also read in spectral data accordingly if you have a particular format in mind. ```{r, eval=FALSE} read_text(".csv") read_asp(".asp") read_opus(".0") ``` Open Specy allows for upload of native Open Specy .y(a)ml, .json, or .rds files. In addition, .csv, .asp, .jdx, .0, .spa, .spc, and .zip files can be imported. .zip files can either contain multiple files with individual spectra in them of the non-zip formats or it can contain a .hdr and .dat file that form an ENVI file for a spectral map. Open Specy and .csv files should always load correctly but the other file types are still in development, though most of the time these files work perfectly. If uploading a .csv file, label the column with the wavenumbers `wavenumber` and name the column with the intensities `intensity`. Wavenumber units must be cm^-1^. Any other columns are not used by the software. Always keep a copy of the original file before alteration to preserve metadata and raw data for your records. It is best practice to cross check files in the proprietary software they came from and Open Specy before use in Open Specy. Due to the complexity of some proprietary file types, we haven't been able to make them fully compatible yet. If your file is not working, please contact the administrator and share the file so that we can work on integrating it. The specific steps to converting your instrument's native files to .csv can be found in its software manual or you can check out [Spectragryph](https://www.effemm2.de/spectragryph/), which supports many spectral file conversions. For instructions, see [Spectragryph Tutorial](https://wincowger.com/OpenSpecy-package/articles/spectragryph.html). If you don't have your own data, you can use a test dataset. ```{r} data("raman_hdpe") ``` We also have many onboard files that you can call to test different formats: ```{r} spectral_map <- read_extdata("CA_tiny_map.zip") |> read_any() # preserves some metadata asp_example <- read_extdata("ftir_ldpe_soil.asp") |> read_any() ps_example <- read_extdata("ftir_ps.0") |> read_any() # preserves some metadata csv_example <- read_extdata("raman_hdpe.csv") |> read_any() json_example <- read_extdata("raman_hdpe.json") |> read_any() # read in exactly as an OpenSpecy object ``` You will notice now that the R package reads in files into an object with class `OpenSpecy`. This is a class we created for high throughput spectral analysis which now also preserves spectral metadata. You can even create these from scratch if you'd like. ```{r} scratch_OpenSpecy <- as_OpenSpecy(x = seq(1000,2000, by = 5), spectra = data.frame(runif(n = 201)), metadata = list(file_name = "fake_noise")) ``` Open Specy objects are lists with three components, `wavenumber` is a vector of the wavenumber values for the spectra and corresponds to the rows in `spectra` which is a `data.table` where each column is a set of spectral intensities. `metadata` is a data.table which holds additional information about the spectra. Each row corresponds to a column in `spectra`. ```{r} # Access the wavenumbers scratch_OpenSpecy$wavenumber ``` ```{r} # Access the spectra scratch_OpenSpecy$spectra ``` ```{r} # Access the metadata scratch_OpenSpecy$metadata ``` ```{r} # Performs checks to ensure that OpenSpecy objects are adhering to our standards; # returns TRUE if it passes. check_OpenSpecy(scratch_OpenSpecy) # Checks only the object type to make sure it has OpenSpecy type is_OpenSpecy(scratch_OpenSpecy) ``` We have some generic functions built for inspecting the spectra: ```{r} print(scratch_OpenSpecy) # shows the raw object ``` ```{r} summary(scratch_OpenSpecy) # summarizes the contents of the spectra ``` ```{r} head(scratch_OpenSpecy) # shows the top wavenumbers and intensities ``` # Save Data Open Specy objects can be saved most accurately as .rds, .yml, or .json files. .rds will be the most reproducible as it is a native R file format and floating point errors can happen with .json or .yml. ```{r, eval=F} write_spec(scratch_OpenSpecy, "test_scratch_OpenSpecy.yml", digits = 5) write_spec(scratch_OpenSpecy, "test_scratch_OpenSpecy.json", digits = 5) ``` # Format Conversions Another great spectroscopy R package is [hyperSpec](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=hyperSpec). We actually depend on their functions for several of ours. They are currently making some awesome new features and we want to integrate well with them so that both packages can be easily used together. That is why we created the `as_hyperSpec` function and made sure that `as_OpenSpecy` can convert from `hyperSpec` objects. ```{r, eval=F} hyperspecy <- as_hyperSpec(scratch_OpenSpecy) ``` # Visualization ## Spectra In R, we have two ways to visualize your spectra, one is quick and efficient and the other is interactive. Here is an example of quick and efficient plotting. ```{r, fig.align="center", fig.width=5} plot(scratch_OpenSpecy) # quick