Last updated on 2024-11-14 05:49:51 CET.
Flavor | Version | Tinstall | Tcheck | Ttotal | Status | Flags |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang | 3.0.5 | 97.08 | 241.61 | 338.69 | OK | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc | 3.0.5 | 66.94 | 188.26 | 255.20 | OK | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang | 3.0.5 | 590.72 | OK | |||
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc | 3.0.5 | 462.61 | ERROR | |||
r-devel-windows-x86_64 | 3.0.5 | 87.00 | 147.00 | 234.00 | OK | --no-examples --no-tests --no-vignettes |
r-patched-linux-x86_64 | 3.0.5 | 100.78 | 238.76 | 339.54 | OK | |
r-release-linux-x86_64 | 3.0.5 | 92.67 | 240.67 | 333.34 | OK | |
r-release-macos-arm64 | 3.0.5 | 99.00 | NOTE | |||
r-release-macos-x86_64 | 3.0.5 | 177.00 | NOTE | |||
r-release-windows-x86_64 | 3.0.5 | 90.00 | 164.00 | 254.00 | OK | --no-examples --no-tests --no-vignettes |
r-oldrel-macos-arm64 | 3.0.5 | 129.00 | NOTE | |||
r-oldrel-macos-x86_64 | 3.0.5 | 240.00 | NOTE | |||
r-oldrel-windows-x86_64 | 3.0.5 | 118.00 | 147.00 | 265.00 | OK | --no-examples --no-tests --no-vignettes |
Version: 3.0.5
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
Running examples in ‘BuyseTest-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:
> ### Name: BuyseMultComp
> ### Title: Adjustment for Multiple Comparisons
> ### Aliases: BuyseMultComp
> ### Keywords: htest
> ### ** Examples
> #### simulate data ####
> set.seed(10)
> <- simBuyseTest(1e2, n.strata = 3)
Error in cbind(idxM, pidxM) : cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
Calls: simBuyseTest ... exogenous<- -> exogenous<-.lvm -> reindex -> mat.lvm -> cbind
Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc
Version: 3.0.5
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running ‘testthat.R’ [28s/33s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
> ## * load packages
> library(testthat)
> library(BuyseTest)
Loading required package: Rcpp
BuyseTest version 3.0.5
> library(lava)
Attaching package: 'lava'
The following object is masked from 'package:testthat':
> library(data.table)
> library(survival)
Attaching package: 'survival'
The following object is masked from 'package:BuyseTest':
> xx <- capture.output(print(veteran))
> library(riskRegression)
riskRegression version 2023.12.21
> library(prodlim)
> library(mvtnorm)
> ## * run tests
> ## setwd("~/Documents/GitHub/BuyseTest/tests/")
> ## source("~/Documents/GitHub/BuyseTest/tests/testthat/test-BuyseTest-engine.R")
> test_check("BuyseTest")
[ FAIL 15 | WARN 6 | SKIP 0 | PASS 553 ]
══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
── Error ('test-BuysePower.R:78:5'): 1 tte endpoint - Gehan ────────────────────
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::powerBuyseTest(...) at test-BuysePower.R:78:5
2. └─BuyseTest (local) sim(n.C = 10, n.T = 10)
3. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
4. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
5. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
6. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
7. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
9. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
10. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
11. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
12. └─lava::reindex(x)
13. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
14. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuysePower.R:118:5'): 1 tte endpoint - Peron ───────────────────
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::powerBuyseTest(...) at test-BuysePower.R:118:5
2. └─BuyseTest (local) sim(n.C = 10, n.T = 10)
3. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
4. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
5. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
6. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
7. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
9. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
10. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
11. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
12. └─lava::reindex(x)
13. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
14. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuysePower.R:160:5'): Multiple endpoints ───────────────────────
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::powerBuyseTest(...) at test-BuysePower.R:160:5
2. └─BuyseTest (local) sim(n.C = 10, n.T = 10)
3. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
4. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
5. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
6. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
7. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
9. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
10. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
11. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
12. └─lava::reindex(x)
13. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
14. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuyseTTEM.R:33:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ────────
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::simBuyseTest(100) at test-BuyseTTEM.R:33:1
2. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
3. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
4. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
5. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
6. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
7. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
9. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
10. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
11. └─lava::reindex(x)
12. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
13. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuyseTest-PairScore.R:38:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ──
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::simBuyseTest(...) at test-BuyseTest-PairScore.R:38:1
2. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
3. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
4. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
5. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
6. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
7. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
9. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
10. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
11. └─lava::reindex(x)
12. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
13. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuyseTest-checkValues.R:20:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ──
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::simBuyseTest(...) at test-BuyseTest-checkValues.R:20:1
2. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
3. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
4. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
5. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
6. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
7. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
9. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
10. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
11. └─lava::reindex(x)
12. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
13. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuyseTest-correctionTTE.R:194:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ──
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::simBuyseTest(n.T = 20, n.C = 20) at test-BuyseTest-correctionTTE.R:194:1
2. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
3. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
4. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
5. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
6. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
7. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
9. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
10. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
11. └─lava::reindex(x)
12. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
13. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuyseTest-engine.R:36:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ──
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::simBuyseTest(...) at test-BuyseTest-engine.R:36:1
2. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
3. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
4. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
5. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
6. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
7. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
9. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
10. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
11. └─lava::reindex(x)
12. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
13. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuyseTest-iid.R:222:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ───
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::simBuyseTest(n, name.cluster = NULL) at test-BuyseTest-iid.R:222:1
2. └─lava::`categorical<-`(`*tmp*`, labels = level.treatment[1], value = name.treatment)
3. └─lava::categorical(x, value, ...)
