Text::Parts - split text file to some parts(from one line start to another/same line end)


If you want to split a text file to some number of parts:

    use Text::Parts;

    my $splitter = Text::Parts->new(file => $file);
    my (@parts) = $splitter->split(num => 4);

    foreach my $part (@parts) {
       while(my $l = $part->getline) { # or <$part>
          # ...

If you want to split a text file by about specified size:

    use Text::Parts;

    my $splitter = Text::Parts->new(file => $file);
    my (@parts) = $splitter->split(size => 10); # size of part will be more than 10.
    # same as the previous example

If you want to split CSV file:

    use Text::Parts;
    use Text::CSV_XS; # don't work with Text::CSV_PP if you want to use {binary => 1} option
                      # I don't recommend to use it for CSV which has multiline lines in columns.

    my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new();
    my $splitter = Text::Parts->new(file => $file, parser => $csv);
    my (@parts) = $splitter->split(num => 4);

    foreach my $part (@parts) {
       while(my $col = $part->getline_parser) { # getline_parser returns parsed result
          print join "\t", @$col;
          # ...

Write splitted parts to files:

    $splitter->write_files('file%d.csv', num => 4);

    my $i = 0;
    foreach my $part ($splitter->slit(num => 4)) {
      $part->write_file("file" . $i++ . '.csv');

with Parallel::ForkManager:

    my $splitter = Text::Parts->new(file => $file);
    my (@parts) = $splitter->split(num => 4);
    my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager(4);

    foreach my $part (@parts) {
      $pm->start and next; # do the fork

      while (my $l = $part->getline) {
        # ...


NOTE THAT: If the file is on the same disk, fork is no use.
Maybe, using fork makes sense when the file is on RAID (I haven't try it).


This module splits file by specified number of part.
The range of each part is from one line start to another/same line end.
For example, file content is the following:


If `$splitter->split(num => 3)`, split like the following:

1st part:

2nd part:

3rd part:

At first, `split` method tries to split by bytes of file size / 3,
Secondly, tries to split by bytes of rest file size / the number of rest part.
So that:

    1st part : 36 bytes / 3 = 12 byte + bytes to line end(if needed)
    2nd part : (36 - 26 bytes) / 2 = 5 byte + bytes to line end(if needed)
    last part: rest part of file


## new

    $s = Text::Parts->new(file => $filename);
    $s = Text::Parts->new(file => $filename, parser => Text::CSV_XS->new({binary => 1}));

Constructor. It can take following options:

### num

number how many you want to split.

### size

file size how much you want to split.
This value is used for calculating `num`.
If file size is 100 and this value is 25, `num` is 4.

### file

target file which you want to split.

### parser

Pass parser object(like Text::CSV\_XS->new()).
The object must have method which takes filehandle and whose name is `getline` as default.
If the object's method is different name, pass the name to `parser_method` option.

### parser\_method

name of parser's method. default is `getline`.

### check\_line\_start

If this options is true, check line start and move to this position before `<$fh>` or parser's `getline`/`parser_method`.
It may be useful when parser's `getline`/`parser_method` method doesn't work correctly when parsing wrong format.

default value is 0.

### no\_open

If this option is true, don't open file on creating Text::Parts::Part object.
You need to call `open_and_seek` method from the object when you read the file
(But, `all` and `write_file` checks this option, so you don't need to call `open_and_seek`).

This option is required when you pass too much number, which is more than OS's open file limit, to split method.

## file

    my $file = $s->file;

get/set target file.

## parser

    my $parser_object = $s->parser;

get/set parser object.

## parser\_method

    my $method = $s->parser_method;

get/set parser method.

## split

    my @parts = $s->split(num => $num);
    my @parts = $s->split(size => $size);
    my @parts = $s->split(num => $num, max_num => 3);

Try to split target file to `$num` of parts. The returned value is array of Text::Parts::Part object.
If you pass `size => bytes`, calculate `$num` from file size / `$size`.

This method doesn't actually split file, only calculate the start and end position of parts.

This returns array of Text::Parts::Part object.
See ["Text::Parts::Part METHODS"](#Text::Parts::Part METHODS).

If you set max\_num, only split number of max\_num.

    my @parts = $s->split(num => 5, max_num => 2);

This tries to split 5 parts, but only 2 parts are returned.
This is useful to try to test a few parts of too many parts.

## eol

    my $eol = $s->eol;

get/set end of line string. default value is $/.

## write\_files

    @filenames = $s->write_files('path/to/name%d.txt', num => 4);

`name_format` is the format of filename. %d is replaced by number.
For example:


The rest of arguments are as same as `split` except the following 2 options.

- code

    `code` option takes code reference which would be done immediately after file had been written.
    If you pass `code` option as the following:

        @filenames = $s->write_files('path/to/name%d.txt', num => 4, code => \&do_after_split)

    splitted file name is given to &do\_after\_split:

        sub do_after_split {
           my $filename = shift; # 'path/to/name1.txt'
           # ...
           unlink $filename;

- start\_number

        @filenames = $s->write_files('path/to/name%d.txt', num => 4, start_number => 0);
        # $filenames[0] is 'path/to/name0.txt'

    This is used for filename.

    if start\_number is 0.


    if start\_number is 1 (default).


    if start\_number is 2


- last\_number

    If last\_number is specified, stop to split file when number reaches last\_number.
    Note that this option override max\_num.

        @filenames = $s->write_files('path/to/name%d.txt', num => 4, start_number => 0, last_number => 1);
        # $filenames[0] is 'path/to/name0.txt'
        # $filenames[1] is 'path/to/name1.txt'
        # $filenames[2] doesn't exist

# Text::Parts::Part METHODS

Text::Parts::Part objects are returned by `split` method.

## getline

    my $line = $part->getline;

return 1 line.
You can use `<$part>`, also.

    my $line = <$part>

## getline\_parser

    my $parsed = $part->getline_parser;

returns parsed result.

## all

    my $all = $part->all;

return all of the part.
just `read` from start to end position.

If scalar reference is passed as argument, the content of the part is into the passed scalar.

This method checks no\_open option.
If no\_open is true, open file before writing file and close file after writing.

## eof


If current position is the end of parts, return true.

## write\_file


Write the contents of the part to $filename.

This method checks no\_open option.
If no\_open is true, open file before writing file and close file after writing.

## open\_and\_seek


If the object is created with no\_open true, you need to call this method before reading file.

## close


close file handle.

## is\_opened


If file handle is opened, return true.


Ktat, `<ktat at cpan.org>`


Please report any bugs or feature requests to `bug-text-parts at rt.cpan.org`, or through
the web interface at [http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Text-Parts](http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Text-Parts).  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Text::Parts

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- RT: CPAN's request tracker


- AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


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Copyright 2011 Ktat.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.