and efficient ``` This is an example of an interactive plot. You can plot two different datasets simultaneously to compare. ```{r, fig.align="center", out.width="100%"} # This will min-max normalize your data even if it isn't already but are not # changing your underlying data plotly_spec(scratch_OpenSpecy, json_example) ``` ## Maps Spectral maps can also be visualized as overlaid spectra but in addition the spatial information can be plotted as a heatmap. It is important to note that when multiple spectra are uploaded in batch they are prescribed `x` and `y` coordinates, this can be helpful for visualizing summary statistics and navigating vast amounts of data but shouldn't be confused with data which actually has spatial coordinates. In R the user can control what values form the colors of the heatmap by specifying `z`, it is handy to put the information you want in the metadata for this reason. This example just shows the x values of the spectra. ```{r, eval=F} heatmap_spec(spectral_map, z = spectral_map$metadata$x) ``` An interactive plot of the heatmap and spectra overlayed can be generated with the `interactive_plot()` function. A user can hover over the heatmap to identify the next row id they are interested in and update the value of select to see that spectrum. ```{r, fig.align="center", out.width="100%"} interactive_plot(spectral_map, select = 100, z = spectral_map$metadata$x) ```
# Combining OpenSpecy Objects Sometimes you have several OpenSpecy objects that you want to combine into one. The easiest way to do that is by having spectra which all are in the same exact format with the same series of wavenumbers. The default settings of `c_spec` assume that is the case. If you have different wavenumber ranges for the spectra you want to combine, you can set `range = "common"` and `res` equal to the wavenumber resolution you want and the function will collapse all the spectra to whatever their common range is using linear interpolation. ```{r, fig.align="center", fig.width=5} c_spec(list(asp_example, ps_example), range = "common", res = 8) |> plot() ``` # Filtering OpenSpecy Objects OpenSpecy objects can have any number of spectra in them. To create an OpenSpecy with a subset of the spectra that is in an Open Specy object you can use the `filter_spec` function. Filtering is allowed by index number, name, or using a logical vector. Filtering will update the `spectra` and `metadata` items of the `OpenSpecy` but not the `wavenumber`. ```{r} # Extract the 150th spectrum. filter_spec(spectral_map, 150) ``` ```{r} # Extract the spectrum with column name "8_5". filter_spec(spectral_map, "8_5") |> print() ``` ```{r, fig.align="center", fig.width=5} # Extract the spectra with a logical argument based on metadata filter_spec(spectral_map, spectral_map$metadata$y == 1) |> plot() ``` # Sampling OpenSpecy Objects Sometimes you have a large suite of examples of spectra of the same material and you want to reduce the number of spectra you run through the analysis for simplicity or you are running simulations or other procedures that require you to first sample from the spectra contained in your OpenSpecy objects before doing analysis. the `sample_spec` function serves this purpose. ```{r, fig.align="center", fig.width=5} sample_spec(spectral_map, size = 5) |> plot() ``` # Processing The goal of this all processing is to increase the signal to noise ratio (S/N) of the spectra without distorting the shape, position, or relative size of the peaks. After loading data, you can process the data using intensity adjustment, baseline subtraction, smoothing, flattening, and range selection. The default settings is an absolute derivative transformation, it is kind of magic, it does something similar to smoothing, baseline subtraction, and intensity correction simultaneously and really quickly. The `process_spec()` function is a monolithic function for all processing procedures which is optimized by default to result in high signal to noise in most cases, same as the app. ```{r} processed <- process_spec(raman_hdpe, active = TRUE, adj_intens = FALSE, adj_intens_args = list(type = "none"), conform_spec = TRUE, conform_spec_args = list(range = NULL, res = 8, type = "interp"), restrict_range = FALSE, restrict_range_args = list(min = 0, max = 6000), flatten_range = FALSE, flatten_range_args = list(min = 2200, max = 2420), subtr_baseline = FALSE, subtr_baseline_args = list(type = "polynomial", degree = 8, raw = FALSE, baseline = NULL), smooth_intens = TRUE, smooth_intens_args = list(polynomial = 3, window = 11, derivative = 1, abs = TRUE), make_rel = TRUE) summary(processed) summary(raman_hdpe) ``` You can compare the processed and unprocessed data in an overlay plot. ```{r eval=FALSE} plotly_spec(raman_hdpe, processed) ``` We want people to use the `process_spec()` function for most processing