4. ├─lava::`ordinal<-`(...)
5. └─lava:::`ordinal<-.lvm`(...)
6. ├─lava::ordinal(x, value, ...)
7. └─lava:::ordinal.lvm(x, value, ...)
8. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = var)
9. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, value = var)
10. ├─lava::addvar(x, var = value, ...)
11. └─lava:::addvar.lvm(x, var = value, ...)
12. └─lava::reindex(x)
13. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
14. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuyseTest-multcomp.R:36:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ──
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::simBuyseTest(n) at test-BuyseTest-multcomp.R:36:1
2. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
3. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
4. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
5. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
6. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
7. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
9. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
10. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
11. └─lava::reindex(x)
12. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
13. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuyseTest-previousBug.R:259:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ──
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::simBuyseTest(50) at test-BuyseTest-previousBug.R:259:1
2. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
3. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
4. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
5. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
6. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
7. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
9. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
10. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
11. └─lava::reindex(x)
12. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
13. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuyseTest-resampling.R:38:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ──
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::simBuyseTest(...) at test-BuyseTest-resampling.R:38:1
2. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
3. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
4. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
5. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
6. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
7. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
9. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
10. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
11. └─lava::reindex(x)
12. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
13. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuyseTest-restricted.R:35:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ──
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. ├─ at test-BuyseTest-restricted.R:35:1
2. └─BuyseTest::simBuyseTest(n.obs)
3. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
4. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
5. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
6. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
7. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
9. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
10. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
11. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
12. └─lava::reindex(x)
13. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
14. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-BuyseTest-strata.R:34:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ──
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::simBuyseTest(...) at test-BuyseTest-strata.R:34:1
2. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
3. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
4. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
5. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
6. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
7. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
9. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
10. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
11. └─lava::reindex(x)
12. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
13. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
── Error ('test-initThreshold.R:32:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ────
Error in `cbind(idxM, pidxM)`: cannot get data pointer of 'NULL' objects
1. └─BuyseTest::simBuyseTest(10) at test-initThreshold.R:32:1
2. ├─lava::`distribution<-`(...)
3. └─lava:::`distribution<-.lvm`(...)
4. ├─lava::`addvar<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.formula(paste("~", variable)))
5. └─lava:::`addvar<-.lvm`(...)
6. ├─lava::`regression<-`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
7. └─lava:::`regression<-.lvm`(`*tmp*`, ..., value = value)
8. └─lava::procformula(object, value, ...)
9. ├─lava::`exogenous<-`(...)
10. └─lava:::`exogenous<-.lvm`(...)
11. └─lava::reindex(x)
12. └─lava:::mat.lvm(x, res)
13. └─base::cbind(idxM, pidxM)
[ FAIL 15 | WARN 6 | SKIP 0 | PASS 553 ]
Error: Test failures
Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc
Version: 3.0.5
Check: installed package size
Result: NOTE
installed size is 8.3Mb
sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
libs 6.9Mb
Flavors: r-release-macos-arm64, r-release-macos-x86_64, r-oldrel-macos-arm64, r-oldrel-macos-x86_64