File::Util ========================= DESCRIPTION File::Util provides a comprehensive toolbox of utilities to automate all kinds of common tasks on file / directories. Its purpose is to do so in the most portable manner possible so that users of this module won't have to worry about whether their programs will work on other OSes and machines. CHANGES IN LAST FEW RELEASES (listed in reverse chronological order, excluding development releases) 3.31 Tue Nov 20 16:33:10 CST 2012 Adds new method: File::Util::atomize() which explodes a fully-qualified filename into it's root, path, and filename... which was necessary to squish the long-standing bug in fully-qualified file names on MS Windows... Also, the '--rpattern=^pat$' flag should works recursively for you in File::Util::list_dir(), in order to provide you with patterns that are applied at every level in your file tree, while preserving the current behavior of the '--pattern=^pat$' flag, which is not applied recursively. Another bug bites the dust. Fixes CPAN RT# 46368 and 64775, respectively Lots of code cleanup, and more documentation forthcoming in next release will be here very soon, primarily to document the small additions here and also to clean up the documentation itslef (particularly the code examples which need style-fixes). This is a stable release. 3.30_003 Thu, Nov 15, 2012 5:59:38 PM Development release. BETA. Do not use for production! This release introduces new code optimizations and extensive cleanup. The previously required module Class::OOorNO has been removed from the prerequisites and any methods that it exported are no longer available for import to your namespace(s). This shouldn't be a problem though, because that module was almost never used at all, and no one ever even knew you could get its methods from File::Util anyway. Onward and upward, we're inching slowly but surely toward 3.30 final. 3.30_001 Mon Nov 12 18:00:16 CST 2012 Development release. BETA. Do not use for production! This release attempts to fix MS Windows-related problems, and introduces bugfixes for CPAN RT# 46368 and 67399. As a result, the test suite has been slightly improved (and will continue to improve). There's been a lot of code refactoring and regex optimization. A lot of planning and work will be going into 3.30, and this is the first release candidate. 2.29 Wed Oct 17 09:38:36 CDT 2012 Fixed bug where list_dir() did not continue to recurse if it encountered an error while running with the --fatals-as-warning flag. If running in default mode, it is normal behavior for File::Util to abort execution on error, but when running with --fatals-as-warning flag, such errors should not have caused recursion to fail. (CPAN RT# 52319) Changed the brackets surrounding error messages to "<<" and ">>" so that the glyphs display in most terminals. Modified/updated documentation and test suite to accomodate these new changes. 2.28 Sat Sep 29 17:38:47 CDT 2012 Adding a patch to fix breakage under Perl 5.17 (CPAN RT#31013) Fix spelling error in documentation and code comments (CPAN RT# #64854) INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install On windows machines use nmake rather than make; those running cygwin don't have to worry about this. If you don't know what cygwin is, use nmake and check out <URL:> after you're done installing this module if you want to find out. DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Class::OOorNO v0.01_0 or better Exception::Handler v1.00_0 or better AUTHOR Tommy Butler <email address not published> Go to to send me an email. COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) Tommy Butler 2001-2002, all rights reserved. LICENCE This library is free software, you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.