FinCal 0.6.3
can calculate negative irr now

FinCal 0.6.2
change import to importFrom

FinCal 0.6.1
optimize functions: discount.rate and irr ("uniroot" function was used, run fast now)
optimize functions: lineChart, lineChartMult, volumeChart, candlestickChart (parameter "breaks" was added to control the width between breaks, "date.breaks" function was deleted)

FinCal 0.6
Released 2014-Feb-02

Equivalent/proportional Interest Rates
* add EIR

FinCal 0.5
Released 2013-Sept-25

Depreciation Expense Recognition Methods
* add slde
* add ddb

Earnings Per Share (EPS) Methods
* add EPS
* add diluted.EPS
* add was
* add iss

Evaluate a company's financial performance
* add gpm
* add npm

Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as they come due.
* add current.ratio
* add cash.ratio
* add quick.ratio

Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its long-term obligations.
* add lt.d2e
* add total.d2e
* add debt.ratio
* add financial.leverage

FinCal 0.4
Released 2013-Sept-04

revised @examples, so multiple examples for some functions call be displayed

Cost of goods sold and ending inventory under three methods (FIFO,LIFO,Weighted average)
* add cogs

FinCal 0.3
Released 2013-Aug-13

Methods for downloading historical stock prices from Yahoo finance and Google finance, technical analysis.

* add wpr, 
* add geometric.mean
* add harmonic.mean
* add SFRatio
* add Sharpe.ratio
* add coefficient.variation
* add sampling.error
* add
* add
* add
* add
* add date.breaks
* add lineChart
* add lineChartMult
* add volumeChart
* add candlestickChart

FinCal 0.2
Released 2013-Aug-01

Revised function manual to roxygen2 format.

* add r.perpetuity
* add discount.rate
* add npv
* add irr
* add hpr
* add twrr
* add hpr2ear
* add hpr2mmy
* add bdy
* add bdy2mmy
* add mmy2hpr
* add ear2hpr
* add hpr2bey
* add ear2bey

FinCal 0.1
Released 2013-July-16

First official release of the FinCal R package. 
Financial calculator for time value money. 
Tools for computational finance.

* pv.simple
* fv.simple
* pv.annuity
* fv.annuity
* pv.perpetuity
* pv
* fv
* fv.uneven
* pv.uneven
* pmt
* n.period
* r.continuous
* r.norminal
* ear
* ear.continuous