# Namegame.pm module #########################################################+ # From the CONSULTIX "Perl Programming" class #+ # POB 70563, Seattle WA 98107 USA tim@consultix-inc.com #+ # Copyright 1997-2001, Tim Maher. All Rights Reserved #+ #########################################################+ # Tim Maher, tim@teachmeperl.com package Lingua::EN::Namegame; use 5.006; # 5.6.0 needed for "our" keyword use strict; use warnings; use Carp; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(name2verse); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( ); our $VERSION = '0.02'; our ($SEP); # name_game # A program that generates a rhyming verse from a name, # as in the famous song "The Name Game", by Shirley Ellis # Inspired by "One-Liner #40", in TPJ #15, Fall 1999, p. 11. # by Sean M. Burke: # s<^([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]*)(\w+).*> # <$1$2 $1$2 $1o $1$2 / Bonana-Fanna-Fo-F$2 / Fe Fi Mo M$2 / $1$2!>i; # Reworked by Tim Maher to comply with the # rhyming rules of the song, as documented in # http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/1306/shirley.htm. # GENERAL RULES: # 1) Say the name twice # "Dave Dave" # 2) Say "bo" and Name again, replacing Name's first letter by B # "Bo Bave" # 3) Say Banana Fanna Fo Name, replacing Name's first letter by F # "banana Fanna Fo Fave" # 4) Say Fee Fi Mo Name, replacing Name's first letter by M # "Fee Fi Mo Mave" # 5) Say Name once more # "Dave" # ALTERNATE RULES, for Names Starting with B, F, or M # (e.g., Marsha) # 2. B-names; instead of bo Bob, use Bo-ob # 3. F-names; instead of Banana Fanna Fo Fred # -- Banana Fanna Fo-red # 4. M-names; instead of Fee Fi Mo Marsha -- Fee Fi Mo-arsha sub name2verse { my $name=shift; # grab the name for making the verse my ($f, $s, $i, $rest, $verse); # need >= two word-chars, including one vowel unless ( defined $name and $name =~ /[a-z][a-z]/i and $name =~/[aeiouy]/i ) { carp 'name2verse(): Name needs ', 'two or more letters ', "including one vowel\n"; return undef; } local $SEP="\n"; # meant to leak into sub indent() below # /^([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]*)([a-zA-Z]+)/ # Grab leading consonants (if present), and following vowels $name =~ /^\s*([b-df-hj-np-tv-z]*)([a-z]+)/i or return undef; $f="\u$1"; # force upper-case; "first" part (includes initial) $s="\L$2"; # force lower-case; "second" part $i=substr($f,0,1); # force upper-case; "initial" $f ne '' and $rest=substr($f,1) . $s; # "rest" of first part #print "I, rest, F, S = $i, $rest, $f, $s\n"; # print "Using rule #2, for $f/$s\n"; # Now construct the verse for this name # Rule #1: State name twice $verse="\u$f$s \u$f$s " . indent(); # Rule #2: General Case; Rob -> Bo-Bob if ($i ne 'B') { $verse.="bo \uB$s, " . indent(); } # Rule #2: Special Case For B-names; Bob -> Bo-ob else { $verse.="${i}o-$rest, " . indent(); } # Rule #3: General Case; Tom -> Fo-Fom if ($i ne 'F') { # Fo Fom $verse.="Banana Fanna Fo F$s, " . indent(); } # Rule #3: Special Case for F-names; Fred -> Fo-red else { $verse.="Banana Fanna ${i}o-$rest, " . indent(); } # Rule #4: General Case; Tom -> Mo-Mom if ($i ne 'M') { $verse.="Fee Fi Mo M$s\n\t"; } # Rule #4: Special Case for M-names; Marsha -> Mo-arsha else { $verse.="Fee Fi Mo-$s\n\t"; } $verse.="\U$f$s!"; return $verse; } sub indent { return ${SEP}.=' '; } 1; __DATA__ =pod =head1 NAME Lingua::EN::Namegame - Creates a "Name-Game" verse from a name (or word) =head1 VERSION This document describes version 0.02 of Lingua::EN::Namegame, released December 28, 2002. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Lingua::EN::Namegame; $verse = name2verse ('Marsha'); print $verse; I<Or, more simply, at your OS command prompt>: name2verse.pl Marsha # script provided with module =head2 Output Marsha Marsha bo Barsha, Banana Fanna Fo Farsha, Fee Fi Mo-arsha MARSHA! I<Or, for extra policital correctness> name2verse_nonprofane.pl Bart # script provided with module =head2 Output Sorry, the verse for Bart contains a profane word. =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Purpose B<name2verse> is a subroutine that generates a rhyming verse based on a name (or word), in accordance with the L<rhyming algorithm> documented in the lyrics of the