CPANDB::Generator - Generator module for the CPAN Index Database

      # Simplicity itself

    This is a module used to generate a unified index database, pulling in
    data from various other sources to produce a single schema that contains
    the essential elements from all of them.

    It is uploaded to the CPAN for the purpose of full disclosure, or in
    case the author gets hit by a bus. Generating the index database
    involves downloading a number of relatively large SQLite datasets, the
    consumption of several gigabytes of disk, and a fairly large amount of
    CPU time.

    If you are interested in using the index database, you should instead
    see the CPANDB distribution.

      my $cpan = CPANDB::Generator->new(
          cpan   => '/root/.cpan',
          sqlite => '/root/CPANDB.sqlite',

    Creates a new generation object.

    The optional "cpan" param identifies the path to your cpan operating
    directory. By default, a fresh one will be generated in a temporary
    directory, and deleted at the end of the generation run.

    The optional "sqlite" param specifies where the SQLite database should
    be written to. By default, this will be to a standard location in your
    home directory.

    Returns a new CPANDB::Generator object.

    The "dir" method returns the directory that the SQLite database will be
    written into.

    The "dsn" method returns the DBI DSN that is used to connect to the
    generated database.

    Once it has been fetched or updated from your CPAN mirror, the
    "cpan_sql" method returns the location of the CPAN::SQLite database used
    by the CPAN client.

    This database is used as the source of the information that forms the
    core of the unified index database, and that the rest of the data will
    be decorated around.

    The "run" method executes the process that will produce and fill the
    final database.

    Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at


    For other issues, contact the author.

    Adam Kennedy <>

    Copyright 2009 Adam Kennedy.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
    with this module.