operations. All other processing functions can be tuned using its parameters in the single function and we have set defaults and nested the processing functions in a way that provides typically quality results. However, we recognize that nesting of functions and order of operations can be useful for users to control so you can also use individual functions for each operation if you'd like. See explanations of each processing sub-function below. ## Threshold Signal-Noise Considering whether you have enough signal to analyze spectra is important. Classical spectroscopy would recommend your highest peak to be at least 10 times the baseline of your processed spectra before you begin analysis. If your spectra is below that threshold even after processing, you may want to consider recollecting it. In practice, we are rarely able to collect spectra of that good quality and more often use 5. The "run_sig_over_noise" `metric` searches your spectra for high and low regions and conducts division on them to derive the signal to noise ratio and `step` specifies the number of intensities to search. This is a good way to automatically calculate the signal to noise ratio. In the example below you can see that our signal to noise ratio is increased by the processing, the goal of processing is generally to maximize this. "sig_times_noise" `metric` multiplies the mean signal by the standard deviation of the signal and "tot_sig" `metric` sums the intensities. The latter can be really useful for thresholding spectral maps to identify particles which we will discuss later. If you know where your signal region and noise regions are you can specify them with `sig_min`, `sig_max`, `noise_min`, and `noise_max`. ```{r, eval=F} sig_noise(processed, metric = "run_sig_over_noise") > sig_noise(raman_hdpe, metric = "run_sig_over_noise") ``` If analyzing spectra in batch, we recommend looking at the heatmap and optimizing the percent of spectra that are above your signal to noise threshold to determine the correct settings instead of looking through spectra individually. Setting the `min_sn` will threshold the heatmap image to only color spectra which have a `sn` value over the threshold. ```{r, out.width="100%"} spectral_map_p <- spectral_map |> process_spec(flatten_range = T) spectral_map_p$metadata$sig_noise <- sig_noise(spectral_map_p) heatmap_spec(spectral_map_p, sn = spectral_map_p$metadata$sig_noise, min_sn = 5) ``` ## Intensity Adjustment Open Specy assumes that intensity units are in absorbance units but Open Specy can adjust reflectance or transmittance spectra to absorbance units. The transmittance adjustment uses the $\log_{10} 1/T$ calculation which does not correct for system or particle characteristics. The reflectance adjustment use the Kubelka-Munk equation $\frac{(1-R)^2}{2R}$. This is the respective R code for a scenario where the spectra doesn't need intensity adjustment: ```{r, fig.align="center", out.width="100%"} trans_raman_hdpe <- raman_hdpe trans_raman_hdpe$spectra <- 2 - trans_raman_hdpe$spectra^2 rev_trans_raman_hdpe <- trans_raman_hdpe |> adj_intens(type = "transmittance") plotly_spec(trans_raman_hdpe, rev_trans_raman_hdpe) ``` ## Conforming Conforming spectra is essential before comparing to a reference library and can be useful for summarizing data when you don't need it to be highly resolved spectrally. We set the default spectral resolution to 8 because this tends to be pretty good for a lot of applications and is in between 4 and 8 which are commonly used wavenumber resolutions. There are several ways that this function can be specified. ```{r} conform_spec(raman_hdpe, res = 8) |> # convert res to 8 wavenumbers. summary() # Force one spectrum to have the exact same wavenumbers as another conform_spec(asp_example, range = ps_example$wavenumber, res = NULL) |> summary() # Specify the wavenumber resolution and use a rolling join instead of linear # approximation (faster for large datasets). conform_spec(spectral_map, range = ps_example$wavenumber, res = 10, type = "roll") |> summary() ``` ## Smoothing The [Savitzky-Golay filter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savitzky%E2%80%93Golay_filter) is used for smoothing. Higher polynomial numbers lead to more wiggly fits and thus less smoothing, lower numbers lead to more smooth fits. The SG filter is fit to a moving window of 11 data points by default where the center point in the window is replaced with the polynomial estimate. Larger windows will produce smoother fits. The derivative order is set to 1 by default which transforms the spectra to their first derivative. A zero order derivative will have no derivative transformation. When smoothing is done well, peak shapes and relative heights should not change. The absolute value is primarily useful for first derivative spectra where the absolute value results in an absorbance-like