--- title: "Viewer" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Viewer} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ## Prepare a File for the Viewer To prepare a file for the online viewer, first get an access token with the `data:read` and `data:write` scopes. ```c resp <- getToken(id = Sys.getenv("client_id"), secret = Sys.getenv("client_secret"), scope = "data:read data:write") myToken <- resp$content$access_token ``` Nex, encode the urn using the `jsonlite::base64_enc()` function. ```c myEncodedUrn <- jsonlite::base64_enc(myUrn) ``` Then, translate the file into SVF format: ```c resp <- translateSvf(urn = myEncodedUrn, token = myToken) ``` To check the status of the translation process: ```c resp <- checkFile(urn = myEncodedUrn, token = myToken) resp ``` Finally, embed the urn of the file in the viewer, which is described in the **Viewer** section. ## Extract Data from a File To extract data from a file, follow the steps in the previous section for getting a token with the `data:read` and `data:write` scopes, encoding the `urn` of the file using the `jsonlite::base64_enc()` function, and translating the file into SVF format using the `translateSvf()` function. Next, retrieve metadata for a file using the `getMetadata()` function, which returns an object with the `type`, `name`, and `guid` of the file. Note the `guid` and store it in `.Renviron`. ```c resp <- getMetadata(urn = myEncodedUrn, token = myToken) myGuid <- resp$content$data$metadata[[1]]$guid ``` To get the object tree of a model, use the `getObjectTree()` function. ```c resp <- getObjectTree(guid = myGuid, urn = myEncodedUrn, token = myToken) resp ``` To extract data from the model, use the `getData()` function. ```c resp <- getData(guid = myGuid, urn = myEncodedUrn, token = myToken) ``` # Viewer AutoDesk provides a WebGL-based viewer for rendering 2D and 3D models. To use the viewer, make sure to first follow the instructions in **Prepare a File for the Viewer** above. Then simply pass the `urn` of the file and the `token` to the `viewer3D()` function: ```c viewer3D(urn = myEncodedUrn, token = myToken) ``` The viewer can also be embedded in Shiny applications, interactive R markdown documents, and other web pages thanks to the Shiny Modules framework. Here is a simple example of a Shiny app and the `viewerUI()` function: ```c ui <- function(request) { shiny::fluidPage( viewerUI("pg", myEncodedUrn, myToken) ) } server <- function(input, output, session) { } shiny::shinyApp(ui, server) ```