--- title: "Splitting cohorts" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{a07_split_cohorts} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, eval = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, comment = "#>" ) library(CohortConstructor) library(CohortCharacteristics) library(ggplot2) library(CDMConnector) library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) library(PatientProfiles) if (Sys.getenv("EUNOMIA_DATA_FOLDER") == ""){ Sys.setenv("EUNOMIA_DATA_FOLDER" = file.path(tempdir(), "eunomia"))} if (!dir.exists(Sys.getenv("EUNOMIA_DATA_FOLDER"))){ dir.create(Sys.getenv("EUNOMIA_DATA_FOLDER")) downloadEunomiaData() } ``` For this example we'll use the Eunomia synthetic data from the CDMConnector package. ```{r} con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), dbdir = eunomiaDir()) cdm <- CDMConnector::cdmFromCon(con, cdmSchema = "main", writeSchema = "main", writePrefix = "my_study_") ``` Let's start by creating two drug cohorts, one for users of diclofenac and another for users of acetaminophen. ```{r} cdm$medications <- conceptCohort(cdm = cdm, conceptSet = list("diclofenac" = 1124300, "acetaminophen" = 1127433), name = "medications") cohortCount(cdm$medications) ``` We can stratify cohorts based on specified columns using the function `stratifyCohorts()`. In this example, let's stratify the medications cohort by age and sex. ```{r} cdm$stratified <- cdm$medications |> addAge(ageGroup = list("Child" = c(0,17), "18 to 65" = c(18,64), "65 and Over" = c(65, Inf))) |> addSex(name = "stratified") |> stratifyCohorts(strata = list("sex", "age_group", c("sex", "age_group")), name = "stratified") settings(cdm$stratified) ``` The age and sex columns are added using functions from the package `PatientProfiles`. The 'stratified' table includes 22 cohorts, representing various combinations of sex and age groups. We can also split cohorts for specified years using the function `yearCohorts()`. ```{r, include=FALSE, warning=FALSE} con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), dbdir = eunomiaDir()) cdm <- cdmFromCon(con, cdmSchema = "main", writeSchema = c(prefix = "my_study_", schema = "main")) cdm$medications <- conceptCohort(cdm = cdm, conceptSet = list("diclofenac" = 1124300, "acetaminophen" = 1127433), name = "medications") ``` ```{r} cdm$years <- cdm$medications |> yearCohorts(years = 2005:2010, name = "years") settings(cdm$years) ``` The 'years' table includes 12 cohorts, with each cohort representing a specific drug and year.