spectrum which is why we set it as the default. You'll notice a new function we are using `c_spec()` which is used to combine spectral objects into one OpenSpecy object. Examples of smoothing: ```{r smooth_intens, fig.cap = "Sample `raman_hdpe` spectrum with different smoothing polynomials.", fig.width=5, fig.align="center"} none <- make_rel(raman_hdpe) p1 <- smooth_intens(raman_hdpe, polynomial = 1, derivative = 0, abs = F) p4 <- smooth_intens(raman_hdpe, polynomial = 4, derivative = 0, abs = F) c_spec(list(none, p1, p4)) |> plot() ``` Derivative transformation can happen with the same function. ```{r compare_derivative, fig.cap = "Sample `raman_hdpe` spectrum with different derivatives.", fig.width=5, fig.align="center"} none <- make_rel(raman_hdpe) d1 <- smooth_intens(raman_hdpe, derivative = 1, abs = T) d2 <- smooth_intens(raman_hdpe, derivative = 2, abs = T) c_spec(list(none, d1, d2)) |> plot() ``` ## Baseline Correction The goal of baseline correction is to get all non-peak regions of the spectra to zero absorbance. The higher the polynomial order, the more wiggly the fit to the baseline. If the baseline is not very wiggly, a more wiggly fit could remove peaks which is not desired. The baseline correction algorithm used in Open Specy is called "iModPolyfit" (Zhao et al. 2007). This algorithm iteratively fits polynomial equations of the specified order to the whole spectrum. During the first fit iteration, peak regions will often be above the baseline fit. The data in the peak region is removed from the fit to make sure that the baseline is less likely to fit to the peaks. The iterative fitting terminates once the difference between the new and previous fit is small. An example of a good baseline fit below. Manual baseline correction can also be specified by providing a baseline `OpenSpecy` object. ```{r subtr_baseline, fig.cap = "Sample `raman_hdpe` spectrum with different degrees of background subtraction (Cowger et al., 2020).", fig.width=5, fig.align="center"} alternative_baseline <- smooth_intens(raman_hdpe, polynomial = 1, window = 51, derivative = 0, abs = F, make_rel = F) |> flatten_range(min = 2700, max = 3200, make_rel = F) none <- make_rel(raman_hdpe) d2 <- subtr_baseline(raman_hdpe, type = "manual", baseline = alternative_baseline) d8 <- subtr_baseline(raman_hdpe, degree = 8) c_spec(list(none, d2, d8)) |> plot() ``` ## Range Selection Sometimes an instrument operates with high noise at the ends of the spectrum and, a baseline fit produces distortions, or there are regions of interest for analysis. Range selection accomplishes those goals. You should look into the signal to noise ratio of your specific instrument by wavelength to determine what wavelength ranges to use. Distortions due to baseline fit can be assessed from looking at the process spectra. Additionally, you can restrict the range to examine a single peak or a subset of peaks of interests. Multiple ranges can be specified simultaneously. ```{r restrict_range, fig.cap = "Sample `raman_hdpe` spectrum with different degrees of range restriction.", fig.width=5, fig.align="center"} none <- make_rel(raman_hdpe) r1 <- restrict_range(raman_hdpe, min = 1000, max = 2000) r2 <- restrict_range(raman_hdpe, min = c(1000, 1800), max = c(1200, 2000)) compare_ranges <- c_spec(list(none, r1, r2), range = "common") # Common argument crops the ranges to the most common range between the spectra # when joining. plot(compare_ranges) ``` ## Flattening Ranges Sometimes there are peaks that really shouldn't be in your spectra and can distort your interpretation of the spectra but you don't necessarily want to remove the regions from the analysis because you believe those regions should be flat instead of having a peak. One way to deal with this is to replace the peak values with the mean of the values around the peak. This is the purpose of the `flatten_range` function. By default it is set to flatten the CO2 region for FTIR spectra because that region often needs to be flattened when atmospheric artifacts occur in spectra. Like `restrict_range`, the R function can accept multiple ranges. ```{r flatten_range, fig.cap = "Sample `raman_hdpe` spectrum with different degrees of background subtraction (Cowger et al., 2020).", fig.width=5, fig.align="center"} single <- filter_spec(spectral_map, 120) # Function to filter spectra by index # number or name or a logical vector. none <- make_rel(single) f1 <- flatten_range(single) #default flattening the CO2 region. f2 <- flatten_range(single, min = c(1000, 2500), max = c(1200, 3000)) compare_flats <- c_spec(list(none, f1, f2)) plot(compare_flats) ``` ## Min-Max Normalization Often we regard spectral intensities as arbitrary and min-max normalization allows us to view spectra on the same scale without drastically distorting their shapes or relative peak intensities. In the package, most of the processing functions will min-max transform your spectra by default if you do not specify otherwise. This plot shows two plots that are nearly identical except for the min-max transformed spectrum has a y axis that ranges from 0-1. ```{r make_rel, fig.cap = "Sample `raman_hdpe` spectrum with one being relative and the other untransformed."