famous 1960's song B<The Name Game>, by I<Shirley Ellis>. =head2 Background A presentation based on this program was featured as a I<Lightning Talk> at the North American B<Yet Another Perl Conference> (B<YAPC::NA>) in St. Louis MO, USA, on 6/28/2002. Thanks to the foresight of the moderator (B<MJD>), the presentation was scheduled as the I<last one> for the day, providing us ample time to delve into extra-curricular shenanigans after the technical part of the presentation. And few present will ever forget the spine-tingling effect of B<300+ deranged Perl fanatics> giving song to the rhyming verses for various Perl I<built-in functions>, including B<map>, B<grep>, B<split>, and of course, the especially euphonious B<wantarray>: Wantarray Wantarray bo Bantarray, Banana Fanna Fo Fantarray, Fee Fi Mo Mantarray WANTARRAY! Notice the way this oddly chosen function name smoothly metamorphoses into a denizen of the deep in the penultimate line! And some thought Larry had goofed up by not calling it B<wantlist> instead. I<Poppycock!> =head2 Profanity Issues Hey, that's not a bad word itself; let's try it! Poppycock Poppycock bo Boppycock, Banana Fanna Fo Foppycock, Fee Fi Mo Moppycock POPPYCOCK! Which reminds me that some actual human names, such as B<Bart> and especially B<Chuck>, give rise to B<really rousingly ribald rhymes>, which has often led to embarassing outbursts of I<blushing and snickering> in our Perl training classes. One solution is to use the supplied B<name2verse_nonprofane.pl> script to identify and filter-out verses that are judged to contain profane words. It does this through use of the "profanity matching regex" of I<Damian Conway's> B<Regexp::Common> module. =for comment =head1 RHYMING_ALGORITHM =head1 RHYMING ALGORITHM This program was inspired by "One-Liner #40", in B<The Perl Journal> #15, Fall 1999, p. 11., by I<Sean M. Burke>, which used a simplified version of the algorithm for succinctness: s<^([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]*)(\w+).*> <$1$2 $1$2 $1o $1$2/Bonana-Fanna-Fo-F$2/Fe Fi Mo M$2/$1$2!>i; In contrast, this module aims to comply with the actual rhyming rules of the song, as documented in L<http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/1306/shirley.htm>. =for comment (In this regard, I recently made a change to give better results for names containing B<Y>s, such as B<Lydia> and B<Lyle>.) =head2 General Rules =over =item 1. Say the Name twice (following examples using "Dave") -> "Dave Dave" =item 2. Say "bo" and Name again, replacing Name's first letter by B -> "Bo Bave" =item 3. Say "Banana Fanna Fo" Name, replacing Name's first letter by F -> "banana Fanna Fo Fave" =item 4. Say "Fee Fi Mo" Name, replacing Name's first letter by M -> "Fee Fi Mo Mave" =item 5. Finally, exclaim Name -> "Dave!" =back =head2 Alternate Rules Modified versions of rules 2-4 apply to Names starting with B<B>, B<F>, or B<M>. =over =item 2. B<B>-names: say "Bo" and then Name without the initial B: -> "Bo-ob" (for Bob) -> "Bo-rian" (for Brian) -> "Bo-lanche" (for Blanche) =item 3. B<F>-names: instead of "Banana Fanna Fo" Fred: -> "Banana Fanna" B<Fo-red> =item 4. B<M>-names: instead of "Fee Fi Mo" Marsha: -> "Fee Fi" B<Mo-arsha> =back =head1 BUGS Please let me know if you find any bugs. =head1 EXPORTS name2verse() =head1 SCRIPTS B<name2verse.pl>, B<name2verse_nonprofane.pl> =head1 AUTHORS =for man .nf \fBTim Maher\fP \fICEO\fP, \fBConsultix\fP yumpy@cpan.org http://www.teachmeperl.com .fi =for html <B>Tim Maher</B><BR> <I>CEO</I>, <B>Consultix</B><BR> yumpy@cpan.org<BR> <A HREF="http://www.teachmeperl.com">http://www.teachmeperl.com</A><BR> =for text Tim Maher CEO, Consultix yumpy@cpan.org http://www.teachmeperl.com =head1 SEE ALSO L<http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/1306/shirley.htm> =head1 LICENSE =for html Copyright © 2002, Timothy F. Maher. All rights reserved. =for roff Copyright \(co 2002, Timothy F. Maher. All rights reserved. =for text Copyright (c) 2002, Timothy F. Maher. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =for comment Meant to be hidden now: See (L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>) and (L<http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>) for details. =cut 1;