} relative <- make_rel(raman_hdpe) ``` # Identifying Spectra ## Reading Libraries Reference libraries are spectra with known identities. The Open Specy library now has over 10,000 spectra in it an is getting so large that we cannot fit it within the R package size limit of 5 MB. We host the reference libraries on [OSF](https://osf.io/x7dpz/) and have a function to pull the libraries down automatically. Running get_lib by itself will download all libraries to your package director or you can specify which libraries you want and where you want them. ```{r, eval=F} get_lib(type = "derivative") ``` After download the libraries you can load them into your active environment. You should load them one at a time. Libraries are also `OpenSpecy` objects so you can use any Open Specy object as a library. ```{r, eval=F} lib <- load_lib(type = "derivative") ``` ## Matches Before attempting to use a reference library to identify spectra it is really important to understand what format the reference library is in. All the OpenSpecy reference libraries are in Absorbance units. `derivative` has been absolute first derivative transformed, `nobaseline` has been baseline corrected, `raw` is the rawest form of the reference spectra (not recommended except for advanced uses). The previously mentioned libraries all have Raman and FTIR spectra in them. `mediod` is the mediod compressed library version of the absolute first derivative for FTIR, `model` is an exception because it is a multinomial regression approach for FTIR to identification of absolute derivative spectra. In this example we use the `data("test_lib")` which is a subsampled version of the absolute derivative library and `data("raman_hdpe")` which is an unprocessed Raman spectrum in absorbance units of HDPE plastic. With single spectra it is easy to look at the spectra but when doing in batch, also refer to the Thresholding Signal-Noise section for guidance on making sure your batch spectra are processed to quality specs. ```{r, eval = F} data("test_lib") data("raman_hdpe") processed <- process_spec(x = raman_hdpe, conform_spec = F, #We will conform during matching. smooth_intens = T #Conducts the default derivative transformation. ) # Check to make sure that the signal to noise ratio of the processed spectra is # greater than 10. print(sig_noise(processed) > 10) plotly_spec(raman_hdpe, processed) ``` After your spectra is processed similarly to the library specifications, you can identify the spectra using `match_spec()`. All of the libraries have wavenumbers at 8 cm^-1 resolution. Whichever library you choose, you need to get your spectra into a similar enough format to use for comparison. That means conforming the wavenumbers to the same values using `conform = T`. Alternatively, you could have done the conformation during the processing. The `add_library_metadata` and `add_object_metadata` options specify the column name in the metadata that you want to add metadata from and `top_n` specifies how many matches you want. In this example we just identified a single spectrum with the library but you can also send an OpenSpecy object with multiple spectra. The output `matches` is a data.table with at least 3 columns, `object_id` tells you the column names of the spectra in `x`, `library_id` tells you the column names from the library that it matched to. `match_val` is the value of the Pearson correlation coefficient (default) or other correlation if specified in `...` or if using the model identification option `match_val` will be the model confidence. The output in this example returned the correct material type, HDPE, as the top match. If using Pearson correlation, 0.7 is a good threshold to use for a positive ID. In this example, only our top match is greater than the threshold so we would disregard the other matches. If no matches were above our threshold, we would proclaim that the spectrum is of an unknown identity. You'll also notice in this example that we matched to a library with both Raman and FTIR spectra but the Raman spectra had the highest hits, this is the rationale for lazily matching to a library with both. If you want to just match to a library with FTIR or Raman spectra, you can first filter the library using `filter_spec()` using `SpectrumType`. ```{r eval=FALSE} matches <- match_spec(x = processed, library = test_lib, conform = T, add_library_metadata = "sample_name", top_n = 5) print(matches[,c("object_id", "library_id", "match_val", "SpectrumType", "SpectrumIdentity")]) ``` ## Library Metadata The libraries we have created have over 100 variables of metadata in them and this can be onerous to read through especially given that many of the variables are `NA` values. We created `get_metadata()` to remedy this by removing columns from the metadata which are all blank values. The function below will return the metadata for the top match in `matches`. Remember, similar `filter_spec()`, you can specify `logic` for more than one thing at a time. ```{r eval=FALSE} get_metadata(x = test_lib, logic = matches[[1,"library_id"]], rm_empty = T) ``` ## Plot Matches Overlaying unknown spectra and the best matches can be extremely useful to identify peaks that don't fit to the reference library which may need further investigation. The example below shows great correspondence between the best match and the unknown spectrum. All major peaks are accounted for and the correct relative height. There are two small peaks in the unknown spectrum near 500 that are not accounted for which could be investigated further but we would call this a positive id to HDPE. ```{r eval=FALSE} plotly_spec(processed, filter_spec(test_lib, logic = matches[[1,"library_id"]])) ``` ## Sharing Reference Data If you have reference data or AI models that you think would be useful for sharing with the spectroscopy community through OpenSpecy please contact the package administrator to discuss options for collaborating. # Characterizing Particles Sometimes the spectroscopy task we want to perform is to identify particles in a spectral map. This is especially common for microplastic analysis where a spectral map is used to image a sample and spectral information is used to differentiate microplastic particles from nonplastic particles. In addition to the material id, one often wants to measure the shape and size of the particles. In a brute force technique, one could first identify every spectrum in the map, then use thresholding and image analysis to measure the particles. However, more often than not, particles are well separated on the image surface and background spectra is quite different from particle spectra and therefore we can use thresholding a priori to identify and measure the particles, then pass an exemplary spectrum for each particle to the identification routine. It is important to note here that this is at the bleeding edge of theory and technique so we may be updating these functions in the near future. ## Brute Force ```{r, eval = F} data("test_lib") test_map <- read_any(read_extdata("CA_tiny_map.zip")) test_map_processed <- process_spec(test_map, conform_spec_args = list( range = test_lib$wavenumber, res = NULL) ) identities <- match_spec(test_map_processed, test_lib, order = test_map, add_library_metadata = "sample_name", top_n = 1) features <- ifelse(identities$match_val > 0.7, tolower(identities$polymer_class), "unknown") id_map <- def_features(x = test_map_processed, features = features) id_map$metadata$identities <- features # Also should probably be implemented automatically in the function when a # character value is provided. # Collapses spectra to their median for each particle test_collapsed <- collapse_spec(id_map) ``` ## A Priori Particle Thresholding ```{r, eval = F} data("test_lib") test_map <- read_any(read_extdata("CA_tiny_map.zip")) # Characterize the total signal as a threshold value. snr <- sig_noise(test_map,metric = "log_tot_sig") # Use this to find your particles and the sig_noise value to use for # thresholding. heatmap_spec(test_map, z = snr) # Set define the feature regions based on the threshold. 400 appeared to be # where I suspected my particle to be in the previous heatmap. id_map <- def_features(x = test_map, features = snr > 400) # Check that the thresholding worked as expected. heatmap_spec(id_map, z = id_map$metadata$feature_id) # Collapse the spectra to their medians based on the threshold. Important to # note here that the particles with id -88 are anything from the FALSE values # so they should be your background. collapsed_id_map <- id_map |> collapse_spec() # Process the collapsed spectra. id_map_processed <- process_spec(collapsed_id_map, conform_spec_args = list( range = test_lib$wavenumber, res = NULL) ) # Check the spectra. plot(id_map_processed) # Get the matches of the collapsed spectra for the particles. matches <- match_spec(id_map_processed, test_lib, add_library_metadata = "sample_name", top_n = 1) ``` # References Chabuka BK, Kalivas JH (2020). “Application of a Hybrid Fusion Classification Process for Identification of Microplastics Based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.” *Applied Spectroscopy*, **74**(9), 1167–1183. doi: [10.1177/0003702820923993](https://doi.org/10.1177/0003702820923993). Cowger W, Gray A, Christiansen SH, De Frond H, Deshpande AD, Hemabessiere L, Lee E, Mill L, et al. 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